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Version 2.0.x Minor Feature Requests & Bug Reports

raybob · 29 · 43512

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Offline raybob

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So it still doesn't work? Don't bother placing anything in the content-thumbs folder because the files there are of a completely different format.

The only way I can see what's happening is if you enable the HFS macros log (HFS interface -> Menu -> Debug -> Enable macros.log and Append macros.log), and then upload a photo over the web interface and load the page (or whatever you do normally when the problem occurs).  Then disable the macros log and upload it here or email it to
« Last Edit: September 13, 2012, 12:56:05 AM by raybob »

Offline Mick Mickle

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Your FHFS program seems like it can be very useful, but I'm having a problem getting to square one. After putting the FHFS folder under c:\program files as instructed, when I first run FHFS_Launcher, I get the error that the port is blocked -- check firewall.  That's to be expected.  When I then restore FHFS from the tray icon, I can change the port to a desired port (I easily found that parameter in the hfs.ini file).  However, with a better port specified, I get the cmd line window telling me that :
"The service name is invalid. More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2185. The service name is invalid. More help is available by typing NET HELPMSG 2185. FHFS has been shut down successfully! Press any key to continue . . ."

Unfortunately, what service is involved or where to go from here. I know you're putting off docs until you've got a fully functional product, but a little better starter info would be appreciated.  I should note that I'm trying to install on WHS 2011.  I haven't had any problems on that OS with either the HFS 2.2f or the hfs.282a_SSL_FR.


Offline raybob

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I have reproduced the problem, and it's because there are more references to the HTTP port than just in hfs.ini, you're not supposed to change it like that.

You have to stop whatever is running on port 80, setup FHFS like normal, then change the HTTP port once you get into the admin console.

Then you can restart whatever you had running on port 80 before.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 07:39:34 PM by raybob »

Offline raybob

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Here's what you can do.  First off, extract the 3 files in the zip archive below, and copy them into the FHFS folder, in place of the existing ones.

Then, change the port in hfs.ini like you did before.  Last, create a file called 'installvars.db', open it with notepad, and inside place this line (modify the value as needed)
Code: [Select]
That must be done with a fresh installation, but hopefully it will work. 

** This isn't needed for build 4 and later...
« Last Edit: October 02, 2012, 12:06:55 AM by raybob »

Offline Виктор

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Hello, I really liked your prorama, but there are still many questions and requests.
1. copy of the screen, this error occurs every time you start, why?
2.How load on the processor?
3.Why no video support (RAWR-Player for example)
4.Bude support multiple languages​​? (eg I can translate into Ukrainian)
5.What are your plans for next?
I would like to help us fine ...

Sorry for my english translate google

Offline raybob

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Hello, I really liked your prorama, but there are still many questions and requests.
1. copy of the screen, this error occurs every time you start, why?
2.How load on the processor?
3.Why no video support (RAWR-Player for example)
4.Bude support multiple languages​​? (eg I can translate into Ukrainian)
5.What are your plans for next?
I would like to help us fine ...

Sorry for my english translate google

1) Not sure why that's happening.  Can you give me any information about your system?  Try going into the admin console and reinstalling the FileZilla and STunnel services.

2) FHFS is composed of several components... HFS itself only takes one core but very often takes 100% of that core, FileZilla is multithreaded but doesn't take very much... then other command-line apps like PHP, Imagemagick, etc. also can run once in a while but they don't take much CPU even when they are running.  I guess I recommend at least a dual core, but I have run it on a single-core VM sufficiently.

3) This will come later, but in the form on HTML5 video, so only a few formats will be supported.  I don't really know anything about the RAWR-player or how it works.

4) Sadly translations aren't available at the moment.  HFS does include an easy "special strings" method for creating translations though.  Unfortunately I'm the only one working on FHFS and I only know English and French so that doesn't leave much room for translations.  :)

5) ... I have a LOT of plans :)  The cool part is that I think FHFS (as of 2.x) is at the stage where it finally "just works" (except on windows 8) so any future versions will be major rewrites with new features.  I actually use notepad to keep a list of all the things I want to do... copying it into Word tells me that I have written 22,000 words   :P
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 02:46:06 AM by raybob »

Offline almulder

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In regards to
"MSI-based installer (for 32-bit systems only)"
fix was easy for x64 systems. Just move the folder from "Program Files x86" to "Program Files" Before running. And also change to run as "admin".

