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Questions about Admin panel

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Offline Dragon_Hunter

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Do you get admin in this file Nexr_TPL_Fun_Mod.tpl ?

Offline SilentPliz

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No, I don't post an admin panel with the template of rejetto.

There are too many different systems that exist, so I can't pick one.

Try to integrate your own panel is the best solution
« Last Edit: March 11, 2010, 06:06:45 AM by SilentPliz »

Offline Dragon_Hunter

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How can we integrate a so then in which file systems txt or tpl ? I have your admins.txt HFS file in my folder but I can not work

Offline Dragon_Hunter

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How do I growl to stop the events file? I have been growling to start when you start the hfs, but I would get it to stop when I close the hfs

Offline Mars

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use a macro exec inside the event [quit]

Offline Dragon_Hunter

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this i have in my events, but growl is still running even i have shut down hfs
{.exec|"C:\Program Files\Growl for Windows\growl.exe" /t:"HFS   %time%" /i:"C:\HFS - 257\icon\HFS.png" "Growl is Closed !".}

Offline SilentPliz

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this i have in my events, but growl is still running even i have shut down hfs
{.exec|"C:\Program Files\Growl for Windows\growl.exe" /t:"HFS   %time%" /i:"C:\HFS - 257\icon\HFS.png" "Growl is Closed !".}

 :o ::) ;D

Try that :

{.exec|tskill Growl.}
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 08:21:41 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline Dragon_Hunter

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No, it does not close growl.exe with what you wrote. I wrote it in my events but the file does not close when I close the hfs..

Offline SilentPliz

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I don't have enough time to better do.

Offline Dragon_Hunter

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thx for TPL file. How do I access the admin panel ? And how do I get there admin name to be admin ?

Offline SilentPliz

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 It works as before ... and you find it into the menu Show / Hide Options when you go in a real folder.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 08:41:35 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline Dragon_Hunter

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Offline SilentPliz

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 Search, you will find! >:(

You  are real, a ghost is virtual  ;D
« Last Edit: March 04, 2010, 08:56:10 PM by Mars »