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HFS & Wine all updated: need advices

cmatte · 9 · 20212

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Offline cmatte

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Hi to all,
I'm willing to completely and gradually pass to Linux, in particular Ubuntu 8.04 64bit, with which I'm experiencing much greater performances compared to Vista 32bit and...gotta say, I love setting everything on my own ;D
HFS was and would continue to be one of the main purposes of this machine: I usually access my own files in encrypted form (I use stunnel, on win, got to investigate if it exists for Ubuntu) from external places like school, friends, mobile phone...
Ok, said this, I've read some threads and seems like many of you already tried to make HFS work in linux and in particular with Wine, with good success rates.
I'm instead experiencing the problem in the object: HFS keeps saying the port is used, even if I change it to a random one!
Also, it's really difficult to open the UI clicking the icon on the traybar, is this normal? Some advices?

Seems like 'invoking' a Self Test makes HFS window magically appear, finally  ::)
Also, setting it to automatically search/decide port, makes it working on 8080 for example...could this be a Wine restriction or something?
« Last Edit: July 22, 2008, 04:26:38 PM by cmatte »

Steve W

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I waited a while in the hope that someone else with more answers would reply. It seems to have not happened so here goes with my experience of Ubuntu and Wine.
Problem :-All ports below 1024 are reserved by Wine/Ubuntu ... set up HFS on a port above 1024 - If your server needs to be seen on the WWW using port 80 then set your router to translate port 80 to whatever port HFS is using on the LAN
Problem :- Wine will not detect USB hard drives ... tough luck. Wait until wine supports USB devices
Problem :-HFS not opening sub-menus on the first click ... click the menu item if sub-menu dosn't show click anywhere in the HFS window and up it comes !
Problem :- HFS main window and taskbar icon don't show when HFS is started - HFS cannot be controlled... re-boot open HFS.ini and set this line > start-minimized=no then run HFS check the menu is not set to start minimised or minimise to tray when clicking close button.
Problem :- HFS does not respond in a timely way to valid requests at random ... I never found how to fix this one as it happened so randomly and without any changes being made to the host computer at all. I just had to wait 5 minutes and re-request the page !
It seems to me that wine works very well with some of the more popular software but makes a rather poor effort to work for HFS. Unless someone working on the Wine team could be talked into making Wine support HFS properly you will be frustrated in your efforts. Have you considered running a virtual windows machine in Ubuntu (like VirtualBox) I'm sure you would have better results with it ?

Offline cmatte

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Many thanks for the detailed reply!
Seems like I have some good news for you ;D
  • First port problem: it's right hfs doesn't want to work on port 80 etc, but it doesn't have to be a Wine restriction since I'm using HFS AND Stunnel for SSL (windows version one, I have problems making the native linux one work :-[). So HFS is running stable on 8080 listening only on and Stunnel correctly listens on 443 for the outside web regular hppts/SSL protocol.The only problem I noticed is sometimes when you switch off/close hfs, you have to wait 1-2 minutes to have 8080 "usable" again.So, no need to mess with the router page ;)
  • HFS not opening sub-menus: seems like mine is opening correctly sub-menus!
  • My HFS is set to start minimized and the icon always appears in the taskbar.The real problem appear if I try to open it left-clicking on the icon: nothing happens! Instead, if I *remember* to right click and choose restore it works perfectly (can't do this if you previously clicked on the icon with the left button: restore disappears [p.s. Rejetto could we change this ::) ?]). Anyway if you did click on it with the left you are still able to open the window choosing from the right menu a Self Test and making it run: as soon as it finishes HFS windows appears magically :o [again, Rejetto, could this be a problem of "how" you invoke the window appearance? Could you invoke it the same way on left click and restore as the way at the end of Self Test? p.s. I could just be saying nonsense :)]
  • What I noticed is that once opened the window, there's no way to minimize it again: it can be set to "Minimize to tray on close..." but it really closes every time(I set it to ask a confirmation on exit since I'm forgetting this every time :-\).I used to bring it to the second desktop and leave it there (with the cool compiz you can see it in a while ;) (hem update, *only if you opened HFS with the Self Test, which makes the window really seen by linux as a window, with the icon in the bottom tasbar! Otherwise, strange merge happens with your desktop and the HFS image*))
  • I've not experienced last problem, but it seemed to work every time I tried or made someone connect to it.What happened is the window sometimes remains locked and doesn't show connections made to it, but the server itself "serves"  :)
  • Oh, forgot to mention, I've just tried inserting a USB Key and it was correctly mounted by Ubuntu. Then I opened HFS and simply added a new real folder with the usb drive, after having taken note of its mount point: it works! I can download things from it without any problem ;)

I'm using Ubuntu 8.04.1, Gnome 2.22.3, Wine development version on Wine's repositories 1.1.1.
I think latest one is the solution for you, simply do, taken from Wine's website:
First, open a terminal window (Applications->Accessories->Terminal). On Debian, you will need to open a root terminal. Then add the repository's key to your system's list of trusted APT keys by copy and pasting the following:

Code: [Select]
wget -q -O- | sudo apt-key add -
Next, add the repository to your system's list of APT sources:

