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moondog · 52 · 90287

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 ;D Thanks for v1.6 I'll try it leter
Can you please also upload v2.0?


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All right, I gues It's not problem with pragram
It's my router. Unfortunatly I can't make it work  :(
Any way Thanks for help.


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Oh my GOD, Go to your router and see if it set to alow remote access, If so then change the port that the router give remote access from. Then you will be able to leave HFS to port 80


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What exactly should I look for? I have the Linksys rauter and I couldn't find anything about remote access.

Offline maverick

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What exactly should I look for? I have the Linksys rauter and I couldn't find anything about remote access.

If you are having problems configuring your router for portforwarding, go here ->

Select your router from the list then select Http File Server-HFS and follow the instructions.


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I know how to do this. I've done it before and it was working.
But now I have different model of the same router and it doesn't work.
So, what about remote access?

Offline maverick

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When you do the HFS Self-Test, what does it tell you?

As for remote access that another poster mentioned, I think he is referring to a wireless feature supported by some routers (gateway), which I don't think has anything to do with your problem.
« Last Edit: March 31, 2007, 09:37:13 PM by maverick »


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All right, finally I made it work!  :o
The problem was that the link DIDN'T work.
But the link WORKING!!!
So the problem is that you should always write the port in your adress.
In previous versions I didn't do that, and so I didn't know that.
Any way, thanks everybody!

Offline maverick

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So the problem is that you should always write the port in your adress.
In previous versions I didn't do that, and so I didn't know that.

The Only Time that you don't have to include the port in your address is when you use port 80.  If you use any other port, you have to include it in your address.  That has been mentioned many times in the forum and is probably mentioned in the help & wiki also.


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Allright, I get it now. I didn't mentioned my port in previous version because I used port 80
Here, my port 80 didn't work, but when I changed it to port 81, I didn't use it in my link  ;D
Wow, so complicated and also so simpe. After all, I am happy to use HTTP File Server again.

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people use that option without understanding what it is
i will put a warning on it


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My ISP blocks port 80... I had to use port 90. It worked for me..

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Are you sure that your firewall is open for port 80? check-it. Also it's a good idea to change the port number of the routers configuration page, for example to 126. So you can use por 80 from intranet as also from outside. Only to remember that afer chanchinge the routers configuration port, you have to access it as: http://192.1681.1:126/
your computer has no brain - use your own !


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Well i see alot of people having problems Well here is all the help you will need.
Quote .htm
Great for sat,dsl,cable net

maybe its the program

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A lot of people may have problems with the program/router but just as many if not more have had great experiences...
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