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Version 2.x.x Releases & Downloads - Current is v2.1.3 (08/28/2015)

raybob · 10 · 41750

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One year after the release of FHFS 1.0, I am happy to announce the release of 2.0 :)

There are 4 releases for 2.0.0, an MSI-based installer (for 32-bit systems only), a ZIP containing all files for a fresh install, a ZIP for an upgrade from beta 5, and a zip containing all original sources.

2.0.0 Changes from Beta 5:

There were quite a few :D

New:    Thumbnail previews are now generated for BMP,TIFF,ICO,SVG,PSD, and AVI files also (user-file.tpl, user-photo-gallery.tpl, generatethumbs.tpl)
New:    Added text to the user entry page saying the folders can be configured to be publicly accessible (choose public private.tpl)
New:    When a folder content count is very large and displays red, it now also displays a tooltip saying the folder is very large and might take a while to load. (user-folder.tpl)
New:    Pressing shift+a will now also server to deselect all files if all are already selected, like a toggle (user template.js)
New:    Better user template checkbox/tr selection system and corresponding fixes (user-photo-gallery.tpl, user template.js, user template.tpl, user-folder.tpl, user-file.tpl, user template.css)
New:    Users can now elect via a preference or ?folderinfo to skip generation of folder size/content counts (preferences.tpl, ajax.preferences.tpl, user-folder.tpl)
New:    In public folders, the directory 'up' button now appears if the parent directory is also public (user template.tpl)
New:    The FHFS temp folder is cleared on serverstart to prevent buildups over time (serverstart.tpl)
New:    New ^log function to easily write to custom logs (functions.tpl)
New:    Some improvements to user-folder.tpl including that if viewing a public folder that has more public folders within it, those folders are now listed like recursive sharing (user-folder.tpl)
New:    By specifying 'not' as $2 in ^boolean, you can invert the logic by returning a 1 only if the input is specifically false (functions.tpl)
New:    Added a mechanism for running update scripts in serverstart.tpl (serverstart.tpl)
New:    Global.js now uses the global maincolor in the whiteout() function to fill in the body (global.js)
New:    Changes/refinements to overload page including auto-retry after 10 seconds (overload.tpl)
New:    Added a new function called ^firstcap that capitalizes the first letter of a string, used it in a few places (functions.tpl, user template.tpl)
New:    Added a mechanism to the admin console to add the key maincolor to features.db for changing the global color (admin.main.tpl, admin.javascript.js.tpl, admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
New:    If a user sets their own color preference, then other users will see that same color for their public folders (
New:    ?color changing color on demand is now available globally, when logged on (
New:    A users' color preference now applies to all pages while logged on, e.g. preferences, ftp, etc. (, user template.css)
New:    Users can now specifically select black in preferences in case it's not the server-wide default (preferences.tpl)
New:    Added a 'global color' feature where the features.db key MAINCOLOR=x; changes the site color (newaccount.css, newaccount.tpl, global.css, main.css, user template.tpl, user template.css, yahoo-player.tpl,, admin.authenticate.tpl, preferences.tpl)
Improve: Changed ^equals or to match for more efficient macro code when detecting file types (user-file.tpl, user-photo-gallery.tpl, generatethumbs.tpl)
Improve: Changed zeroclipboard to the flash player 10-based solution (vfsroot\zeroclipboard.swf)
Improve: streaming rewrite: System simplified a lot... Entire folders are now streamed with the folder path urlvar rather than posting all individual URLs.. entire folders can be streamed by the public only if that folder is set to public (user template.tpl, user template.js, user-file.tpl, yahoo-player.tpl)
Improve: When deleting files, the permanent delete option also now determines whether or not to permanently delete thumbnails (ajax.delete.tpl)
Improve: All thumbnails are now explicitly converted to JPG format to save bandwidth and keep things uniform, a test showed 15% less data for a gallery folder of 20 photos -- existing thumbs from beta versions will no longer show up (functions.tpl, generatethumbs.tpl, ajax.delete.tpl)
Improve: Preferences note keys now use the pref_ prefix, also some organization to the preferences templates (, preferences.tpl, ajax.preferences.tpl, user template.css, user template.js, user-file.tpl, user-folder.tpl)
Improve: Changed the hues of the blue color scheme to look a bit more professional (preferences.tpl, resources/images/borders/darkblue-(left/right).png.base64)
Improve: Removed some unnecessary/redundant code about writing the version to the database in serverstart.tpl (serverstart.tpl)
Improve: Added a new smaller fhfs2.png for the user template to save about 8KB of compressed output per request (user template.tpl, resources/images/fhfs2-224px.png.base64)
Improve: Uploader.js now specifies the max account size as the max file size also to prevent very large single-file uploads that can exceed the limit (uploader.js)
Improve: Implemented the log functions for all custom logs, changed the names of a few of them (ajax.admin.tpl, ajax.submission.tpl,, shared directory.tpl)
Improve: ^writedb is now more like the notes function where $4=true replaces the ^delkey function (functions.tpl,, serverstart.tpl)
Improve: Some minor html/css/formatting changes to the new account page (newaccount.tpl, newaccount.css)
Improve: Some minor updating to the master template directory (mastertemplate.tpl)
Improve: Updated the jQuery UI libraries from 1.8.16 to 1.8.24 (main page html.tpl, user template.tpl)
Change:    Removed the user colors yellow, white, orange, red because they just plain looked bad. (preferences.tpl, footer-new.tpl)
Change:    Recompiled the C# FHFS Launcher with .net framework 3.5 rather than 4.0 to hopefully be more compatible with some pcs (FHFS_Launcher.exe, dotnetfx35setup.exe)
Change:    The default for allowing html in comments is now disabled for security reasons, of course you can still enable it (ajax.installer.tpl)
Change:    localhost now redirects to for conformity (
Change:    FHFS temporary files folder renamed to FHFS-temp (serverstart.tpl)
Fix:    ?color wasn't changing the th colors for 'name', 'type', etc. (user template.tpl)
Fix:    Finally made FHFS fully non-dependent on the startup IP server... if not onlineok var is true, it will still try to find external IP from another source (serverstart.tpl)
Fix:    Accountsize scripts were being sent to the recycle bin instead of deleted (saveaccountsize.tpl)
Fix:    If the hitcounter preference was set to don't show it, the hit counter would indeed be hidden but the option would not be selected (preferences.tpl)
Fix:    Fixed a HUGEE bug where private files were not protected from anonymous download... the code had been removed for some reason (access-authentication.tpl)
Fix:    Fixed a scenario where exporting too many accounts at once, say over 100 or so, would fail and the backup file would be blank. (admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
Fix:    Uploading to /.{.^username.}/ without being in the private or shared folder was allowed (
Fix:    A lazy method of deleting the foldersize temporary batch files would sometimes result in them not being deleted at all (foldersize.tpl, foldersizebat.tpl)
Fix:    Empty public folders would show the uploader button in public mode and even launch it though up course uploads still weren't allowed. (user template.tpl)
Fix:    Linking directly to a public file would redirect to ~not found rather than the data page because the method of retrieving the base64 URL was not that same as with which it was stored (access-authentication.tpl)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 08:53:57 PM by raybob »

