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Version 2.0 Beta Information

raybob · 1 · 5472

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When using builds packed in .zip archives, extract the FHFS folder in the archive into "C:\program files" so for example you should find "C:\program files\FHFS\FHFS_Launcher.exe".  For 64-bit machines, still use the "Program Files" folder, without the (x86).


Here are most of the main points of FHFS 2.0 over 1.x (other than the fact that it generally works better)

*** Administrator Account+Interface
- Rename/Move Functions
- Forgot Password System
- Improved Ajax Functions
- Gallery Mode/New Thumbnail System
- Database System
- Centralized CSS
- Many Minor User TPL Improvements
- New/Improved Installer
- New Server Startup System
- SSL Certificate Generator
- Ability to Change Content Directory
- Update Notifications
- Hundreds of Major Bug Fixes
- Many Minor Security Enhancements
- Fewer VFS Entries = Improved Loading Times
- Rewritten Public Folder System/Template
- Basic PHP Integration
- Password Stored as Salted Hashes
- Rewritten and Organized Code
- Many New Macro Functions
- Embedded Resources and Base64 Images
- Global Color System

Note that 1.3.2 does contain several show-stopper bugs (mostly with changing ports), which are fixed in 2.0.

Also note that I plan on finishing development completely before I worry about documenting anything, and as always, betas are at your own risk.

That being said, there's no way to upgrade from one beta to the next.... you must export your account list in the admin console, then import it in the new installation.

PHP Information:

PHP scripts can be saved in the FHFS folder and then run with arguments...

Code: [Select]
{.^php|script|arg1 arg2.}

That will tell PHP to run script.php (in the FHFS folder) and pass arg1 and arg2.  The macro will expand to the returned data.

PHP can also be run directly inline with the PHP macro, e.g.

Code: [Select]
{.^php|echo sin(deg2rad(30)); .}
« Last Edit: October 08, 2012, 07:39:17 PM by raybob »