Here is the script, add to diff tpl of root folder.
{.set|real_folder|{.vfs to disk|%folder%.}.}
{.set|command_line|7za.exe a -bd -y -ttar -o"{.^real_folder.}" "{.^real_folder.}\archive.tar" "{.^real_folder.}".}
{.add to log|{.^command_line.}.}
And don't forget to download the console version of
7-zip, and extract "7za.exe" to the folder that contains hfs.exe.
After that, visit "
The drawback is, it creates a new archive, maybe not what you want because it costs space.
Just remembered PHFS also creates a new archive in system %temp%.
So, HFS have advanced technique that stream an archive on-the-fly. The best solution is still wait rejetto to fix the 8GB issue in original HFS.