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Messages - iviyan

Pages: 1
I do the setup  like in a picture in beginning.....but stunnel didn't start. I had to unchecked FIPS (the error was unsupported platform - i use win xp sp3) and everything was ok.

 Also I have to change stunnel connection port address from to my local ip, with didn't work. I founded why :) the listening port of the HFS and the port of stunnel was the same.  Update:I have changed "HFS listening port"  (there was a realm - never to be opened from internet -why?) and on stunnel connection port  start working.

When i have loaded .vfs file from  previous version 279 there isn't any user pass of folders. I have to add every single user's permissions for separated folders. In beginning i used hfs.ini from version 279.

Also i can't upload new icons from Add icons... menu and some of existing icons are damaged (look all black - maybe  because some of application aren't installed anymore?). I manage to add icons by drag and drop  application to HFS and then  i removed it. Does anyone have the same problem?

But https is great:)

Pages: 1