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How to delete files.

pshfs · 9 · 14743

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Offline pshfs

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When I use HFS 2.4.0 RC7, the user with delete permission cannot delete the file, it prompts me: Not found. what happened? How can users delete unnecessary files?

Thank you. :)
« Last Edit: November 17, 2021, 10:07:54 PM by Mars »
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Offline LeoNeeson

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Hi, welcome to the forum. I currently can't reproduce your error (I'm using an older version), but if I'm not mistaken, I think @NaitLee or @Danny already reported a similar this error (I can't remember). By the way, I hope @Rejetto is well, he hasn't logged in for two months and I think tomorrow will be his birthday (all the best wishes for him :))
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Offline NaitLee

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It's just another problem of HFS 2.4 default template, and the direct fix is stated in a GitHub issue/forum report. (see below)
Also, switching to another template (with working "delete" function) can help.

Choices are Takeback and Mobil-light. You can find them in Template sub-board :)

I think @NaitLee or @Danny already reported a similar this error (I can't remember).

... I think it's dj found this bug first ::)
The GitHub issue:
There is maybe one/some report(s) in Beta sub-board too :D
(ps. see dj's post here. this post is a bit later than that, but started editing before that)

Also, rejetto... For this whole year, the only time he speaks here is to celebrate my birthday... :'(
Now the cake is in his profile now... :D 🎶 Happy birthday to you 🎵, rejetto :D
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Takeback Template | PHFS

Offline pshfs

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Thank you very much, the problem has been solved, active community, enthusiastic guys. :-*

« Last Edit: November 17, 2021, 10:09:05 PM by Mars »
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Offline LeoNeeson

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» Edit: there was a message here, only valid for yesterday: November 17, 2022 (but it seems he has forgotten about us: his loyal community of users ). By the way, my message now it's being replaced with the following image (as a meme). From my point of view, this is how it looks for the average user of HFS v2...

Versione italiana per lui (English version for the rest, here)

...I don't want to sound dramatic, but when HFS v3 started flying high (and when v2.4 stalled with an ‘RC’ version, without ever seeing a final stable version), from that moment I began to worry. The difference with my comparison, is that this was intentional (in favor of the new v3.x), and not something accidental, since the ‘captain’ got tired of supporting the old v2.x branch. But don't worry, HFS v2.x is unsinkable .

Sorry, I had to say it.- 8) ;D ::)
« Last Edit: November 18, 2022, 05:38:44 AM by LeoNeeson »
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Offline rejetto

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i'm just commenting to let you know what I think, i'm not angry or sad :)

there's no need to be "intentional".
Doing this stuff is very consuming, sometimes painful. So, you don't do it if you don't like it, and I don't like working on version 2.
This already explains it.
Of course you are free to think there are more reasons to this, against the good old principle:

Offline LeoNeeson

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Doing this stuff is very consuming, sometimes painful.
I fully understand you, now more than ever. :-[ These days (and the last two months) I barely had time to live: I'm on a rush all day, with almost no time to rest or take a break, and the worst thing: it's not for getting rich, but to maintain a minimum quality of life (to cover all the basic things). I'm taking high debt with the banks, and this is no good. Check this nice graph to understand and see how Argentina is, here (with his related article), and it is not an exaggeration. The only way to survive here is working for a multinational enterprise company (having a good salary), or to have a very well established business (chance that no everyone has). In the medium to long-term, I plan to go to another country (some neighboring country), but it's not an easy task (since the pandemic delayed everything and inflation is getting worse year after year). Don't get me wrong, I love living here (it's a beautiful country), but the economy since a long time is a curse.

there's no need to be "intentional".
The Occam's razor principle was the perfect explanation (with the new HFS v3 you seek to 'simplify' the task of maintaining and bug-fixing, rather than waste time you don't have on v2). This principle covers the 'rule of simplicity' and also gives the idea that 'the simplest explanation is usually the best one'. Sorry for my previous message (it wasn't with malicious intent). Neither was a criticism towards you, but rather a message to the rest of users that expect overnight 'bug-fixing' of HFS v2's issues, ...and with your absence for many months, the sailors began to invent stories, LOL. ;D

i'm just commenting to let you know what I think, i'm not angry or sad
That speaks well of you. :) This forum helps me ‘disconnect’ from the problems of my daily life, and I truly appreciate it (thank you for having it online).
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Offline rejetto

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i know a nasty inflation can be a huge problem.
i really hope the best for you!

about the forum, i like posting on github because i can easily paste parts of screenshots immediately. It's so convenient when you explain something.