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Offline LeoNeeson

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» Suggestion: For those having the UI freeze, just start testing every Alpha and Beta version, one by one, going backwards from latest to older versions, until you find the latest working version that doesn't freeze the UI. This will help Rejetto a lot, since it will help him to find out where the problem was introduced. Without this, it will be very hard to track and fix this issue.

Quote from: Ramblings about Win10 (Off-topic)
Off-topic: Sadly, I can't help on this issue, since I don't use Windows 10 on purpose (and I don't have Win10 installed on any of my PCs). I'm happily living in the past, like 'Doctor Brown in Back from the future', and I really don't like this current present of modern computers at all (were you give away your entirely personal life, since every single action on your PC is sent to a foreign server). Yes, telemetry and Cortana can be disabled, but it's not enough (for example, read this and this). The same goes with mobile phones, so, I only use old trusty phones (old smartphones), but I don't like to depend and rely on them neither. I don't use what I can't control, and I'm totally against Win 8/10 business model, where final users are the product. Because my boring life is only mine, and not to be part of a statistic. And this is not something against some specific country (it's not that I don't trust "X" country but I trust "this" another one, no, it applies to every single country in the world, since IMHO, all data and activities on our devices are only meant to be ours). And these are not only my words, you can clearly read HERE this: "retain your privacy and control over your systems" (because if you don't do it, you are automatically submitting info). For those reading this, here is an updated guide and also a software to tweak Win10 privacy settings (but it's too troublesome for me, and I directly prefer to avoid Win10 at all).
» Note to Mars: please keep the off-topic text small, and don't edit and enlarge my own quoted comment (if someone wants to read it, it can copy and paste to read it). It's small because it not an important comment (but it contains my thoughts about Win10). Thanks!...

HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline dj

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RC7 Bugs (I used the default template(def 3.0)):
Upload works, but is not counted (Uploaded: 0)
Delete doesn't work (redirects to undefined (temporary fix: replace undefined with ''))

Since removed jquery dependency from default tpl (Latest working template).

Archive also don't work (redirects to ~lib.js?mode=archive&recursive)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2020, 05:33:00 AM by dj »

Offline danny

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Looks like the default template's delete script needs edited/replaced. 

Also, upload counters/metrics are restricted to the [upload] section.

Offline rejetto

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i made a few tests, and it seems i solved my freezing problems by setting a 50MBps speed limit on my fast computer and 15 on my slow one.
I also verified the same problem applies to latest 2.3.
I'll comment other issues asap.

Offline MarkV

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No problem, we are all on standby and watching this topic. I just had a a few years break - some days more don't add any pain. :)

Unfortunately, the 2.4 template doesn't work correctly on older browsers. Although you can navigate the files and directories as-is, the buttons "Login", "Search", "Selection", "Sort" are missing (maybe the method they are created with is not available). Possibly they could be replaced by text links if the buttons are not supported.
The template of 2.3m works correctly, tested down to Opera 8.54 on Windows 95. - The world is different now.

Offline rejetto

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the default template is targeting chrome 49, which works on XP.
As a general note: I understand some people have lower targets, but there's no limit to compatibillity (netscape?) so i had to set one (and decided XP is enough), and other requirements can be matched by a custom template or by a diff for the default one.
If you want to spend your time to see what's needed to improve your experience with opera 8.54, I can try to help. You tell me.

Offline LeoNeeson

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The template of 2.3m works correctly, tested down to Opera 8.54 on Windows 95.
Have you tried using the default v2.3m template on the latest RC7? For example, you can have the RC7 installed on a new PC (that will be the server), install the old template there, and try to access your server from an old operating system (like Win9x, as client, with an old browser). Of course RC7 doesn't run on Win9x, but you should be able to serve files to old systems.

I haven't tried it lately, but you can easy install the default v2.3m template on the latest v2.4, by downloading it from HERE. In theory, it should work fine (but I can't guarantee it will work perfectly, because Rejetto has made a lot of changes in his latest builds). If something is not working, please report it, so Rejetto can have a look on it. :)

HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline danny

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i made a few tests, and it seems i solved my freezing problems by setting a 50MBps speed limit ...
I did find that downloads limits worked nicely.  But, speed limits are more likely to get stuck on a fast Internet connection. 
« Last Edit: August 30, 2020, 05:24:26 AM by danny »

Offline rejetto

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i don't understand the reason of your statement. I made my test on a gigabit.

