Bug reports / Updating Problem (happens sometimes)
« on: March 07, 2008, 02:07:56 AM »
Thank you Rejetto for sorting out everyone problems. You are the man.
Ok, this update issue is not serious. It happens to me sometimes but not all the time.
I've noticed that, if your server is under a heavy load (like mines) and when HFS is trying to update at the same time, the problem happens. Unfortunately, it is hard for me to capture the screen, because it happens so fast with all that DOS prompts and commands. But I will show you where the problem occurs.
Suppose the following command is the HFS updating command:
So I think you need some method that can guarantee that the process will be shutdown completely, like (taskkill /F /IM hfs.exe).
Thanks Rejetto.
Thank you Rejetto for sorting out everyone problems. You are the man.
Ok, this update issue is not serious. It happens to me sometimes but not all the time.
I've noticed that, if your server is under a heavy load (like mines) and when HFS is trying to update at the same time, the problem happens. Unfortunately, it is hard for me to capture the screen, because it happens so fast with all that DOS prompts and commands. But I will show you where the problem occurs.
Suppose the following command is the HFS updating command:
START "" /WAIT "D:\Servers\hfs.exe" -q
ping -n 3 -w 1000> nul
REM MOVE "D:\Servers\hfs.exe" "D:\Servers\hfs.old.exe"
MOVE /Y "D:\Servers\hfs.exe.new" "D:\Servers\hfs.exe"
START "" "D:\Servers\hfs.exe"
DEL %0
So I think you need some method that can guarantee that the process will be shutdown completely, like (taskkill /F /IM hfs.exe).
Thanks Rejetto.