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New Release: FHFS 2.0.1 (This is a bug-fix build)

Fix/Improve: Changed PLUpload to now support the silverlight runtime.  This improves IE8/IE9 support and fixes a bug where public upload did not work correctly in any IE version. (user template.tpl, uploader.js, main page html.tpl, resources\plupload\plupload.silverlight.js, vfsroot\plupload.silverlight.xap)

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New Release: FHFS 2.0.2 (This is a bug-fix/maintenance release)

Fix:    Fixed a visual bug where the user template paging buttons could sometimes overlap the buttonheaders (user template.css, user template.js, user template.tpl)
Fix:    Saveaccountsize.tpl and foldersize.tpl would not work correctly at all when the contentdir did not reside on the C: drive (foldersizebat.tpl, saveaccountsize.tpl)
Fix:    Changed ^writedb so that it will write $3 to $2 even if $4 is present, resolved some bugs (functions.tpl)
Fix:    Maincolor would not be saved at all, and webtitle would not be erased if saved blank in admin console (admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
Fix:    Totals In/Out at the top of the admin console were reversed for some reason (admin.main.tpl)
Fix:    There was a left over alert() in some javascript from testing during development that should have been removed (user template.js)
Fix:    A .GIF image resource had an incorrect base64 heading, saying it was image/png (resources/images/load_icon.gif.base64)
Fix:    A small error in ^addftp caused it to not work outside of its standard usage, as ^username rather than $1 was referred to (functions.tpl)
Improve: FHFS will now make sure that the input doesn't already exist as an ftp account while running ^addftp (functions.tpl)
Improve: HTTP/HTTPS port numbers now only show up in the ^domain variable used in URL-building if the ports are non-standard (
Improve: The Admin console now uses a quiet loading icon instead of the annoying prompt while refreshing the user database (resources\images\loading.gif.base64, admin.usertable.tpl, admin.javascript.js.tpl, admin.main.tpl)
Change:    Usernames in the admin console now only show up gray if they have no downloads AND have never been logged onto (admin.usertable.tpl)

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New Release: FHFS 2.0.3 (This is primarily another bug-fix release)

IMPORTANT NOTE: As of this build, to run on Windows 8 MAKE SURE you run the launcher as an administrator.  However, I still haven't tested it enough with Windows 8, so I can't officially support it yet.

