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FHFS v2.1.0 - First impressions...

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Offline LeoNeeson

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OK! I've installed FHFS today (for the first time), and it looks totally great, and it's loaded with features (I really like it). But on my own testings, I did found things that must be changed or fixed. One thing is the fact that FHFS can't be used on LAN environments (without internet access). The installation doesn't even work without an internet connection.

So, I would like to make some suggestions for the next version 2.1.x you may release (listed in order of importance):

1) Making FHFS totally functional without making use of internet at all (for example, installation doesn't work without being connected to internet, so FHFS can't be used on LAN networks without internet access). It needs to load some files from Google (jquery.min.js), and I really don't like that (for privacy issues). I will post the link of those files at the final of this post. It also pings or loads something from (I don't know what, but I would like to have this disabled/removed too).

2) Adding an option to disable the "email" option totally, even from the installer ( allowing to use accounts only with an Username and Password. And that for everyone: users and even the admin. This would make it easier to use on private LAN configurations. And since I know email is needed to password recovery, that can be easily replaced with a security question that needs to be set when an account is created. So, instead of asking for an email, it may ask for a Security Question and Security Answer (like any email provider does).

3) I don't see anywhere an option to change Admin's Username (once it was set). And if this is solved, FHFS may come preconfigured with a standard user and pass, that the user HAS TO CHANGE it later (I know that would make it less secure, but it will make it easier for new users). In that case, it may ask something like this: "Do you want to configure your admin account now (recommended), or use a preconfigured account (for testings)?". But this is not so important.

All the rest, went fine (I had some errors that I may report later if it continues, but none of them seems important). I see that FHFS has too much dependencies to my own taste (libraries that needs to be installed), but I know FHFS needs them all to run, so, that's not a big problem.

The links to Google are...
Code: [Select]

Well, I know you are working in a new version, but I would love to see at least some last version with all these things fixed. There is no hurry, and I would like to make these changes by myself, but I don't have the enough knowledge, or don't know what files need to edit.

Thank you for your amazing work RayBob!. :)
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Offline LeoNeeson

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Nobody interested on this?... :-\

raybob? bmartino1? what do you think about it?...
Will FHFS have those things fixed on the next version 2.1.x?

Any thoughts?!... ???
« Last Edit: July 20, 2014, 09:20:54 PM by LeoNeeson »
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Offline raybob

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Number 1 has sort of already happened although it could be better - numbers 2 and 3 would be too much work.  I'll get to #1 at some point.

Offline bmartino1

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You are totally right(for number 1) on the fact that thus should be available for users without ful/all online access. as it issing hard to add  a template folder to hfs and have all the pages point there for the jquery stuff...

*Thank you for supplying the links to the files as it will be help for for raybob.

for 2. Personally i like the email setup as it follows the website code for contact. and i see RayBobs point and issue on change that is that is a major things he scripted on his own and almost makes fhfs what it is.

For 3. I don't fully understand you issue as on HFS you have access and if not, you can rerun the script ~installer to "setup" the admin account... (raybo went over this with another user to change the account.

I originally passed up this post(though i should comment as you personally called me and raybob out), and i appreciate your thoughts and ideas on it, but i don't see the point in having an ftp server..
as long as hfs is able to disrupt them via http. (in a sense, it a different protocol, but hfs is using http as a ftp server....)

So i'm going to leave it to Raybob, as to my understanding that the newer fhfs (amedo???..  -- -- )and see if there is more for me/other users to include a ftp server on that project...

Sorry leoNeeson, i'm going to try and stay out of this one.
« Last Edit: July 31, 2014, 01:35:57 AM by bmartino1 »
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline LeoNeeson

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@raybob: Great! Point 1 it's the most important, and Point 2 may be solved using a local mail server. Point 3 it's not so important. Thank you. ;)

@bmartino1: It's OK, don't worry. Anyway, I never said anything about the "FTP Server" part (my post was about general things about FHFS).

If anybody read this (and has the enough knowledge), can collaborate and help raybob to solve Point 2 and 3.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2014, 07:10:42 PM by LeoNeeson »
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» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.