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Topics - XCanG

Pages: 1
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Question: vulnerability or not?
« on: November 25, 2016, 10:22:18 PM »
I check my logs today and see that one preson trying multiple times searching some strange requests, in log I don't see what he try to search, but that is very strange, that new line in log deleted... If I, for example, try to search something I see it as normal line. I remind that some old build of HFS have vulerability and some scripts may send on page, may be user try to cause it? Or not? If not why this thing happen with newline character?


Hello! I write some page, that iteract with hidden (real) folder on my server. This folder have 3 subfolders with macros actions, this macros save info into file.
One subfolder called set write GET variable ?t=value into "../time.json", second is unset, just set time to -1 (clear-like).
Another folder is posturl, it not compleated, but it add url that it get in POST request "url=" and write into watch.json new url + url it already content, also not implemented: deleting url by POST request, but I not finish this part of macros now.
Code is:
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
Code: [Select]
{.set|url|{.postvar|url.}.}{.load|/sync/watch.json|var=w.}{.if|{.>|{.length|{.^w.}.}|1.}|{:{.if|{.>|{.length|{.^url.}.}|1.}|{:Server: Added to playlist{.set|playlist|{.^w.}{.^url.}.}{.save|../watch.json|var=playlist.}:}|{:Server: Remove currently playing video{.save|../watch.json|/.}:}.}:}|{:{.if|{.>|{.length|{.^url.}.}|1.}|{:Server: Create new playlist with requested entrie{.save|../watch.json|{.^url.}.}:}|{:Server: Nothing to remove, playlist is clear:}.}:}.}
Server: Current playlist entrie(s): {.^w.}{.^url.}

So, this work clearly some time ago, BUT it bugged.
In my real files writed on hard disk I have some values but if I download it directly from server now it return older value! and it not changed. I try to remove this folder from template and add again, BUT it still send older value, that different in real file content.

As I make iteactable page I also make some mistakes, that produce ton of request. And it return at that time to my browser 200 OK or 304 Unchanged. Now I fixed it, but I don't know why it bugged in HFS, HFS now remove some older value (in time.json and watch.json) on that it freezed.

P.S. this thing happen 2 days ago. And I, of course, restarting PC, HFS, folder readd in template.
P.S.S. HFS 2.3i Build 297

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Add to log range (starting and ending byte)
« on: June 12, 2016, 07:09:17 PM »
You know this parameter:
Code: [Select]
Range: bytes=a-bwhere a - start byte, b - end byte (may be empty).
So, now about logs, look at this:
Code: [Select]
12.06.2016 15:14:28 92.*.*.141:51746 Requested GET /file1.mkv
12.06.2016 15:14:28 92.*.*.141:51749 Requested GET /file1.mkv
12.06.2016 15:14:28 92.*.*.141:51748 Requested GET /file1.mkv
12.06.2016 15:14:28 92.*.*.141:51748 Fully downloaded - 1.1 K @ 93.3 KB/s - /file1.mkv
12.06.2016 15:14:28 92.*.*.141:51748 Requested GET /file1.mkv
12.06.2016 15:14:33 92.*.*.141:51750 Requested GET /file1.mkv
12.06.2016 15:14:51 92.*.*.141:51752 Requested GET /file1.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:06 92.*.*.141:51753 Requested GET /file2.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:06 92.*.*.141:51755 Requested GET /file2.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:07 92.*.*.141:51756 Requested GET /file2.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:07 92.*.*.141:51756 Fully downloaded - 1.1 K @ 111.9 KB/s - /file2.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:07 92.*.*.141:51756 Requested GET /file2.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:11 92.*.*.141:51754 Requested GET /file2.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:20 92.*.*.141:51758 Requested GET /file3.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:20 92.*.*.141:51759 Requested GET /file3.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:21 92.*.*.141:51760 Requested GET /file3.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:21 92.*.*.141:51760 Fully downloaded - 1.1 K @ 93.3 KB/s - /file3.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:22 92.*.*.141:51760 Requested GET /file3.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:27 92.*.*.141:51761 Requested GET /file3.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:34 92.*.*.141:51762 Requested GET /file4.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:35 92.*.*.141:51763 Requested GET /file4.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:35 92.*.*.141:51764 Requested GET /file4.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:35 92.*.*.141:51764 Fully downloaded - 1.1 K @ 79.9 KB/s - /file4.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:35 92.*.*.141:51764 Requested GET /file4.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:40 92.*.*.141:51765 Requested GET /file4.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:49 92.*.*.141:51766 Requested GET /file5.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:50 92.*.*.141:51767 Requested GET /file5.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:52 92.*.*.141:51769 Requested GET /file5.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:52 92.*.*.141:51769 Fully downloaded - 1.1 K @ 124.3 KB/s - /file5.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:52 92.*.*.141:51769 Requested GET /file5.mkv
12.06.2016 15:15:59 92.*.*.141:51770 Requested GET /file5.mkv
12.06.2016 15:22:34 92.*.*.141:51752 Fully downloaded - 547.0 M @ 1.2 MB/s - /file1.mkv
12.06.2016 15:23:42 92.*.*.141:51754 Fully downloaded - 546.5 M @ 1.1 MB/s - /file2.mkv
12.06.2016 15:23:57 92.*.*.141:51761 Fully downloaded - 547.5 M @ 1.1 MB/s - /file3.mkv
12.06.2016 15:24:19 92.*.*.141:51770 Fully downloaded - 546.4 M @ 1.1 MB/s - /file5.mkv
12.06.2016 15:24:29 92.*.*.141:51765 Fully downloaded - 546.7 M @ 1.0 MB/s - /file4.mkv
This is very unconvinient to read and understand what happen, why files download twice, why this order of get. To understand this will be very helpfull add in log line this Range parameter, if it not empty. So it will help to see and understand what heppen here, because right now this situation in log looks useless.

Beta / paging with many files
« on: March 24, 2013, 06:02:11 PM »
Hello! Can you improve it somehow change pages? I would be very happy ^_^°

PS interface translated into my language, it does not pay any attention

Bug reports / Bug with folder (HFS 2.3 #282)
« on: December 20, 2012, 04:38:01 PM »
Hello. Yesterday I upgrade HFS to beta.
To avoid problems, I began to re-add the information in HFS.

Now I entered a new phase: adding accounts and allocate permissions. And I met the two problem:
1. I saved file list that contains the error.
2. This error appear if I right-click on file in list and next HFS breaking and fast exit. (or if I don't clicking, press Delete → same problem)
In folder I use: permission for the two groups and one user, simple comment(text note) and no more of the settings folder.

Question: How do I delete this folder? (I was thinking to try using a text editor to remove the fragment containing the error code. So the same .BAK-file is corrupted)

P.S.: I can move this folder, rename, but don't delete or open sub-menu.

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