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m3u or rss templates for HFS (customize MIME needed)

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Offline est

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Hi all,

I need to share a folder in dir listing mode, as well as .m3u or rss podcast feeds,

I tried to edit the template to make the output looks like .m3u or rss, but some media player seems having a trouble parsing the MIME. Is there a way to define MIME in HFS template? Or more advanced, customize a HTTP header?

Or why not HFS provide a way of multiple views of dir listing, like

normal dir listing:
m3u for current dir:
m3u for .mp3 files only:*.mp3

currently I am using a mongoose+python script to do this, I really HFS could provide such a funtion directly
« Last Edit: October 22, 2018, 02:25:09 PM by Mars »

Offline rejetto

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> Is there a way to define MIME in HFS template?

switch to expert mode
menu > other options > mime types

> Or more advanced, customize a HTTP header?

in HFS 2.3 you can use command {.add header.}
refer official documentation for details

Offline est

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> Is there a way to define MIME in HFS template?

switch to expert mode
menu > other options > mime types

> Or more advanced, customize a HTTP header?

in HFS 2.3 you can use command {.add header.}
refer official documentation for details

thanks rejetto

place this filelist.tpl under the same dir as hfs242.exe,

Code: [Select]






works great!

Offline Mijo

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I made some modifications, to support both normal lists and m3u files.

I added conditional statements which recognize a new GET parameter "filetype". If it is there, and its value is "m3u", then a .m3u file is generated.

Code: [Select]





Then in the hfs.tpl add a line like this in the menu's div. I used it right after the normal File list.

Code: [Select]
<li class="last"><a href="{.get|url|tpl=list|filetype=m3u|folders-filter=\|recursive.}">File list (.M3U)</a></li>

Offline Mijo

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Other small modifications:

Code: [Select]



[file.mp3 = file.mpeg = file.mp4 = file.wmv = file.wma = file.avi = file.flac = file.wav = file.ogg = file.ogm = file.mkv = file.mka]


It only includes media files, but probably the list is far from complete.
%item-full-url% returns the correct absolute link, but it is not listed here:


Offline bmartino1

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using live rarw template:

See posts:

windows media player doesn't suport "auth" stream(with out some major fiddling), use vlc for it

also, you can do it with html coding and a playlist file. have you ever herd of a "*.M3U"?
A m3u is a pre made cod elist of songs you put there via program or notepad...
using a msu file helps stream multiple files, and can put authentication in the file itself, so you create a list of music and put it in a m3u file the m3u become the single file that you play on a media player...

( yes these are going over music, but video formats also port over with them... )

Here a site that may work for you as well:

please note:
Don't Feed the Lawyers:

You could be fined for broadcasting music/movies you don't own the copyright to, and in most cases the penalties are pretty severe. There are also plenty of rabid music industry lawyers with a history of going to great lengths to prosecute copyright violators. That said, be careful how you distribute your streams.
Some of the software solutions listed here have built-in password protection. Otherwise, you'll have to know some SSL and/or password protection web hosting configurations to lock down your stream.
Your other option -- and probably the safest -- is to just keep your station under wraps. You can listen to it freely, but don't go spreading the word. Remember, the internet has ears!
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive: