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Offline rejetto

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So I propose instead of doing an actual reload that resubmits the previous form, the "Reload page" button should just do a regular GET for the folder you're sitting at.

Edit: I just noticed that the corresponding entry in hfs.comments.txt does not get removed when any kind of delete happens.

thanks for reporting these problems. Should be fixed in next release.

Offline rejetto

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give a look at this new release

jquery 3 and selection problem remain to be addressed, for next release.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2018, 02:03:36 PM by rejetto »

Offline rejetto

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jquery 1.12 seems to be enough for this template, so i'll try to embed that instead.

I've found that the 'move' functionality was broken in beta2.
You'll find attached the template for the next beta.

Offline dj

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I try to replace the script in the menu panel with css  // leave space for the fixed panel

delete the script
replace #menu-panel { position: fixed;
with      #menu-panel { position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; margin-bottom:5px;
« Last Edit: October 02, 2018, 05:26:58 PM by dj »

Offline LeoNeeson

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replace #menu-panel { position: fixed;
with      #menu-panel { position: -webkit-sticky; position: sticky; margin-bottom:5px;
Thanks for this DJ! I've added that in the template I've attached to this post (with some extra code to have a wide open browser support, as it's recommended here (I've used 0.3em instead of 5px as margin-bottom), as follows:

Code: [Select]
#menu-panel { position: -webkit-sticky; position: -moz-sticky; position: -ms-sticky; position: -o-sticky; position: sticky; margin-bottom:0.3em;
...and now: BIG NEWS! :)

After almost 5 hours of hard work (I'm not exaggerating), I did get rid of almost every incompatible JavaScript expression (ECMAScript 6), with the help of the tool (this tool lets you put in next-gen JavaScript, and get browser-compatible JavaScript out). It was a truly VERY painful job, because I've translated every function, one by one at hand, checking every line very carefully (just to be sure nothing goes wrong). So we now have a very compatible template that works beautifully! :D

I hope you like it (Rejetto: you can EASILY see and review all the changes HERE or using this online tool). Please report if something is not working.

jquery 1.12 seems to be enough for this template, so i'll try to embed that instead.
Remember that the latest stable version of HFS (v2.3m), used jQuery version 1.4.2 and not 1.12.

Another thing: you've used .on( method of jQuery, which was implemented on jQuery v1.7, so, before switching back to jQuery v1.4.2 you will either have to modify any function using it, or use this tiny polyfill (found here, not tested). Also the .split( method of jQuery may not be found on jQuery v1.4.2 (but I'm not sure about that).
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» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline dj

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...and now: BIG NEWS! :)

Quickly tested. Also works with IE11 except for the More Options buttons.

Replace in css display:initial with display:inline-block (line326 in Leos tpl) and it works also with IE11
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 03:29:48 PM by dj »

Offline rejetto

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After almost 5 hours of hard work (I'm not exaggerating), I did get rid of almost every incompatible JavaScript expression (ECMAScript 6),

why did you do this?  :o
i don't think it should support every browser.
what browser are you trying to support?

Remember that the latest stable version of HFS (v2.3m), used jQuery version 1.4.2 and not 1.12.

it's ok if we get compatibility with other templates, it's not necessary to use the same jquery version.

Also the .split( method of jQuery may not be found on jQuery v1.4.2 (but I'm not sure about that).

split is a String method, not jquery
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 09:38:25 PM by rejetto »

Offline rejetto

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check it out!

i quickly tested the templates Live and ToG, for jquery 1.12 compatibility, and they look good.

here is a preview of the sources, mars asked

Offline dj

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Offline LeoNeeson

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why did you do this?  :o
i don't think it should support every browser.
what browser are you trying to support?
I use SRWare Iron 31 (Portable edition), because it's the fastest browser on Windows XP (other browsers are very slow and take a lot of resources). If you don't care about me, don't do this for me, but think that the same Chromium engine is used by default on many Android's browsers (Android 4.0.3 to 4.4), and not everybody have Android 6 to 8 with the latest browsers.

check it out!
I see you didn't used the most important parts of my changed template :'( (after all the time it took me to do it). I really can't understand why you insist on using 'ECMAScript 6'. For as much web developers try to make (aka 'force') people upgrade your browser, there are many situations (like old hardware) where it's impossible to always have the latest browser and operating system. On my case, Windows 7 is too slow for old hardware, and the support for new browsers on Windows XP is every day more limited.
> EDIT: I guess you don't care about users like me, the same as more and more people everyday care less for the others (we have the 'global warm' just because that attitude of 'not caring about his neighbor'). OK, don't worry, I accept you don't want to get rid of 'ECMAScript 6', after all you are the boss (è solo fa male l'atteggiamento). [Sorry, but I had a bad day, and now I come to the forum and find this, completing my bad day]
> EDIT2: @Rejetto: È così che mi ringrazi?! Mi sforzo, ti aiuto a segnalare errori e tu mi ignori in questo modo? Mi rende molto triste, veramente...

