i agree that it should be "recompiled", but you can replce hfs.exe with the updated one and all will work...
Yes, I know that, but every user who downloads FHFS from SourceForge, would be exposed to vulnerabilities, if doesn't know he should update HFS. I was talking for helping those users, not for me.

i don't think fhfs 2.0 will be geting recomplied...
It doesn't need to be recompiled. Is just as simple as updating the current ZIP file of FHFS v2.1.3, with the latest version of the HFS.exe file (server.dll). Then, rename and upload the updated ZIP file as a new version (FHFS v2.1.4) to SourceForge.
Well, I'm just saying... If it can't be done, it's OK.
It was only a suggestion, not a request.