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Donate your Time for translate

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Offline SilentPliz

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HFS 2.3m #300 r12 for translators

Hi everybody !

I appeal to those who would be interested to help me
to translate my release of hfs:

- In Spanish language
- In Italian language
- In Chinese language
- In Russian language

Languages ​​are pre-translated (translator toolkit) in the release I post below.
Some strings are very poorly translated with this method, others well translated.

But I think that with this method, finally, we save time.

How to do :

- You launch / run hfs.2.3m_300_r12_trad.exe
- The files to translate are in the following folders:

Spanish language    "locale\es\LC_MESSAGES\default.po"
Italian language    "locale\it\LC_MESSAGES\default.po"
Chinese language    "locale\zh\LC_MESSAGES\default.po"
Russian language    "locale\ru\LC_MESSAGES\default.po"

I advise you to use Poedit to edit these files.

Open the choosed default.po file in poedit as a continuation of a translation.
You correct / translate strings.
You save file and run hfs.2.3m_300_r12_trad.exe to test your work.

Once your translation is finished, send it to me by email or on the frorum
After verification, I will include it in the next releases.

Don't use this release as a work server ... especially in languages ​​not yet finalized.

Updated 22-04-2020

Little mistake on release uploaded... please re-download it. Sorry
POT file :


« Last Edit: May 09, 2020, 09:20:06 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline LeoNeeson

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Cool!! :) that's exactly was I was looking for! (but I was afraid to ask). This release is great because loads translated files on the fly, without having to recompile (it saves a lot of time, thank you). I can't promise an exact date, but expect my contribution on this (translating the Spanish language) on the following days (it will take me some time, because it's not only about translating words, but fitting the text on the context where it's placed).

- In Spanish language
I'm taking the translation of the Spanish language, since I have 'native' level of Spanish language (just be patient, because my free time varies, and some days I have less free time than other days). When my translation is finished, I will attach the file on this forum.

I hope someone else do the same with the Italian language.
« Last Edit: March 23, 2019, 10:16:30 PM by LeoNeeson »
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Offline SilentPliz

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Cool ! (my turn) ;)

Thank you for answering to my call so quickly ...
I'm not so surprised, I see in your posts on the forum that you are always ready to
help for everything related to HFS.

This is good news for me your message.

No worries for the time you spend for translating HFS ... No one is in a hurry here. :)
You can also change your mind, and decide not to do it ... no one will blame you.

Especially since I don't facilitate the task of translators with my sources strings in
"French de-accented" and very little commented.  :-[

You may be able to help you with the English default.po file contained in the zip sources.

In any case do not hesitate to contact me here or by e-mail for any questions.


PS: Has the executable I posted run in Spanish on your system by default
(at first run if your Windows OS is setled on Spanish locale) ?

The *.po file is set to es_ES which is the spanish language of Spain.
This can be changed possibly by a more precise setting concerning the country also using the Spanish language, but with idiomatics or some expression differences.

e.g:   es_PY for Paraguay

If es_ES does not cause a problem to be correctly recognized by "locale Windows" as much as to keep only one translation file for the Spanish language.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2019, 07:24:55 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline LeoNeeson

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No worries for the time you spend translating HFS ... No one is in a hurry here. :)
You can also change your mind, and decide not to do it ... no one will blame you.

You may be able to help you with the English default.po file contained in the zip sources.
Yes, I'm using the English default.po (from the zip sources) as my MAIN source of reference, because sadly I don't understand French language (your original French text will be still used as a secondary reference, but with the help of online translators). This is what slows down the entirely process of translation (because I need to double-check every entry is correct in both languages: English and French).

Especially since I do not facilitate the task of translators with my sources strings in "French de-accented" and very little commented.  :-[
I guess other users will have the same problem, since they may think they have to translate directly from French, but they don't have in mind that they could use the English default.po as reference. If someone else reading this wants to translate to Italian, could take note of this tip... ;)

PS: Has the executable I posted run in Spanish on your system by default
(at first run if your Windows OS is setled on Spanish locale) ?
Yes! :) As soon as I start your executable, it runs in Spanish by default (and my Windows OS is configured in Spanish locale).