Offline MarkV

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the default template is targeting chrome 49, which works on XP.
As a general note: I understand some people have lower targets, but there's no limit to compatibillity (netscape?) so i had to set one (and decided XP is enough), and other requirements can be matched by a custom template or by a diff for the default one.
If you want to spend your time to see what's needed to improve your experience with opera 8.54, I can try to help. You tell me.
Oh, I wouldn't touch the current template at all. It is perfect for modern browsers as it is.

The question is: Would it be possible to have HFS serve a different (older) template, based on User Agent of the connecting client? Kind of like they do with mobile versions of websites. You could even serve a mobile template, that way.

Example: If I configure the User Agent of Opera Presto (any version up to 12.17) for the compatibility template, HFS would serve that template if a browser using that User Agent connects. Other User Agents get the current template. - The world is different now.

Offline ivominchev

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I found a problem on both of my PC's. When I right-click a file and click "Add to HFS" the file does not go to the share list. Also I found that "drag and drop" also can't put it there. The only way is to click on "Add files" in the program.
I am using 2.4.0 RC6, build 318 and the default template.

Offline rejetto

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The question is: Would it be possible to have HFS serve a different (older) template, based on User Agent of the connecting client? Kind of like they do with mobile versions of websites. You could even serve a mobile template, that way.

yours is a good idea, but i mean it as a plugin.
Someone packs a tpl or a diff-tpl, and an 'events' file that will {.load tpl.} based on a logic like the one you wrote.
The only limit at the moment is that this "plugin" may overwrite your existing file, but in the future i mean to let you have multiple events files, so you don't risk overwriting.
« Last Edit: September 02, 2020, 03:31:32 PM by rejetto »

Offline danny

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i don't understand the reason of your statement. I made my test on a gigabit.
There is, for no reason that I can think of, a very huge difference between a momentary test on gigabit LAN versus long-term use on really fast internet WAN.  In the latter case, the majority of 'stuck' problems were resolved by Disabling speed limits and replacing it by of the following external limiter solutions:  1) NetLimiter, 2) 150n WiFi, 3) el-cheapo usb to 100 megabit ethernet adapter (or set existing adapter to 100 megabit). 

@Rejetto:  Use netlimiter keyword search to find the speed limit troubleshooting threads. 

P.S. Trouble with limits is more likely to occur when more than one limit is used.  The stuck problem with speed limit is more likely to occur after a day or a couple of days.   The other trouble with speed limit is that 1) misbehavior/overwork if more than one limit is used, aaaand 2) downloads per ip is a highly desirable limit to use (which works even better when other limits aren't used simultaneously). 
« Last Edit: September 04, 2020, 05:33:05 AM by danny »

Offline Mars

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yours is a good idea, but i mean it as a plugin.
Someone packs a tpl or a diff-tpl, and an 'events' file that will {.load tpl.} based on a logic like the one you wrote.
The only limit at the moment is that this "plugin" may overwrite your existing file, but in the future i mean to let you have multiple events files, so you don't risk overwriting.

some events of the are specific to the correct functioning of the program and cannot in any case be overridden by any linked to another template loaded by the macro {.load tpl.}

it is important to first establish a list of events that cannot be overloaded as Timed events, start, quit, server start, server stop, .... and probably a few others.

 So those that would be specific to a template could simply be added in the template or any diff template as a section such as [event NAME] to override any event of the same name in the or [+ event NAME] to add this event recursively as for diff sections

Offline Mars

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I found a problem on both of my PC's. When I right-click a file and click "Add to HFS" the file does not go to the share list. Also I found that "drag and drop" also can't put it there. The only way is to click on "Add files" in the program.
I am using 2.4.0 RC6, build 318 and the default template.

the problem with using "Add to HFS" is that a second instance of the program is started concurrently with the first, when the "only 1 instance" option is not checked.

when multiple instances are active from different directories, "Add to HFS" can only work for exe from one directory but appears installed for all instances

I suggest this modification so that it is possible to know the exe and therefore the directory which is actually attached to "Add to HFS"

function isIntegratedInShell():boolean;
result:=(pos(exepath,loadregistry('*\shell\Add to HFS\command', '', HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)) > 0)
  and (pos(exepath,loadregistry('Folder\shell\Add to HFS\command','',HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)) >0)
  and (loadregistry('.vfs', '', HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) > '')
  and (pos(exepath,loadregistry('.vfs\shell\Open\command', '', HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)) > 0)
end; // isIntegratedInShell