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Messages - easyspot

Pages: 1
Hi, how to run some html script when clicking on some file instead of handled by the browser itself ?
I mean, the default is: When I put MIME n click on a .mp4 file, then browser will open the file only in the browser.
I need to run .mp4 with subtitle support, but it's not a good idea to put index.html in every folder to do that.
I think maybe something can be done in template file so I can put html codes in there to handle .mp4 files.
Im using 2.4rc7. Thanks before.

Beta / Re: version 2.4
« on: March 31, 2023, 06:15:18 PM »
Hi, I saw HFS v3 now in the work, so the latest ever HFS v2.4 will be at rc7 ?

HTML & templates / Re: Stripes, the template for simple and easy
« on: March 17, 2021, 06:54:18 PM »
This is really a good template. very simple, fast, easy to custom. love it! thanks :D

HTML & templates / Re: Tiles and Stripes, the gallery view
« on: October 30, 2020, 02:43:41 PM »
why not simply test it? Add mime: audio/flac
Also add 'flac' to the audio-array in the template ['.mp3','.ogg','.m4a','.aac']

not working lol :p

HTML & templates / Re: Tiles and Stripes, the gallery view
« on: October 24, 2020, 11:41:04 AM »
sorry for asking alot. is this legacy audio player can play flacs? maybe with some modifications? thanks

HTML & templates / How to exclude some file/extension from search
« on: September 21, 2020, 09:30:54 PM »
Hi all, im looking for a way to exclude some file/extension from being searched but i cant found it. Is anybody know how to do that? Thanks alot :D

HTML & templates / Re: Tiles and Stripes, the gallery view
« on: September 12, 2020, 04:22:23 AM »
nice... now its working. thanks :D

HTML & templates / Re: Tiles and Stripes, the gallery view
« on: September 11, 2020, 07:27:59 PM »
This template looks just like throwback but simpler n have the same music player bug:
when play a song from folder A til lets say 01:23, then play a song from folder B, then the song from folder B will continue from 01.23, not start from 00:00.
I'm looking for the way to reset to 00:00 but can't found it. any clue? thanks

HTML & templates / Re: Need a movie/music template with mobile support
« on: September 10, 2020, 11:22:21 AM »
oh okay thanks :D

HTML & templates / Re: Need a movie/music template with mobile support
« on: September 10, 2020, 10:46:33 AM »
all works fine. just, after current track end, music stop. cant go to next track. is there anything wrong when i set it up? thanks.

HTML & templates / Need a movie/music template with mobile support
« on: September 10, 2020, 08:05:32 AM »
Hi I need a clean hfs 2.4 compatible movie/music template with mobile support where:
1. file list are listed above and showing as thumbnail, folder thumbnail photo taken from cover.jpg inside the folder itself.
2. video/music player at bottom, video can play subtitle, audio can go to next track after current track end (not shuffled).
3. if possible, the video/music only can playable but can't download.
Do u guys have a template similar to what I need? thanks

this template is good n fast but it will be better can display folder.jpg as folder icon
btw how to make the music player not going shuffled? changed to shuffle=0 but still shuffled. thanks.

Thanks for excellent reply. Tested n result is:
$('#actions button:last').remove() ==> Archive button removed, not the Get List button.
$('#files :checkbox').remove() ==> Checkbox really removed.
Already using latest HFS with default template (untouched and no TPL file in HFS folder).
Any other script I can try to remove Get List button?
I have over 30000 small files to share so a pressed Get List Button at root really waste my cpu resources.
Btw HFS is really nice app. Donated thru Paypal. Thanks.

Hi I'm new in HFS. I'm using stock template and I would like to disable Get List button and disable Files checkboxes.
Is there any way to set upload box max width? Because if we select long file name, then the box will go so wide overlap file list and hard to press Upload Button. Any help? Thanks.

Pages: 1