And about my Spanish translation, don't worry about local idiomatic, since my translation will be as neutral as possible, so it could be used by any Spanish-speaking country. And when I finish my translation to Spanish, I will post a message in the Spanish forum to have feedback from other users. Anyway, I've already done another translation to Spanish (here), and I didn't received any complains about local Spanish idiomatics (so, to keep things simple, I don't think is necessary to add es_ES, es_PY, es_AR, es_MX, es_UY, etc, the same as currently there is no en_US or en_CA). ;)

« Last Edit: March 25, 2019, 08:24:26 AM by LeoNeeson »
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» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline SilentPliz

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Yes, I'm using the English default.po (from the zip sources) as my MAIN source of reference, because sadly I don't understand French language (your original French text will be still used as a secondary reference, but with the help of online translators). This is what slows down the entirely process of translation (because I need to double-check every entry is correct in both languages: English and French).

My translation into French is often more extended than the original English version (it's my choice to be more explanatory).

If you rely on the file in English, you will be more sheltered from the errors and more comformed to the original one of rejetto.
This is an equally valid bias.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2019, 07:26:15 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline SilentPliz

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 Hi Leo !  :)

I made some changes to facilitate (a bit) your work.
Now, you can work with Poedit and HFS at the same time, and check your work, without
relaunching HFS Everytime.

Here's how to do it :

First of all, I added / modified some "strings" ; here is how to update your work file :

- You download the default.pot file below.
- You open your default.po job file in Poedit.
In Spanish... ;)

menú Ver > check Entradas sin traducir primero
menú Catálogo > Actualizar desde archivo POT

find the downloaded default.pot file.

You save your default.po file ... that's all !

So to work with Poedit / HFS ...

I added "one more language" in HFS : Langue du code source
You switch on this item whenever you want to save your work with Poedit, then
you put the Spanish language back to check it.

I think future releases will handle languages by ​​this way.

See you soon ! :)

Updated 22-04-2020

POT file :


« Last Edit: April 22, 2020, 03:29:59 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline LeoNeeson

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I made some changes to facilitate (a bit) your work.
Now, you can work with Poedit and HFS at the same time, and check your work, without relaunching HFS Everytime.
That's great! :) I truly appreciate your efforts to make the process of translation easier. I'll check it out tomorrow (Sunday), that's when I have more free spare time (I've quickly tested it, and it looks good). Thank you.

PS: Is OK to give some small suggestions?... ;) If yes, then:
- On the first run (when there are no saved settings), and on screen resolutions lower than 1024x768px, start the program 'maximized' by default.
- On the 'Configuration SSL (TLS)' tab options, most of the SSL configuration options are cropped and not usable on small screens (like 800x600px). It's not important, but some users may be still using that screen resolution on old-PCs.
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline LeoNeeson

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My translation into French is often more extended than the original English version (it's my choice to be more explanatory).
I also try to use 'longer translations' (to make it easier to understand), but sometimes I'm limited to the available 'caption' space. That's why I don't translate 'blindly', but one string by one (making sure the translated text is not 'cut' for being too long).

I made some changes to facilitate (a bit) your work.
Now, you can work with Poedit and HFS at the same time, and check your work, without relaunching HFS Everytime.
That's great! I truly appreciate your efforts to make the process of translation easier. I've tested it today, and it's working fine (it saves time). Thanks again. :)

By the way, the translation is going well, but it will still take me some time.