For Ubuntu Hardy (8.04):
Code: [Select]
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list
For Debian Etch (4.0):
Code: [Select]
sudo wget -O /etc/apt/sources.list.d/winehq.list.
Then update APT's package information by running
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get update
Then, install newest packets from Synaptic or with a
Code: [Select]
sudo apt-get upgrade Hope this helps ;)
« Last Edit: July 25, 2008, 12:12:13 PM by cmatte »

Offline rejetto

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the "restore" command is there only if HFS is minimized.
so, i guess the window is just behind, but open.
from next build i changed this: when you just left-click on the tray icon, it brings the window on top (while double-click does restore + on top).
can this solve your problem?

the closing problem instead of tray must be a Wine problem, since on Windows works fine.

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Thanks for your reply,
well, that could help of course, but could be not enough.
I try to explain better(heem..perhaps we could have a conversation in italian, I'm not so explicative in english, will try anyway :) ) : when I simply remember to click restore HFS appears, but its icon isn't there in the bottom bar with the list of open windows.
Instead, if I do run completely the Self Test, right clicking on the HFS tray icon, at the end I get HFS AND the icon of the window in the bottom bar.
In the first way HFS can be seen but it's like it isn't recognized by the system, that's proven by the fact hfs window is merged with the desktop background if I start using effects to see all the desktops.
Also, if I minimize HFS, I can't see it again, it's not there in alt-tab, nor on any other desktop area. I can only, again, run the Self Test which makes it appear again everywhere and correctly.
I don't know if there's something different in the way hfs window pops up when clicking restore/double clicking the icon and when a self test finishes, but if there is, it would be great if you make it appear always as it does after the self test.

The minimize to tray doesn't work but you're right, perhaps Wine always use its own ideas to minimize/resize/close icons with the 3 buttons.Anyway that's not a real matter, as we've as many desktop areas as we want to put hfs on  ;)

Oh, my Wine just updated to 1.1.2 and wow, the port problem which made port used by hfs remain busy for some minutes has just gone, I can switch it off and on without having to wait 8)

[Very OT: "Hide email address from public" is checked on my profile, but my email address seems to be right there for everyone ???]
« Last Edit: July 27, 2008, 03:07:06 PM by cmatte »

Offline rejetto

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prima non avevi la bandierina e non sapevo fossi italiano ;)
se funziona bene sotto windows e non sotto wine, si dovrebbe partire dall'assunto che si tratta di un bug di wine, e da segnalare quindi al loro team.
a parte questo, ho aggiunto al restore un'istruzione che è presente nel self test, ma non posso sapere se questo risolverà il tuo problema. Lo potrai sapere solo dalla prossima beta comunque.
Se avesse a che fare con il mostrare il messaggio finale (dialog box) allora non potrei farci nulla.

l'email la mostra a te, non a tutti, tranquillo.

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Hai ragione, mi sono accorto della bandierina giusto quando ho scritto il messaggio!
Comunque..lo so..hai completamente ragione riguardo a dove dovrei lamentare problemi simili.
Spero capirai che tempistiche e modalità sono diverse, non posso che ringraziarti per la completa disponibilità.
Ho provato adesso la nuova build, purtroppo non cambia niente e forse è proprio il messaggio finale che 'sveglia' wine, peccato, grazie molte lo stesso!

Tra l'altro, per la cronaca, da quando sto tenendo hfs e stunnel attivi ritrovo sistematicamente il pc bloccato, e posso solo riavviare.
Sia chiaro, non voglio additare niente e nessuno, lo scrivo giusto per dare e/o ricevere informazioni, comunque indagherò per trovare il responsabile di questa nefandezza ;D
Beh, che dire, sono passato ad Ubuntu per sicurezza, velocità, possibilità di personalizzare e stabilità. Ma se le cose per cui uso comunemente il pc devono funzionare peggio beh...potrei ripensarci, in fondo Vista non si pianta così *quasi* MAI :-\
(sembra un buon inizio per un flame, in realtà mi andava solo di esprimere un pensiero in transito, bbbooooniii ;D ;D)

[fast-updates for English people following]
Seems Wine has problems maximizing the hfs window, Rejetto effectively tried to help to solve but it seems there's nothing he can do, it's a wine problem.
I think I'll go and look for their help to solve the bugs we found. It surely will help if we're more than one to point them. I'm going to have a look at their site and update here, to point you all to let out voice be heard ;)

It seems to me one the bug is this one!
But I just wanted to add a new detailed one.
Please register and vote for them and/or leave a comment. That could help us all ;)
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 01:19:39 PM by cmatte »

Offline rejetto

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ho detto dalla prossima! la versione che hai scaricato tu è stata pubblicata prima del mio messaggio, perciò non può essere la prossima ;)

Offline cmatte

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Ops :-[ [Gaff!]
Appena letto il messaggio ho aperto HFS e ho letto "nuova versione"...ho fatto 2+2 ma mi sa che non sempre fa 4 :P

La speranza rimane  ;D
« Last Edit: July 28, 2008, 03:14:45 PM by cmatte »