rejetto forum

When &RQ v1.0?

Guest · 210 · 198861

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When r u planning version 1.0 to come out? Actually i'm not really interested in version as its self, but im looking for filetransfer fasility and animated gif smiles. Can u tell me the approximate date of version 1.0 to come out?
Thank u. Have a nice day.
The program you'r working on is imho the best, but there r things that it lacks ^.  :!:

Offline rejetto

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all i know about this subject is written on the website ;)


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Will it include some smilies or use the same smilies without typing it like ICQ?

Offline rejetto

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just don't know
guys, i don't think 1.0 will come in 2003


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What the trouble man? You need some Russian Vodka for fantasy advance?
Are u still working on Open Source ?
Come on, don't give it up! You soft the best !
We need you!


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Õîòåëîñüáû âèäåòü íîâóþ âåðñèþ ýòîé çà÷àòåëüíîé ïðîãðàììû..
Àâòîð âðîäå îáåùàë êðàéíèé ñðîê äåêàáðü ìåñÿö.. íó òàê îí âðîäå íàñòàë :)
Âîîáùå æäó íîâóþ âåðñèþ òîëüêî èç-çà âîçìîæíîñòè îòïðàâëÿòü ïî íåé ôàéëû :)


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When,wheeeeeen!!!1 :?: !!!!
the new &RQ bee with us?

Offline ZeviL

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Âî ìëèí, íàøè îêêóïèðîâàëè ýòîò ôîðóì) òàêîå âïå÷àòëåíèå, ÷òî òîêà íàøè ýòó òåìó è þçàþò))) âîò êîðû, ìëèí))

U have a lot of russian users, don't u think so? :)

Offline rejetto

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Quote from: "ZeviL"
U have a lot of russian users, don't u think so? :)

yes, sending russian messages in the english forum ;)


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Õåõ âîò âû ïåðöû :) Ëó÷øå ñêàæèòå êîãäà íîâóþ âåðñèþ äæàòü? :)


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à òî ÷òî ðóññêèå îêóïèðîâàëè ôîðóì ýòî ÿ ñ÷èòàþ íîðìàëüíî íàñ ïðîñòî ìíîãî è ìû íå ïàññèâíûå íàáëþäàòåëè
à íîâóþ âåðñèþ óæå âðÿäëè âûïóñòÿò â ýòîì ãîäó, imho


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rejetto, russian people need in new version your cool programm &RQ,
this soft - super :)

best regards,
www.ChatName.Ru - Super Chats In Russia


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âîîáùåì òî ïðèÿòíî âèäåòü ñâîèõ ïàöàíîâ :)
íî êîãäà íîâàÿ âåðñèÿ ? óæ î÷åíü õî÷åòñÿ :)
ìóæèêè ìû ñàìûå-ñàìûå !!!


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