PS: Is OK to give some small (unimportant) suggestions?... ;) If yes, then:
- On the first run (when there are no saved settings), and on screen resolutions lower than 1024x768px, it's better to start the program 'maximized' by default.
- On the 'Configuration SSL (TLS)' tab options, most of the SSL configuration options are cropped and not usable on small screens (like 800x600px). It's not important, but some users may be still using that screen resolution on old-PCs.
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline LeoNeeson

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Thanks! Now the SSL tab is OK on low-resolution screens. :)

» Small details/issues:

A) I've noticed (on the 'stable' version, not the 'trad' version), that the languages menu have the 'Anglais/English' option with the 'Spanish' flag icon. And if you start switching/changing the languages (several times), the flags goes crazy (it looks like there is an error there). The 'trad' version doesn't have this issue.

B) The size of captions, in most of the options found in 'Accueil' > 'Propietes' > 'Attributs' are short (this limits the space of the translated text). For example: Caption = 'Parcours permis' (found in the file: filepropDlg.dfm) has a very small Width = 96. Most of those CheckBoxes have a width of 249, but they can have twice that size (a width of 500 would leave more than sufficient space for most languages). This also happens on Rejetto's build (rejetto: take note of this, if you read this).

Anyway, you can leave those fixes for another revision (there is no need to release another build just for that, since this those are very small details, not important). I'll report if I find anything else... ;)

HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline SilentPliz

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» Small details/issues:

A) I've noticed (on the 'stable' version, not the 'trad' version), that the languages menu have the 'Anglais/English' option with the 'Spanish' flag icon. And if you start switching/changing the languages (several times), the flags goes crazy (it looks like there is an error there). The 'trad' version doesn't have this issue.


B) The size of captions, in most of the options found in 'Accueil' > 'Propietes' > 'Attributs' are short (this limits the space of the translated text). For example: Caption = 'Parcours permis' (found in the file: filepropDlg.dfm) has a very small Width = 96. Most of those CheckBoxes have a width of 249, but they can have twice that size (a width of 500 would leave more than sufficient space for most languages). This also happens on Rejetto's build (rejetto: take note of this, if you read this).


With "captions" of this size, you will be able to put all the HFS user manual on one line.  :P
« Last Edit: April 07, 2019, 09:25:54 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline LeoNeeson

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Tested and everything is OK now! :)

» Question: Is normal the the 'stable' version (not the 'trad' version), also makes a 'locale' folder by default? (because if the user wants to edit the language, he can use the yellow button to extract the translation files). I see no point on extracting the files by default on that version, since that's the function of the 'yellow button'. If the 'locale' folder is found, then the program would use it, but if not, then it could use the 'internal' embedded files. What do you opine?...

» Small idea: On the 'stable' version, the 'yellow button' could show a 'yes/no' warning message (similar to the SSL button), and if the user answer 'yes', then all the translation files are extracted. It could be a message like: "Do you want to enable the 'translator mode'?. If you answer yes, then you could translate the locale files using 'Poedit' (which you can download from If you already had a 'locale' folder, clicking on 'yes' will overwrite those files. Do you really want to extract the files?...". It's much nicer that way, and more informative. :)

» Another very, very small detail found > Steps to reproduce it:
Set language to English, then press the yellow button. This extracts the locale files (that's OK), but then all the program sets the text to French (but still showing 'English' on the language selection menu), and that's wrong. But if the user restarts the program, the English selection is remembered (that's OK), and everything is back to normal again. I don't know if there is a solution for this or not. Anyway, is not important.

(Do not feel obligated to release a new build for every detail you fix, you can leave those fixes for another future revision)

With "captions" of this size, you will be able to put all the HFS user manual on one line.  :P
Yes, I know... ;D (but all that free space can now be used, and not to worry about not having space to translate) 8)
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline SilentPliz

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Hi Leo,  :)

» Question: Is normal the the 'stable' version (not the 'trad' version), also makes a 'locale' folder by default? (because if the user wants to edit the language, he can use the yellow button to extract the translation files). I see no point on extracting the files by default on that version, since that's the function of the 'yellow button'. If the 'locale' folder is found, then the program would use it, but if not, then it could use the 'internal' embedded files. What do you opine?...

The "locale" folder is necessary for the operation of this location system under Windows.
The language files must be extracted (or exist on hfs.exe folder).