New:    You can also now press shift+r to rename something in the user template (user template.tpl, user template.js)
New:    After a successful renaming of a file, it now auto unchecks that file also (user template.js)
New:    On serverstart, the server version is now sent to the FHFS ajax server also, for analytical purposes (serverstart.tpl)
Fix:    After submitting the comment ajax function, it would do some weird half un-selecting of files (user template.js)
Fix:    Changed it so that the custom webdomain is not saved when it equals the external IP, otherwise links would not change when the external IP did  (admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
Fix:    Fixed a major bug where files with apostophes (') in their filenames would not be recognized for any ajax functions.. other minor cleanup to getItemName() (user template.js, user-file.tpl, user-folder.tpl)
Fix:    Been trying to get ^writedb to work just right for several versions now, but I think I got it... fix resolved a show-stopper bug in the admin console where feature settings weren't being saved (functions.tpl)
Fix:    If contact to the startup server on server start failed, it would notify an update was availible, with a blank version number (serverstart.tpl)
Improve: Having the new account feature disable now also hides the buttonheader and the footer link for it (buttonheaders.tpl, footer-new.tpl, main page html.tpl)
Improve: The SSL link in the footer also no longer appears, if SSL is completely disabled (footer-new.tpl)
Improve: Removed all the buttons from the admin console 'tools' section that don't actually function yet (admin.main.tpl)
Improve: Serverstart now tries twice to contact each server in needed... (serverstart.tpl)
« Last Edit: December 11, 2012, 12:50:11 AM by raybob »

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New Release: FHFS 2.0.4 (This is primarily another bug-fix release)

NOTE: This is the first build in which Windows 8 is officially supported!  It should still work right in previous versions though as long as you run it as an administrator.

Fix:    Fixed two minor errors in the password reset process... an account with no method set would allow selecting both methods w/o recovery questions set, plus a small syntax error in the password reset page. (ajax.lostpassword.tpl, passwordreset.tpl)
Fix:    Big user template apostrophe bug solved in 2.0.3 still existed in gallery mode only (user-photo-gallery.tpl)
Fix:    If you selected 'gray' as your color, it would work but the preferences page would incorrectly say you had black selected (preferences.tpl)
Fix:    Fixed a bug where security questions would not be saved when the validation method was set to choose either method, the default (ajax.signin.tpl, signout.tpl, preferences.tpl)
Fix:    Fixed a bug where entering 'admin' as a portion of the administrator username would hang the install page with 'please wait' (ajax.installer.tpl)
Fix:    Fixed a bug where a new email hostname in the admin console would not be saved, only when ssl was not set (admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
Fix:    Usernames were allowed to contain space characters, which resulted in an account that didn't work if it contained one (ajax.submission.tpl)
Improve: Included a revised mini-readme file that is more explicit about how to ugprade ([DOCS]\[README].txt)
Improve: The launcher now forces run as administrator to prevent problems with Windows 8 and UAC... also it no longer crashes opening the forum/wiki if the .url files don't exist (FHFS_Launcher.exe)
Improve: The password reset and contact page footer links also now will be hidden if the features are disabled (main page html.tpl, footer-new.tpl)

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New Release: FHFS 2.0.5 (This is fixes some bugs, makes some small improvements, and implements one new feature)

NOTE: A patch has been released for 2.0.5 that fixes the URL of the startup server.  Make sure you download this also!

