Doing this stuff is very consuming, sometimes painful.
I fully understand you, now more than ever. 
These days (and the last two months) I barely had time to live: I'm on a rush all day, with almost no time to rest or take a break, and the worst thing: it's not for getting rich, but to maintain a minimum quality of life (to cover all the basic things). I'm taking high debt with the banks, and this is no good.
Check this nice graph to understand and see how Argentina is, here (with his related article), and it is not an exaggeration. The only way to survive here is working for a multinational enterprise company (having a good salary), or to have a very well established business (chance that no everyone has). In the medium to long-term, I plan to go to another country (some neighboring country), but it's not an easy task (since the pandemic delayed everything and inflation is getting worse year after year). Don't get me wrong, I love living here (it's a beautiful country), but the economy since a long time is a curse.
there's no need to be "intentional".
The Occam's razor principle was the perfect explanation (with the new HFS v3 you seek to 'simplify' the task of maintaining and bug-fixing, rather than waste time you don't have on v2). This
principle covers the 'rule of simplicity' and also gives the idea that 'the simplest explanation is usually the best one'.
Sorry for my previous message (it wasn't with malicious intent). Neither was a criticism towards you, but rather a message to the rest of users that expect overnight 'bug-fixing' of HFS v2's issues,
...and with your absence for many months, the sailors began to invent stories, LOL.

i'm just commenting to let you know what I think, i'm not angry or sad
That speaks well of you.
This forum helps me ‘disconnect’ from the problems of my daily life, and I truly appreciate it (thank you for having it online).