The "locale" folder and especially the files that come with it are only created if they don't already exist in the hfs.exe folder; it's the option I've chosen to "open" for users the ability to edit / translate / add as they see fit.
Incidentally, if it can prevent me from maintaining several versions of the program ... it's a little time saved.

Previous releases rewrote the files / folders each time HFS was launched.
It was a good choice to be always up to date ... but a little limiting for other uses, like translation.

The "yellow button", therefore, is not only for translators, but it also allows to have the translation files "up to date".
I'm thinking of a way to update the files more easily (without rewriting them systematically), for now I only find ideas that are complicated (for me) to implement.

» Small idea: On the 'stable' version, the 'yellow button' could show a 'yes/no' warning message (similar to the SSL button), and if the user answer 'yes', then all the translation files are extracted. It could be a message like: "Do you want to enable the 'translator mode'?. If you answer yes, then you could translate the locale files using 'Poedit' (which you can download from If you already had a 'locale' folder, clicking on 'yes' will overwrite those files. Do you really want to extract the files?...". It's much nicer that way, and more informative. :)

Mmmm .... I put a "hint" on the button, it seemed enough ... I'll think about your suggestion. ;)

» Another very, very small detail found > Steps to reproduce it:
Set language to English, then press the yellow button. This extracts the locale files (that's OK), but then all the program sets the text to French (but still showing 'English' on the language selection menu), and that's wrong. But if the user restarts the program, the English selection is remembered (that's OK), and everything is back to normal again. I don't know if there is a solution for this or not. Anyway, is not important.

This is because "locale Windows" is not set to English on your system; the program does not find the language that corresponds to the locale Windows ... it put in the language of the source code (my fake French de-accented), not the true French language of the /fr/default.po file.
So you have to manually change/choose the language, or, restart the program.

The ability to choose another language is an additional comfort that I implemented, the "classic" operation, normally, is the use of the default language of the user (Windows OS), if this language exists in the translation files.

If the source code were in English, your test would have seemed have worked, but your interpretation would have been wrong.

Take the test with the "trad" version (which includes Spanish files) ... normally the language is fixed on the correct locale language.

You can also put the "es folder" in "locale" folder of the "stable" version (- it works -).

For the correct displayed "flag", I will look at what I can do.

With "captions" of this size, you will be able to put all the HFS user manual on one line.  :P

Yes, I know... ;D (but all that free space can now be used, and not to worry about not having space to translate) 8)

It was just a joke ... I know that ... My first post on this forum was about a French translated HFS rejetto's release (translated with ResHack  ::)), which I was putting online.

Olivier  :)
« Last Edit: April 09, 2019, 08:51:32 AM by SilentPliz »

Offline SilentPliz

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Leo,  :)

About Warning message (message box) ... OK  ... Done !

About language management, after extracting the translation files:

I thought -it's long and hard, but sometimes it happens to me to think ;)- ... You are right, it's more logical to return to the language chosen by the user, after extract files, than simply going back to "Windows locale".

So it's also done now ... that deserved a "r4" online!

Olivier :)

Offline LeoNeeson

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Updated 9-04-2019
About Warning message (message box) ... OK  ... Done !
"Très bien!" :D I've tested and everything is looking great.

(By the way, :-[ I feel sorry for having very little time these week to spend on translating, but so far everything is going well (it's going more slow that I would want to). I hope someone else join on the Italian translation too)

HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline LeoNeeson

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Hi everyone, it's weekend!!... :D

@SilentPliz: Spanish translation status: I'm sorry that it has taken me so long to write something. On the last month almost had no time to dedicate on this (even to read emails and forum posts), and all because having too much work on my daily life. I can't promise when I will finish the translation (perhaps at the end of this month or some time on June), but I will continue doing the Spanish translation whenever possible (as much as my free time permits). :)

Updated 07-05-2019

I appreciate your work. I always be using and applying to my translation the latest 'default.pot' that you publish (thanks) :)

HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.