Idea for a usermanagement module :
- Storing Every user in an javascript object to have easy acces to options
[] Use jquery to update the modules conten when a change occurs in the user select list . ( when changed current calues will be written to the previous seleceted object then values from the new selected will update the content.
[] Write the html layout
[] passing over to the server (post ) and updating users
[] serverside permission check (only when loggedin as admin anything at all will be passed over to the client )
[] function to create new users & delete selected
[] funtion to set new password ( the old passworld itself will not be passed to client )
If you have any other ideas let me hear =)
omg, sad when friend goes away to peace other
I was about to thank you for you work and ask if you could fix the thingy with the images not appearing correctly (in preview mode). Truly sorry to hear this about your friend...
Thanks =)
Yea its truly sad =/ and in the first moment hard to realize hes really gone, but life has to go on without him
RIP he really was a nice friend =)
But to let you hear i found the error with the images

just change the jquery version back to 1.4.2 on line 142 (haha ^^)
topup doesnt work with 1.6, the image in the te_content row doesnt gets is width and height set therefore it looks like this, but fixing the topoup plugin would be quite hard with my lack of jquery experience
so it hsould work everything with jquery 1.4.2 =)
Btw, where do i cahnge the language of the nwe hfs to english ^^
its a bit weird to work with it in french =)