Bugs found on HFS v2.4 (using the default original template)

- Possible bug found #1: add a real folder, then on root set 'access' and 'delete' to anyone, then try to rename that folder trough the browser, and you will see that the folder it's now NOT shared anymore (the folder is renamed OK on the server's hard disk, but it's not updated on the HFS VFS).

- Possible bug found #2: add a real folder (with several sub-folders inside), give to those inside sub-folders a different comment to each folder. Now rename one of those folders, and the comment for that folder is gone (what really happens?: when HFS rename that folder, it doesn't update the folder name in the 'descript.ion' file, so the comment doesn't get displayed). The same happens if you rename a file that had a comment.

- Here is another different bug report about comments.

- Design issue?: if you give a comment to a folder, that comment gets displayed next to the folder path, without any design or indication that it's a comment. Here is a screenshot of what I'm talking about.

I'm attaching to this post an updated template, adding the changes from your latest template of HFS v2.4 Build 3 (hfs24b3.exe) [you can see here the differences from the template of Build 3], just in case you care about it.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2018, 03:54:35 AM by LeoNeeson »
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» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline Mars

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bug report about comments.
recurring problem since very old versions
the management of the comments is delicate because it involves 3 different types of storage
- "menu > VFS > Load single comment file"
- "menu > VFS > Support DESCRIPT.ION"
- hfs.comments file

the last template still contains an old usage of adding comments instead of using the appropriate macros
{.if| {.length|%user%.} |{: {.append| %folder-resource%\hfs.comments.txt |{.filename|%item-resource%.}=uploaded by %user%
/append.} :}/if.}

the correct formula would be preferably the following because it automatically manages the storage of information:
{.if| {.length|%user%.} |{: {.set  item| %item-name% |comment={.filename|%item-resource%.}=uploaded by %user%
/set.} :}/if.}

- Possible bug found #1 & #2

that's another concern I've reported to rejetto recently,

several solutions are possible, but in the immediate future the safest solution is not to allow such actions on a VFS element

remotely modify the vfs may conflict with the option "Save options >> Autosave Options"

« Last Edit: October 05, 2018, 01:52:03 PM by Mars »

Offline rejetto

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the checkboxes are broken again

i never met the problem before now. I studied it and have found the problem: it's the transparent border in the <a>.
I will remove it.

Offline LeoNeeson

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@Mars/Anyone: Do you know why if you use the new template on the old HFS v2.3m, it doesn't work properly? (even using a modern browser). I don't see the reason why it could fail, since all the required files are self-contained on the template.

It gives the following error in the browser's console:

TypeError: newQ(...).on is not a function.
TypeError: $('body').on is not a function. (In '$('body').on', '$('body').on' is undefined)

I'm curious to know why it fails...
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline rejetto

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but think that the same Chromium engine is used by default on many Android's browsers (Android 4.0.3 to 4.4), and not everybody have Android 6 to 8 with the latest browsers.

so you suggest to support android 4 system browser.
Anyway, we don't have to have all the features working on old browsers. Browsing and downloading would be a basic set. Browsing means also login. I guess that a very old hardware won't be the "main" system, and just need to access to files remotely. What you think?
Does your template work well with that browser (Chrome 31) ?

I see you didn't used the most important parts of my changed template :'(

i'm still considering.

I really can't understand why you insist on using 'ECMAScript 6'.

because older javascript is a boring Language. Even when i was using it i had made a function myself trying to emulate the => arrow functions.

> EDIT: I guess you don't care about users like me, the same as more and more people everyday care less for the others (we have the 'global warm' just because that attitude of 'not caring about his neighbor').

don't rush, my dear  :) Opinions are mostly made by experience. Everybody's experience is limited and doesn't always produce the best of results. I don't see any XP in my life, these days, so you can understand my starting point. I'm just not doing something before understanding why, still discussing, exchanging views and information.

OK, don't worry, I accept you don't want to get rid of 'ECMAScript 6', after all you are the boss (è solo fa male l'atteggiamento). [Sorry, but I had a bad day, and now I come to the forum and find this, completing my bad day]
> EDIT2: @Rejetto: È così che mi ringrazi?! Mi sforzo, ti aiuto a segnalare errori e tu mi ignori in questo modo? Mi rende molto triste, veramente...

look, i'm sorry you are feeling this way.  :( I think it's the result of coming to conclusions too fast. I didn't decide about this thing, but that's exactly why i didn't include your work yet. I'm discussing it, to understand and try to make a decision.
I thank you for your hard work, i undertand it was very long, but the decision should not be made on the number of hours. Do you agree with this?

Offline Mars

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in all likelihood, this would come from an incompatibility of versions of javascript used as a resource by hfs: 1.4.2 in v2.3m, 1.12.x in v2.4