huuh "Mitteilungsbrett" reminds me of "Mutterbrett" for "motherboard"
but ok there is nothing better ...
i dont like the style of Datei(en) or file(s) - i would alwas use the plural if's not a sentence.
files: 1 or
files: 0 and
Dateien: 1 pleases me.
I confound "check if" with "checks if" so it should be
lv_checkButton=Überprüfe ob dieses Template auf dem neuesten Stand ist!
age = Alter or Dateidatum or Dateizeit?
or maybe you mean changed or created? this would be Geändert and Erstellt
where is the string "Okjekte" from - it's on the screenshot, but i can't find it in the language file?
i would vote for MarkV and/or parade to be also named in the language file if they want cause four or six eyes see more than two and sometimes i am not accessible and if there is a problem that should be solved they can react faster?!?
@parade: Entschuldige die Aussage über die Zielgruppe, hatte auch schon die Vermutung, dass sowas kommt und ich voll ins Fettnäpfchen trete :-)
"Los" dont please for as translation for "Go" but "Start" looks good. I also vote for "Hochladen" for "Upload files" like parade told.
translating "root directory" creates pain in my eyes