Hello, i came to this idea
method to display the folder size instead of just
1. It works only for real folders.
2. it won't care of files/folders filter that may actually reduce the stuff shown by your HFS.
3. This is thought essentially for large folders, that you must decide when the size should be refreshed. It's not fully automatic.
step 1. make a batch file like this
FOR %%s IN ("C:\music";"C:\my other folder")
DO du.exe -m -s %%s > %%s\foldersize & attrib +h %%s\foldersize
you can find du.exe in a package at
http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/(attached at bottom for your convenience)
step 2. put this in the diff template of the root, in HFS
{.$item start.}
<td align='center'>
{.if|{.^size.}|{.substring|| |{.^size.}.} MB
<td align='right'>%item-modified%<td align='right'>%item-dl-count%
i'm not actually using this, but i thought it would be good to share it, and maybe you can improve it.