I add folder "X", with subfolder "Y" and "Z", autoupdate: NO
in VFS dialog I see this:
X (italic) ([X] Hide)
Y (italic) ([ ] Hide)
Z (italic) ([ ] Hide)
I think that the folder X is hidden. Well, it's.
Than I think that also the folders Y and Z are hidden. I load
http://url/X/, and the folders Y and Z appear.
I left click on Y, I see that the "Hide" flag isn't setted (eg: [ ] Hide). I right click on "Hide", and I see that now the "Hide" flag is setted (eg: [X] Hide).
The Y folder is now in italic (it was in italic). But now it's hidden when I browse
http://url/X/The same for other folders and files.
And... if I add some files under "X" hidden folder (i've tested by left click menu from VFS dialog), they will be displayed in italic style, but the "Hide" flag will not be flagged (eg: [ ] Hide) and the files will be visible.
I hide folder "X" with some subfolders, and i set to Auto Update it, it's the same of the other example, but I cannot manually set Hidden the other folders.
I suggest to you this:
The flag Hide (and the italic style) is setted on every file that is REALLY hidden, but you can add in left-click menu a new command: "Hide Recursive", that set Hidden flag (and style) to all File/Folders in that dir (and in that auto update dir).
So if you set manually the hidden flag, you can select only the files/dir that you want hide.
The italic style must be fixed.