Hi!, this is a message to Rejetto.

I have his email, but I don't want to bother him with this, so I use this space to report that the forum's email system is completely broken.
The forum system DOES NOT send any email. This means the following:
- Users doesn't get notifications of new 'Private Messages', neither of emails sent through the forum.
- Users doesn't get notifications of new posts, in case they were subscribed to get email notifications.- New users can't signup/register, since they can't get the verification link, sent by the forum via email.» Summarizing: any email sent
through the forum, is lost and never sent...
Since this forum is using "OVH Web Hosting", perhaps the following link helps you:
https://help.ovhcloud.com/csm?id=kb_article_view&sysparm_article=KB0052915@Rejetto: I hope you can fix it, but there is no pressure on doing it.
Take the time you need, but please don't forget about it.

Thank you, and sorry for opening this thread.