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Topics - SoKoOLz

Pages: 1
Bug reports / Updating Problem (happens sometimes)
« on: March 07, 2008, 02:07:56 AM »

Thank you Rejetto for sorting out everyone problems. You are the man.

Ok, this update issue is not serious. It happens to me sometimes but not all the time.
I've noticed that, if your server is under a heavy load (like mines) and when HFS is trying to update at the same time, the problem happens. Unfortunately, it is hard for me to capture the screen, because it happens so fast with all that DOS prompts and commands. But I will show you where the problem occurs.

Suppose the following command is the HFS updating command:
START "" /WAIT "D:\Servers\hfs.exe" -q
ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul
REM MOVE "D:\Servers\hfs.exe" "D:\Servers\hfs.old.exe"
MOVE /Y "D:\Servers\" "D:\Servers\hfs.exe"
START "" "D:\Servers\hfs.exe"
DEL %0

So I think you need some method that can guarantee that the process will be shutdown completely, like (taskkill /F /IM hfs.exe).

Thanks Rejetto.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Disable Logging of "Address Ever Connected"??
« on: February 29, 2008, 03:57:49 PM »
Hi all,

I know this function is really useful. However, I need to disable this function.
I'm running my antivirus update server and there are so many peers connected to it everyday.

Eventually, my hfs.ini file grew to 2MB and it is very very slow when starting the program.
I need to manual edit the hfs.ini file and remove all the IPs, and after that everything is seems to be ok again?

Is there any other way to disable this option?

I've tried seaching and wiki page already.


Bug reports / Vista minimize to tray on Close [x]
« on: June 25, 2007, 02:40:14 AM »

I've tested HFS 2.2 Beta 3 (Build 106) with Windows Vista Ultimate and it works perfectly.
Except this bug:

In the Start/Exit option where it allows you to minimize to tray on close when pressing [X] button
      - Doesn't seem to work, HFS just exit normally when I press [X] button

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / [Feature Request] MD5 Var
« on: June 18, 2007, 03:41:20 AM »
Hi Rejetto,

It would be nice if you can make MD5 function that will be auto generated MD5 hash for each files in HFS.

eg. like %MD5hash%  and it produces MD5 hash value for each of the file.
Date: 30/5/2007 9:30:28
Size: 1.17 MB
MD5: 2FE73E298E7113CF581598EF3BBDCB23

THank you

Bug reports / [Fixed] Custom IP Address and HFS Updater
« on: May 02, 2007, 12:26:22 AM »
Hi, I've been using this cool program for a long time, thank you for developing it.

I've found out that the Custom IP Address function doesn't work anymore, every time I choose the custom IP address HFS will switch back to external IP address every time it restarts. e.g. I have selected my custom IP address to be then after I've restarted it switches back to an external IP addresss (

Also, for the HFS Updater function. This used to work before. Normally, HFS will ask you whether you want to update to the new version or not? and when u click Yes it should download the new version and run command to replace the old version with the new one. However, I've noticed that this function doesn't work anymore. It popups the screen saying that the option "Only 1 instance" have to be selected but I've that option selected already.


Pages: 1