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Stuck when is downloading.

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Offline djflakf1

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Hello, when there are several people downloading on my server, HFS crashes and I have to restart, what can I do to avoid this?

Offline LeoNeeson

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Hello, when there are several people downloading on my server, HFS crashes and I have to restart, what can I do to avoid this?
Hi and welcome. :) Please, always remember to give more information, like what exact version of HFS are you using, your operating system and amount of RAM memory. Although I can't promise any fix (since HFS v2 development was discontinued), it would be useful if you can report what kind of error HFS gives when it crashes.

If you use Win10 or later, it's known that some users already reported similar issues when using HFS v2.3x and v2.4x. That's why Rejetto started working on the new HFS version 3 (at least for modern OS, it's recommended to use HFS3).
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline djflakf1

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Thank you and sorry for not posting the data

Intel Xeon CPU E3 1273 V3
1Gbps Up/Down
Windows server

Yes, I have read that they are developing the other one and it is great, but it does not have an option that I really like in 2.3, which allows you to copy the download link with the username and password included, or at least I have not found how to activate that option, example

What happens with my current 2.3 is that for some reason there are many people downloading, it stops and then you have to restart it, I don't understand why.

Offline LeoNeeson

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Yes, I have read that they are developing the other one and it is great, but it does not have an option that I really like in 2.3, which allows you to copy the download link with the username and password included, or at least I have not found how to activate that option, example

What happens with my current 2.3 is that for some reason there are many people downloading, it stops and then you have to restart it, I don't understand why.
You are right, HFS3 will probably never have that kind of login style, since it's considered deprecated by today's web standards (and passing Basic Authentication parameters in URL, is not recommended). Perhaps Rejetto could add a similar scheme in HFS3, in the style of:
(but anyway, this kind of authentication is not considered secure)

Thank you and sorry for not posting the data

Intel Xeon CPU E3 1273 V3
1Gbps Up/Down
Windows server
Thanks for your reply. When you say HFS "crashes", I assume that it closes it's self (something different than "hanging up" or "freezing"). If HFS closes its self, as workaround you could try using WatchCat (which automates the process of restarting HFS, if it closes or if stop responding).
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.