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Topics - fahad15090

Pages: 1
HTML & templates / My-Drive modern hfs template
« on: September 11, 2021, 01:19:36 PM »
My-Drive template that help you to take advantage in managing your server in modern Taste with list/grid view system

Run only on (Windows) HFS 2.4 RC(

 Special Thanks 💓

- Rejetto for awesome tool 🤩
- [Nait lee]( for base code 😍
- [Remix icon]( for exciting icon 😘

- 🌌 File preview
- 😃 Login/Logout
- 🎶 Music player
- 🥂 ... and more to discover!
- File icon according to extention
- Grid / List view
- Responsive for mobile devices 📱
- All features that are in Takeback template

All release on

Programmers corner / can we restrict limit of storage access to user
« on: January 08, 2021, 03:12:48 AM »
I make virtual disk (4 gb) and added to HFS, i try to upload about 5 gb data of to it but problem is that hfs start to upload 5 gb of data to 4gb of disk with no any warning and error .

My suggestion is to add information collection  about disk of folder and data that is upload to HFS ,if upload is higher then disk then says your storage is full please delete some files.

Also another suggestion is {when add folder to HFS (virtual or real) it ask for set storage limitation of  folder you added. This help to restrict someone in network from unlimited uploading to server nd this will controled by user account added to hfs.

Hope someone understand me. :D

HTML & templates / can we make HFS like NAS
« on: November 12, 2020, 08:12:59 AM »
Yesterday i use my friend NAS(Network-attached storage)pc server  that is awesome feature like control access storage to user mean specific number of storage e.g 15GB ,30 or much you says
i want  this feature in hfs
1: beacuase buy NAS SERVER IS OUT OF budget and expensive
2: Installing NAS OS( on pc create full storage wipe and then don't have some feature that in windows.
3: this help small business.
i need developer that help me!

HTML & templates / Drag-&-drop file upload need help
« on: October 23, 2020, 10:49:12 AM »
I'm trying to add Drag-&-drop support on "Fuh2.0"  template using
But i have error,
If any developer help me to upload files from custom
Drag-&-drop button to HFS using given below HTML FILE
Leave the comment

HTML & templates / The "Fuh v2.0" template-Large folder view & Modern ICONS.
« on: September 23, 2020, 09:48:59 AM »
This template is based on HFS 2.4 default template but with some tweaks.

1: Modern icons in png folder in zip  U can change it optimized for web

2:Responsive with mobile support

3:fully optimized for Dark & Bright Theme

4:With icons that are based on item Extension using {switch %item ext% /switch}.

5:And many more that in previews version "fuh v1.0"

6: i use my own Ico U can change in <head></head>


Note :o
png folder is inside zip , only add this folder to HFS and then Apply Theme
 if you don't add png folder to hfs first theme icons don't work

HTML & templates / If anyone want to online HFS and hosted files on GITHUB
« on: September 14, 2020, 06:42:17 AM »
Yesterday i want to port forward my HFS and online HFS for world wide use by using (No-Ip services)
is better idea but problem is take much time to load page if port forward for this i try this
and i'm very happy.

1: Firstly create your github account if available then skip

2: Create repositories (with your name U want)

3: Upload your common files that you need to load page successfully mean (files that are link in page when load page  css ,html,icon,images etc)

4: When successfully uploaded then go to your repositories and then  file(U want to link and then click on RAW)page reload

5:  Copy link of RAW file ex(

6: Open new tab and type ( and paste link U copy in step 5

7: Copy the link from by click on copy button

8: Then link your file with your HFS  ENJOY  8)


Check out my Fuh v1.0 template wth modern look

Github :

HTML & templates / "Fuh v1.0" Template - Responsive - modern look
« on: September 14, 2020, 12:44:26 AM »
This template is based on default template of hfs 2.4

1: Added Hover effect all over page for Modern look
2: Hover effect {color #ff4954}
3: Fix Margin problem in #folder-path.
4: Remove Server info in bottom.
5: CSS file include in template file 
6: Fully optimized with changing theme from white to dark.
7: Some other UI Tweaks that are not in mind.

this template and resources also available on GITHUB

Note(I'm not full stock Developer Only know the html/css and understand some other web language).
1 or 1.5 Week ago i started to add some responsive web component in HFS Theme Design By RAWR (LIVE 3.0.1).
I try different content on different devices(Mobile&Pc),but some of those are work for me mean (Responsive)

I'm very happy to see output of those Struggle.

Adding changelog 8)
1:Responsive Files icons
2:Responsive Menu With hover effect & DropDown in(Mobile Devices)& Buttons in PC.
3:With Upload , Delete , Login , Donate(Because my storage used by some friends and people near me) & Download Buttons.
3:Dark Background.
4:Responsive File Selection Hover.
5:Responsive Footer with social media icons
5:And Much More don't remember yet. ;)

My Hfs  Server run on this addres,if not available(my pc not on whole day)

Live3.0.1 Mod By FaHaD.rar(RAR5)

Pages: 1