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Messages - Mr. Anon

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HTML & templates / HFS Black - The Black HFS Template!
« on: January 20, 2005, 04:46:15 PM »
Use the text link posted above. Meanwhile I am updating the template so that it meets W3 standard and also updating so it covers the latest template changes.

HTML & templates / My Template with my Site :-)
« on: January 20, 2005, 06:33:02 AM »
Nice job! Very "classic" like. Just like the cloudly Windows 2000. :D

HTML & templates / HFS Black - The Black HFS Template!
« on: January 11, 2005, 04:04:21 PM »
Hits should work in the template.
I will double check when I have time.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / 2.0 coming...
« on: January 03, 2005, 04:09:25 PM »
Quote from: "rejetto"
Quote from: "Anonymous"
This is one fine website the help check an ip.
does it work also for those users who reported other servers to not work?
It's one of those which is not plain. Contains Current IP Address: in front.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Newbe: how to make HFS even móre userfriendly
« on: December 27, 2004, 12:49:30 AM »
Thanks for your suggestion.
However, it is not possible for HFS to automatically forward ports at the moment without using uPNP (Universal Plug and Play) which allows HFS to contact the router/firewall to open the appropriate ports. Even though this sounds promising, not many people liked this technology since hackers could take advantage of this technology to open ports inside your network. (uPNP venurabilities) It also takes quite a lot of time to implement uPNP into HFS so it would slow down the development gradually. And to be on the safe side, it is best to manually forwarding ports under your firewall/router.

If you'd like, you could post your current configruation/network setup here and we will try to help you as best as possible. (Incl information such as OS or router used.) (Also incl software firewall name if you use a software firewall.) Additional information given would help us help you further.

Happy Holidays! :)

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / very busy
« on: December 22, 2004, 07:37:32 PM »
rejetto will be away from Rome for a certain amount for the Christmas holidays. The development should restart right after then. :cry:

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Help please
« on: December 22, 2004, 07:35:05 PM »
Make sure any limits are disabled. There is a known problem where limits will cause HFS to shutdown without any prompts in a period of time.

HTML & templates / HFS Black - The Black HFS Template!
« on: December 22, 2004, 07:32:41 PM »
iframe is a valid tag, and it is possible to use a Javascript to create an iframe when the upload button is clicked. (I haven't tried it yet... will do later.)

The vars are hardcoded into HFS, I have no control over them. (You will have to ask rejetto for that.) (HFS-vars are linked in sections so I think it may be somewhat time consuming to do.)

The refresh rate for the progress is specified in the HTML page, currently I do not know a way to change this unless some other script is used. (Don't know of any, however.) You could use Proxomitron to change this value, however. :D

The BitTorrent protocol differs the HTTP protocol so unless you are only serving .torrent files, you will have to somewhat rewrite the program and implement the BitTorrent protocol.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Help please
« on: December 21, 2004, 06:49:11 AM »
Are you using limits in HFS 2.0 beta?

HTML & templates / HFS Black - The Black HFS Template!
« on: December 20, 2004, 07:15:05 AM »
Thanks! :)
I don't think the vars for the progress bars are supported on the main pages. Anyways, it would require the pages refresh to update the progress bars so it is not a very good idea.

HTML & templates / HFS Black - The Black HFS Template!
« on: December 18, 2004, 07:33:54 AM »
Because people kept arguing about not being able to click Save in IE or other browsers, I changed the MIME type so the save dialog would appear. Because of this, line breaks appear as little boxes. (The document is not compressed in anyway btw.)

Updated Template:
- Changed Script Section

HTML & templates / Template Help and Information - Wiki Links
« on: December 15, 2004, 11:13:37 PM »
HFS Template, Sections, Symbols & Variable Help


 - The template is the model HFS uses to build HTML pages.
 - It's divided into sections, and each section describes a part of the final HTML page.
 - This template must provide all sections in order to work properly.
 - Each section usually contains HTML code.
 - The final HTML page is built dynamically, so you must use symbols to achieve useful output. These symbols are replaced by the real values at run-time.
 - Symbols are surrounded by %percent% characters.
 - A section is labeled using [square brackets].
 - The main section is unlabeled. It is the starting point for every page that shows files.
 - Every section normally includes symbols, some of which are only meaningful in certain sections.
 - The best way to build a template is to edit an existing template.
 - The template editor includes an Undo command, and you can always "Restore default" template if you encounter problems.
 - The template editor also includes a word-wrap feature to ease editing on lower resolutions.

Quote from: Mars
HFS: Template.

HFS: Address Operators.

HFS: Template Symbols.

HFS: Template Macros.  (Full List)

HFS: Event scripts. (by Topic)

HFS: Folder Archives.

