hi, what you are trying is not valid.
Check the documentation to know how to use the {.load.} command
http://www.rejetto.com/wiki/index.php?title=HFS:_scripting_commands#File_manipulationWhat was you trying to achieve? To change the value of the [special:strings] section by using the content of the file? If it's so, then i don't see such possibility currently. You can get something similar by loading the file to a variable
then instead of using
you will have to use
{.from table|T|text.}
If you find it to be too long, you can short it a little by using [special:alias]
If want to cycle overy files in a folder you will have to do something like this
{.for each|x|{.dir|C:\temp.}|{:
we got {.^x.}