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Something about me...

LeoNeeson · 14 · 25311

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Offline LeoNeeson

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Hi everyone! :) I was afraid to login and find thousands of unread topics and emails (but I had to do it one day or another). I've received personal messages from some of you, and I really thank you for thinking on me, and worrying about my life (I truly appreciate it).

About my physical (medical) life "I'm fine", but with "very high financial problems" (and it's going worst every day). In the last 6 to 9 months my economic life changed almost 180 degrees, and that left me with very little free time (too much work, too much stress and way less money than before). Anyway, don't worry, there is nothing you can do to help me, and I'll try to somehow overcome this situation.

My enthusiasm about HFS (and helping people on the forum) is intact, but sadly, for the time being is impossible for me (given my lack of spare time) to actively participate on the forum. @SilentPliz: I will continue working on what I promised to do, but without a 'delivery' date.

I hope you are all well, and I encourage all of you to keep going.

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Offline bmartino1

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thanks for checking in, you will be missed. take care of your self.
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline SilentPliz

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Hi Leo,  :)

I'm glad your health is good, but sorry for you that you have financial worries.

Don't overworked yourself so as not to cumulate these two troubles in your life.
I know what I'm talking about when I write this.

Don't worry about the translation of HFS ... it's was never it an urgent work.

Take care of yourself, and give news from time to time until your return to the forum.

See you soon.

« Last Edit: October 10, 2019, 09:27:34 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline Fysack

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Jesus fucking christ Leo. You straitn that solider ass of your up asap zulu. You are my god d to amn hero you hear me! The shit would be less 25% with out you. You know (everybody, and all of u) shit like this happen to all of us, always, and forewer. 8with a cappital dobble w) But it grows. For the bennefit.
I can offcourse *kjenne meg igjen* Men livet er langt. This psyco shit is age suff i belive. I gonna tell you a fresh story. 3 weeks a go. I was sailing. Out of the contry port. Ariived. Turnd around on the "dead end street" but it was a dock ofcourse. Floaing bridge. Come to the the end. AND MEET a duude. He looked like Eminem. I asked him: Where did you come from? He said: I came from nowhere. Then i tured arond to my friends and say: Hey, do you see this guy!? And no of my friends was there :-DDD Ok, but that is shit Leo. That can happen to the best. asså recomend recomend.. I would buy me a good massage. 2k ish. Enjoy. It can be hard to be alone in ths life. really really. But you my man. ou you, you are so super smart . the world need you. If you fuzz up that sosial shit. dont bother. most of us do. Seriusly, buy a god damn girl. And dont slap her on the ass, they dont like it. Neeson my man!!! Strighten f upp. You dont get 100 anyway. Enjoy,,
Brother!: I love u

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Offcourse we can do something to help you. We can Harmless Do, Encourage. Pay attention. Sympathize. Ask questions. Imagine. SiletPliz can even do this enigmatic stuff  ;). LeoNeeson my man.., i guess its not food you need *peacefingers* YOU GONNA OVERCOME THIS. Hang in there. Go strong. 3 years from now you gonna look back on this as an important experience in life. Then you are smarter, stronger n better, just because of this peticular experience *musslearm* *musslearm * *musslearm *

Offline Brandonatrog

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Im very disappointed that I can now access Flynns Arcade, but cant seem to get a fourth player... Any peak times where I can experience multiplayer?
« Last Edit: December 21, 2020, 02:38:06 PM by Mars »

Offline vladimirov70

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    • Honest news about a special military operation in Ukraine.
Finances are important, but health is more important! Take care of yourself !
Ukraine has been killing thousands civilians in Donbass for eight years. Ukraine killed 152 children and wounded 146. Russia does not start wars - it ends them.

Offline LeoNeeson

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Thank you (vladimirov70, SilentPliz, Fysack), all of you, for your kind words. This thread was opened before Covid19 (and my economy is still bad), but at least I'm alive and that's what matters. I hope all the rest of forum members are well. :)
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Offline LeoNeeson

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Nice to meet you, Leo!  ;D

(Use a translator or OCR recognition tool, if you need it)
I do this, because it's a very strange first post... 🤔 🤖
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Offline LeoNeeson

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I always try to stay positive (I am a very optimistic person by nature), but 2½ years later, the situation is even worse (to the point of being unsustainable). Now I'm having some health issues because of that. My daily diet (what I eat every day) was drastically reduced in the last 3 months (and yes, it was all because of changes that have recently occurred in my country, that I am not going to name). Unfortunately, I am selling my house and I want to go somewhere else, more stable, more predictable place. The situation in my country has no remedy, no matter which side you look at it from. If I could at least find a partner (a woman), we could share expenses and life would be very different, but it has never been easy for me to achieve it. Not for not being handsome, but because I have a different personality, and at my age, many women look for a man who is already successful and has life resolved. I know you can't do anything for me, but these are things that I had to tell, to at least not feel so sad. Don't worry about me, I will not surrender (I will not give up in this life), but I felt the need to share this with all of you.
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Offline rejetto

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hey Leo, i've not being receiving notifications from the forum and I just saw your post now.
I'm truly sorry to read such bad news :(
I hope you will find some love soon, but until then you may consider sharing expenses with someone else. I did so for a few years.
You are moving outside the country?

Offline LeoNeeson

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hey Leo, i've not being receiving notifications from the forum and I just saw your post now.
Yes, I noticed the 'email notification system' is broken on the forum. Nothing to worry, but I hope you can fix it (if you haven't done it yet), since it's a very useful feature (not only to receive notifications by email of subscribed threads, but also about new private messages).

You are moving outside the country?
:-\ Eventually, yes (as a last resort option), it's my wish to move out of my country, but it could probably take some time, since moving to another house, even in the same country, is something very frustrating and not an easy task. I like Uruguay, since it's near to Argentina, and it's a much more stable country (I lived there some time, and I liked very much, but I'm also analyzing other options too).

For those reading this, and to make a long story short: I was earning $2.000 USD monthly back in 2012-2014 (and life was *very* good, compared to current life), but ten years later (having the very same job), my earnings only represent (in local currency) nearly $200 USD now (salaries were stuck for years, and high inflation rates did the rest). This wouldn't be bad at all, if the prices were according to salaries, but here the food has now European prices (especially in the last few months).

I'm truly sorry to read such bad news :(
I hope you will find some love soon, but until then you may consider sharing expenses with someone else. I did so for a few years.
Thank you. I truly appreciate your comment, advice and good wishes. :)
I hope my next message here is to share good news...
(I always try to stay positive)
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» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.