HFS: Hidden Things.

HFS: Comment Files.

HFS: Template Gallery.

Symbols list - by section.

Symbols available in all sections:
%connections%   current number of connections.
%style%         converts to [style] content.
%timestamp%   current time and date of the server.
%version%   HFS version.
%uptime%   how long HFS has been running without quitting.
%speed-out%   current outward throughput.
%speed-in%   current inward throughput.
%total-out%   total amount of bytes sent.
%total-in%   total amount of bytes received.
%user%   name of the authenticated user, void if no user is logged in.
%loggedin%   converts to [loggedin] if a user is logged in,   void otherwise.
%login-link%   converts to [login-link] if no user is logged in, void otherwise.
%ip%   inserts the client IP address on the page.

Symbols available in the main section:
%host%   the Host http header field, as sent by the browser.
%upload-link%   converts to [upload-link] if upload is available in the   current folders, void otherwise.
%up%   converts to [up] if the current folder is not the root,   void otherwise.
%files%   converts to [files] if at least one item is present in the current folder, converts to [nofiles] otherwise.
%number%   number of items in the current folder.
%number-files%   number of files in the current folder.
%number-folders%   number of folders in the current folder.
%number-links%   number of links in the current folder.
%total-size%   amount of space occupied by items in the current folder.
%total-bytes%   as %total-size% but expressed in bytes.
%total-kbytes%   as %total-size% but expressed in kilobytes.
%build-time%   how long it took to generate the page.

Symbols available in [files]
%list%   the full list of items in the current folder, achieved by gluing each item after the pertinent section ([file] [folder] or [link]) was converted.

Symbols available in [file] [folder] [link]
%new%   converts to [new] if the file is marked as new,   void otherwise.
%item-url%   URL to get the item.
%item-name%   label of the item.
%item-type%   Return value if item is folder, file or link
%item-folder%   path to the item, not in URL format.
%item-relative-folder%  path to the item (use it with recursive mode), not in URL format.
%item-added%    when the item was added to the VFS.
%item-added-dt%    when the item was added to the VFS as a numeric value .
%comment%   converts to [comment] if a comment is available for the   item, void otherwise.

Symbols available in [file] [folder]
%item-dl-count%   download counter (virtual folders totalize inner counters).
%item-modified%   modification time as reported by the file system.

%item-modified-dt%   modification time as reported by the file system as a numeric value.[/color]

Symbols available in [file]
%item-size%   amount of space occupied by the item.
%item-size-b%   as %item-size% but expressed in bytes.
%item-size-kb%   as %item-size% but expressed in kilobytes.

Symbols available in [upload] [upload+progress] [upload-results] and main section:
%diskfree%   total amount of available space in the drive containing   the current folder (makes sense only for real folders).
%folder%        path to the current folder.
%encoded-folder%         encoded path to the current folder.
%parent-folder%        encoded path to the parent folder.
%folder-comment%   converts to [folder-comment] if a comment is available for the current folder, void otherwise.

Symbols available in [error-page]
%content%   converts to [ban] [deny] [not found] [unauthorized] [overload], depending on the error.

Symbols available in [ban]
%reason%   error that occurred.

Symbols available in [progress]
%progress-files%   converts to [progress-nofiles] if no file is transferred with the current client, otherwise the list of transferring files achieved by gluing each file after the pertinent section ([progress-download-file] or [progress-upload-file]) was converted.

Symbols available in [progress-download-file] [progress-upload-file] related to the transferring file:
%perc%   percentage.
%filename%   name of the file.
%done-bytes%   transferred bytes.
%total-bytes%   number of bytes of the complete job.
%done%   as %done-bytes% but using dynamic measure unit.
%total%   as %total-bytes% but using dynamic measure unit.
%speed-kb%   throughput.

Symbols available in [upload]
%upload-files%   input boxes for files to be uploaded achieved by gluing   [upload-file] for each file.

Symbols available in [upload-file]
%idx%   ordinal index of the input box.

Symbols available in [upload-results]
%uploaded-files%   list of uploaded files achieved by gluing [upload-success] or [upload-failed] for each file.

Symbols available in [upload-success] [upload-failed]
%item-name%   name of the file.
%item-url%   address of the file.
%idx%   ordinal index of the input box.

Symbols available in [upload-success]
%item-size%     size of the file.
%speed%         average speed.

Symbols available in [upload-failed]
%reason%   description of error occurred while uploading.

