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Bug reports / Re: [2.4.0 RC6] Idea/suggestion: about checking VFS integrity...
« Last post by LeoNeeson on November 06, 2023, 04:02:36 AM »
...this script tests if the size of the vfs is less than a certain value (255 to be reduced if necessary) and in this case restores the backup...
Besides checking VFS's file size, is there some alternative to check VFS integrity? (even if it requires modifying the source code). This is serious, because I think it could be very frustrating loosing a well configured VFS.

ยป Edit: by saying 'checking VFS integrity', I mean comparing what's loaded on memory, versus what is stored on file, before writing the VFS to the disk (of course it would need writing a new function, modifying the source code). An easy source code modification, would be saving a copy of the VFS without compressing (without applying zlib). If the origin of this issue is a bug with zlib, perhaps on those cases, it could be useful (or not, it depends). ???
This is the only method that comes to mind, and I hope that it will solve your problem of loss of VFS  ;)

Thank you very much, but the bak files are also messed up.
Managed to copy by hand settings (allow >1 instance, open in second and add files having both instances opened - F8, up one folder, drag&drop) - not the shortest one, but at least solved the problem of making everything from scratch.
Guess running 24/7 for couple months has it's problems :(
Bug reports / Re: [2.4.0 RC6][*.vfs] almost empty file
« Last post by LeoNeeson on November 05, 2023, 11:40:46 AM »
This is the only method that comes to mind, and I hope that it will solve your problem of loss of VFS  ;)
Hey Mars! Woo-hoo!! :D Happy to see you, like the good-old days... (and nice macro solution, by the way). Now we just need SilentPliz to visit us, and the team is almost complete. 8)
rejetto-crafted software / Re: refresh network list
« Last post by LeoNeeson on November 05, 2023, 11:36:55 AM »
Hi bmartino1! :) Nice to see you around here again.

I'm n and out of the form don't normally login anymore. Not even sure how to help as alot has changed.
Even if there is a new version 3.0, many users still use HFS v2.3 & v2.4 (which still has very widespread usage), and those users still come around here to ask questions (and our experience could be of help to those users). Although we can't know every answer, we keep alive the good-old days of HFS, by just being active on the forum (that's what I try to do here). You're welcome here anytime... ;)

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: IPTV from HFS
« Last post by bmartino1 on November 05, 2023, 07:02:20 AM »
Having been in communication rooms for the USA ISP Providers from coax qam and GSM Satellites....[the gold old days before digital...]

one could use a sever and
hfs as a web player via java script:

but hfs itself is not meant to be a media player/media center.

your better off with vlc and network streams for truly free stuff.

iptv has and uses its own protocol...

otherwise, check out GitHub:
rejetto-crafted software / Re: refresh network list
« Last post by bmartino1 on November 05, 2023, 06:56:01 AM »
is it that time of year when we wake up Fysack

I'm n and out of the form don't normally login anymore. Not even sure how to help as alot has changed.
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Active directory for users
« Last post by bmartino1 on November 05, 2023, 06:52:22 AM »
its lost on the form, someone did setup and use javascript to talk to an active directory/ldap instance. To add users into HFS.

Auth ldap vs active directly stuff via JavaScript and hfs special code commands to add users... not sure if i can find it anymore.
Something like a registration link:

and something like this:
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: IPTV from HFS
« Last post by bmartino1 on November 05, 2023, 06:47:05 AM »
I have found plex and jelly fin to do this better than http vlc streams.
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: blocking ip-addresses by country
« Last post by bmartino1 on November 05, 2023, 06:42:35 AM »
The only way I know how to do geo ip blocking is to run a separate firewall instance.

tiny wall. to lock down your windows for only 1 application if need be

peerblocker with geo ip list

Otherwise, run dockers like piehole

my current home network now consist of firewalla. Firewall uses firebase and other software to accomplish geo ip blocking.

What i'm getting at is networking outside hfs as a web server will require hardware and other software, not something build into hfs.

HFS has a ip range and single ip block feature. Manually add theses.

Current free ish system atm is rdpguard...,update%20the%20blocking%20rules%20accordingly.

Networking and cyber security of your systems is on you.
This is the only method that comes to mind, and I hope that it will solve your problem of loss of VFS  ;)

switch to expert mode (key F5)
select Menu>Save options to file,  and activate  Menu>Auto-save Options

in Menu>Virtual File System , choice Backup on Save   and  Autosave every: enter 900 (= every 15mn) or more

Menu>Others options> Edit Event Script... (ALT+F6)

put this content in and save it in the hfs.exe folder
Code: [Select]
[server start]
{:{.add to log|Empty VFS detected.}
{:{.add to log| VFS backup found.}
  {.add to log| previous VFS restored and loaded.}
:}|{:{.add to log| VFS backup not found.}:}
|{:{.add to log|VFS seems good.}:}

this script tests if the size of the vfs is less than a certain value (255 to be reduced if necessary) and in this case restores the backup, every time  the server is SWITCHING ON ( not possible only when hfs is launched), allowing a functional VFS to be found

verify  in windows registry if not exist those keys  else delete them
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\rejetto  and  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\rejetto