5) ... I have a LOT of plans   The cool part is that I think FHFS (as of 2.x) is at the stage where it finally "just works" (except on windows  so any future versions will be major rewrites with new features.  I actually use notepad to keep a list of all the things I want to do... copying it into Word tells me that I have written 22,000 words   
Can you tell me what features are not supposed to work right now so I don't list them as bugs? (Created new thread for ya for bug list, you can reply there)

« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 08:28:33 AM by almulder »

Offline almulder

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Hello, I really liked your prorama, but there are still many questions and requests.
1. copy of the screen, this error occurs every time you start, why?
2.How load on the processor?
3.Why no video support (RAWR-Player for example)
4.Bude support multiple languages​​? (eg I can translate into Ukrainian)
5.What are your plans for next?
I would like to help us fine ...

Sorry for my english translate google

Lets give this a try:

(Remember admin mode for windows users)

Code: [Select]
Fix Possibility 1 - Launch FHFS as admin and "Stop FHFS Service" then try again, Launch FHFS as admin and "Start FHFS Service"

If it issue continues try:

Code: [Select]
Fix Possibility 2 - From within Admin Panel - you might also need to reinstall "Visual C++" then "FileZilla Service" then "STunnel Service"
(Has the same issue and that fixed it.)

If it still continues check:

Code: [Select]
(For windows users)
Make sure its not installed in "Program Files x86" if so, move it to "Program Files"

If it still continues try :

Code: [Select]
Fix Possibility 4 - Needed to reinstall FHFS to fix issue. (This also happened to me if i manually changed the port numbers within FHS instead of the Admin Panel)

If it still gives issues after reinstall of FHFS:

Code: [Select]
I have no idea. Sorry we tried.
- almulder

Offline Виктор

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Hi all,
Athlon II X2 215
ddr3 - 2GB
win7 32

I can not get rid of this error, it may be necessary to reinstall the OS
I have a few more suggestions est, can I make what would the user himself could choose Archive Selected File (s)?
it would be nice to create a group, the settings for each group.
why are you using an insecure system spam filtering (What's 9 + 9?) That figure can even Google why not use reCAPTCHA?
Allow the transfer and I will translate all the Russian and Ukrainian UTB will raise the ranking of your little programs))) or can provide a place for you to test on your server.
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 07:28:13 PM by 666666 »

Offline raybob

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Hi all,
Athlon II X2 215
ddr3 - 2GB
win7 32

I can not get rid of this error, it may be necessary to reinstall the OS
I have a few more suggestions est, can I make what would the user himself could choose Archive Selected File (s)?
it would be nice to create a group, the settings for each group.
Allow the transfer and I will translate all the Russian and Ukrainian UTB will raise the ranking of your little programs))) or can provide a place for you to test on your server.

User grouping and a new permissions system is meant to be one of the big projects for 3.0.

Translations probably won't make it in until then either (I have to make a system for it first) but you could definitely help :)

Offline Виктор

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why are you using an insecure system spam filtering (What's 9 + 9?) That figure can even Google why not use reCAPTCHA?
I really liked your project, you are very good, hope to see new opportunities in the next version, please if you need to care (except coding and funding)
« Last Edit: December 01, 2012, 07:33:20 PM by 666666 »

Offline almulder

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Nice thought someone had for the HFS i thought you might be able to add to FHFS Since some of the basic functionality is already there.

Themes by User. Currently you have it so they can pick from colors. Down the road it would be nice to have the option for them to pick from layout options also.

So the would get:

Layout option:
Color layout option:

and then maybe to the right have a screen shot that loads according to what they pick.


So for each layout you could have different color schemes.

Also have a file within each theme / color for what options are available when it comes to "Style/Layout" Drop downs.

And maybe somewhat easy way for updating the list would be like:

Having it look at the folder structure.

And the txt file could be used for the version compliance.  (Just a thought)
So if your using ver2.0.0 only Win Explore theme would show
Or if your using ver2.0.2 FHFS and Live Themes would show.
to show if it is compliant with older versions to current version add 2 text files with the version from the lowest compliant build and then one with highest compliant build.

Or have it look in the text file for the two lines oldest and most current. That way as people make themes me will know if it is compatible with what versions.

- almulder

Offline raybob

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I already do have themes (some call them skins) planned for a future version. 

Basically the way it would work though is that the user would select their theme, and that would tell FHFS to pick from a series of registered CSS files.  I definitely don't want to have varying user template.tpl core templates.

Note though that once I create the system for themes, some one else will need to create them (as with translations).

I was also planning to have more of a global-oriented themes system but that would be a little harder to create.

You can try deleting user template.css to see the basic layout you would have to work with :)

Offline Виктор

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What about indexing in search engines Google and etc? it would be great to open the folder and indexed files of users, or the site will be bad in the rankings of search engines ?
« Last Edit: December 02, 2012, 07:36:33 PM by Виктор »