Sections List

Some of the sections available in template:
[up]   defines the %up% symbol when there's a parent folder.
[link]   defines a link to a URL.
[file]      defines a link to a file.
[file.<EXT>]   used in place of [file] when the file has the specified extension.
[folder]   defines a link to a folder.
[files]       defines the %files% symbol when there's at least one file.
[nofiles]   defines the %files% symbol when there's no file.
[comment]   defines the %comment% symbol for [file] [folder] and [link].
[folder-comment]         defines the %folder-comment% symbol when there's a comment for the current folder.
[style]        defines the %style% symbol.
[login-link]   defines the %login-link% symbol when no user is logged in.
[loggedin]   defines the %loggedin% symbol when the user has logged in.
[upload-link]      defines the %upload-link% symbol when the user has upload rights.
[error-page]     the frame used for all error pages.
[overload]   defines %content% for the related error-page.
[unauthorized]       defines %content% for the related error-page.
[protected]       defines %protected% for unauthorized-acces.
[deny]       defines %content% for the related error-page.
[ban]      defines %content% for the related error-page.
[not-found]   defines %content% for the related error-page.
[max contemporary downloads]        defines %content% for the related error-page.
[upload]   the upload page.
[upload-file]        form item for a single file.
[upload-results]        the upload results page.
[newfile]   defines the %new% symbol when the item is marked as new.
[sort by]   Force sorting list, must contain only one letter preceded of ! to reverse the sort 
   n (NAME), e (EXTENSION), s (SIZE), t (TIME), d (HITS), c (COMMENTS)
[special:xxx] special sections where xxx can take some values
 - [special:strings]  ....
 - [special:alias]  ...
 - [special:import]   the content of the section is run once a new template is loaded
 - [special:begin]   Sometimes you need to be sure something gets done before every page is built and sent to the browser. In such case, you can put all your macros in the section

Section aliasing:

You can specify 2 or more sections in brackets, and the same content will be assigned to all of them.

The syntax is [A = B = C = D] where A, B, C, etc, are sections.
sections are also cumulative, by prefixing the name with the sign +  [+A]   [+B]   [+A=+B]

This is very useful when you are specifying the content for [file.EXT] sections, like images.
[file.jpg = file.bmp = file.png = file.gif]

Address Line and Linking Information

In some cases requires %encoded-folder% before the operator.

It is possible to make links to sort the file list accordingly:
?sort=n      sort the file list by the file name.
?sort=s      sort by the file size.
?sort=t      sort by the date modified.
?sort=d      sort by the amount of ‘hits’ or ‘downloads’.

Address line operators list:
Address line operators can be used in HTML e.g. href="/~login" and in the address command line of the browser e.g.

~nodefault      doesn't serve default file in a folder, but folder with files.
~login         calls for the login screen.
~files.lst    inserts HTML from filelist.tpl if exists in hfs.exe folder, otherwise produces ASCII file list of the requested folder.
~img         shows server graphic.
~progress      calls the HTML from section [progress].
~upload      calls HTML from section [upload] for the requested folder.
~upload-no-progress   calls HTML from section [upload-no-progress] for requested folder.
~upload+progress   calls HTML from section [upload+progress] for the requested folder.

To access the icon images:
/~img_folder        shows a default folder image.
/~img_file      will load the according icon for the file type.
/~img_link    shows the image for a link.

It is also possible specify what icons to use…
/~img#      where ‘#’ is the number of the icon in the icon list of HFS.

A link to load everything in the HFS on one page:

CAUTION: use very carefully. If the HFS has a lot of objects this can use a lot of CPU and RAM with the risk of crashing your PC. Measures have been taken by template builders to reduce CPU load. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.

Link to graph and customising graph colors and size:

You can customize graph colors inside the template. The graph address is ~img_graph, but you can append to the name several options separated by an x.

For example, ~img_graph190x40x10x111x222x333333x444x555 to exclude an item simply do not put it in e.g, ~img_graph190x40xx111
The full list of options, in order is: width, height, refresh rate, background color, grid color, out bandwidth color, in bandwidth color, text color.

You can specify as many options as you want, even none. Current default values for width/height/colors are the same as in HFS window.

Colors can be specified in at least two forms: RGB, RRGGBB.

Refresh rate doesn't work inside template itself, but only if you access the graph alone, directly in your browser. If not specified, refresh is disabled.

From HFS 2.3, HFS Macro:

There is a new type of template code which allows for even more functionality and power. It is a simple server side scripting language called Macro. For more information checkout the Wiki links.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / a couple of questions~
« on: December 14, 2004, 04:17:10 PM »
Hi Guest.
I will post the help on the vars here soon. Stay tuned. :)

HTML & templates / HTML template
« on: December 11, 2004, 07:15:36 PM »
You could include your own JavaScript/VBScript into the HTML template if you want.

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / General Appearance
« on: December 09, 2004, 04:15:19 PM »
You could. Just edit the HTML Template.
There are designs that some made. You could find those in the Template sections of the forum.

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