Does anybody make use of the diff template function?
I'm starting to redesign some templates and want to use this functionality. Am i right, that when i want to apply a different template other than the hfs.tpl to certain folders, i have to enter a different code in the window which pops up when i select this folders. Is there then still interaction with the hfs.tpl code? I guess not.
If i am wrong, could somebody please explain this function (i searched the boards, but could not find the info). Thx!
Meanwhile i got the picture: Code from the pop up window is applied and inherited to subdirectories. But...when i entered a complete template like "clean[EN].tpl from chionsas" it worked, except that the different style was not applied! Still the style from hfs.tpl was valid. Is this a bug?
Is it possible to implement, instead of copy/pasting code to the popup window, entering the file name for the alternative code, like hfs_jpg.tpl, hfs_clean.tpl, hfs_1 ... etc. These alternative tpl files would reside in the same directory as the default hfs.tpl and applied instead of hfs_default. This would increase usability a lot.