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2.1.0 SSL enabling help

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What other things are necessary besides enabling SSL in the admin console in order to actually enable SSL?  It's enabled on my host, but can't actually use it.

Offline LeoNeeson

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I did some quick tests (because I'm having very little time), and HTTPS (443) and FTP (21) are not working on your website. Did you open, ports 443 and 21? You must open them on your router, and check if your firewall have those ports open too. Searching in the forum, you will find more information.
Good luck.... ;)
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I did some quick tests (because I'm having very little time), and HTTPS (443) and FTP (21) are not working on your website. Did you open, ports 443 and 21? You must open them on your router, and check if your firewall have those ports open too. Searching in the forum, you will find more information.
Good luck.... ;)

Thanks for responding!  You were right, port 443 and 21 were closed in both my firewall and router.  I just opened them both, but it still doesn't work  :(
I'll try what you said and search around the forum, thanks again!

Offline bmartino1

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just over look - try to folow:

Sounds like you need to setup some basic networking to get things running!


you will need to double check 3 things to make it use able over the web:

1. Windows side: ( i will assume you are using windows 7 ) at least i will post info link to windows 7...(most likely useable for all windows side os...)

You might need to set the "hfs machine" to a static ip address (this way when you open ports or use web traffice it has a "definite path"

windwos comand prompt:
cmd > "ipconfig /all"(<=command) has all the network info you need:

ip address is the machine address
subnet depends on your network most likely ""
gateway is your router's ip adress most likely ""

you will need to allow hfs thorugh your firewall

2. Router/(intranet) network side
you router will need the port you chose in hfs (say you set the port to 8080 go to you router- in a web browser typ in the ip address of your gateway)

enable "port forward" to your machine and the router to the same port ie port (starting port) 8080 to port (ending port) 8080

*note some router don't allow you to use your "public" ip address to view inside, so while your at home your webpage is accessible via the ip address you set to the machine earlier

(if your router supports it you can have it memorize you "hfs" machine "network address (known as a mac address) and assign it a specific ip address so it will always be "192.168.1.x" x being the number you set i chose 254 as it is the last number dhcp will use...

3. Internet/Modem side
go to
This is your public ip adress so when you are not at home you will go to this ip adress ( what is shown at the website above one of many website that can tell you your public ip adress...

You should now have hfs viewable form the outside world via:
(xxx your public ip address)

Since modems can be dynamic ip adress you can opt to get a "dns name so instead of typing you type a predefined word such as mywebsite.(frre public domain).org

DNS free domains names:
either by adding it into the router or have it client side, or even pre-setup in a dns online website..

I'm having good luck with using as my public domain...(website presetup)

some time in the "firewall you need to add the program, not open the port...
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline LeoNeeson

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Usually you have to modify httpd.conf file to enable SSL. I can't recall exactly, but there must be some .conf file that you may have to edit to accept external IPs. Here, and here you have some data.

I don't have FHFS installed to test this, but may be someone can give you more information. I hope it helps....
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