** New:    A new user preference has been added that allow the user to choose whether or not they want random URLs generated for the shared files that they upload - is hidden if disabled by admin (, preferences.tpl, ajax.preferences.tpl)
** New:    When the user template or main page uploaders fail to launch due to lack of HTML5 or silverlight, a link to download Microsoft Silverlight is provided. (main page html.tpl, uploader.js)
** Improve: When editing a comment of a file, the comment that already exists will now show up in the textarea, so that you can edit it rather than start all over (user-file.tpl, user-folder.tpl, user-photo-gallery.tpl, user template.js)
** Improve: The command timeout for thumbnail generation has been increased to 20 seconds for both imagemagick and php, just to further prevent broken thumbnails (generatethumbs.tpl)
** Change:  Start.vbs has been rewritten into a C# class and compiled into the main launcher executable for simplification, plus other minor improvements with exception catching mostly - start.vbs is no longer included (FHFS_Launcher.exe)
** Change:    Opening the mini-thumbnail viewer by clicking on thumbnails now only is allowed if the thumbnail points to a standard image, e.g. jpeg and png work but avi,psd, etc. won't (user-photo-gallery.tpl, user-file.tpl)
** Fix:    Small typo in passwordreset meant that if you reset your password then for whatever reason tried resetting it again w/o logging on in between, a blank email w/ no code would be sent every try from then on (ajax.passwordreset.tpl)
** Fix:    There was a typo in where alert.vbs was erroneously referred to as alert.exe, caused a possible shutdown without explanation when an error or timeout was received in serverstart (
** Fix:    Ajax.switch failed to account for whether you were copying a folder or a file, so copying a folder private to shared would add a random URL and copying a folder shared to private would fail with a 500 error (ajax.switch.tpl)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2013, 03:24:06 AM by raybob »

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New Major Release: FHFS 2.1.0!

After the release of 2.0.5 I continued work on 2.1 for 2 or 3 months, then didn't work on it at all for another 8 months, while I moved over to another project that will replace FHFS.  Over the last week I finished up what I had been working on and 2.1 is here.  2.0.5 was in serious need of some updates, especially since most people weren't applying the patch for it.

In summary, most of the changes here are not visible to the end-user, but there's some major new stuff.  First off, FHFS is now fully portable.  The serverstart system has also been rewritten and should be much faster and more stable.  Video streaming is now possible with a new media player, and the administrator console got some improvements including a new feature to approve registrations.  There were also some improvements to FTP and SSL and some new logging and some style changes here and there.  There were a few bug fixes, and a lot of general cleaning up of code and updating.  7zip didn't make it into this version.

This version will mark the end of FHFS development, except for fixing any serious bugs that may arise. 

Here's the full list:

2.1.0 (11/08/2013)

**New:    When calculating a user's account size on signin, signout, upload completed, etc. it will now use the new c# program instead of a crummy batch file (saveaccountsize.tpl)
**New:    Included a new simple program written in C# (.NET 3.5) that calculates the size of a given list of folders, and its number of files and folders. (folderstats.exe)
**New:    Admin console has a new feature to immediately recalculate and save the account sizes of EVERY account, using folderstats.exe. (admin.main.tpl, admin.javascript.js.tpl, admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
**New:   FHFS can now be run in any directory, all absolute paths were replaced with relatives or absolutes calculated on demand.  Many many files changed, I won't list them all. (~22 various files)
**New:    Wrote a new silverlight-based media player, that includes support for VIDEO STREAMING! Renamed to mediaplayer.tpl. Yahoo shut off the web player service... (mastertemplate.tpl, user template.tpl, user template.js, user-file.tpl, mediaplayer.tpl, vfsroot\silverlightmediaplayer.xap)
**New:    FHFS now runs its start script BEFORE accepting connections, then activates HTTP.  Much more secure and stable (FHFS_Launcher.exe,, serverstart.tpl, mastertemplate.tpl, admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl, stunnel.tpl)
New:    The main page template now uses the nicer users.png and lock.png icons instead of the old HFS ones... (main page html.tpl)
New:    Because of the new FTP config system, FTP accounts can be restored with backups also, FTP can be enabled from the admin console for creating an account, and FTP is automatically toggled with disabling/enabling accounts (admin.javascript.js.tpl, admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
New:    You will now be signed out immediately if you enter an incorrect password in the admin console (admin.authenticate.tpl, ajax.admin.tpl)
New:    The admin console also now saves all actions and requests sent to the admin console log - slight format change also (admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
New:    New admin console option to never enable new accounts, supersedes the email validation feature.  This way admin can "approve" new accounts before they're activated (saveaccountsize.tpl, admin.javascript.js.tpl, newaccount.tpl, ajax.submission.tpl, admin.main.tpl, admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
New:    3 New admin console tools to distribute an email to all registered users, to change the content directory, and to enable/disable auto-running FHFS on system start (admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl, admin.main.tpl, admin.javascript.js.tpl)
New:    All the ajax functions now have a log of their own too, to see when users are deleting stuff, etc. (all ajax.* files except ajax.admin.tpl, ajax.submission.tpl and ajax.installer.tpl)
Improve: Very minor grammatical fix on choose public private.tpl (choose public private.tpl)
Improve: Removed some old unused sections such as wait, ajax.update.tpl, etc., fixed some private sections, sorted/categorized (mastertemplate.tpl)
Improve: Added target="_blank" to main page external links, revised Firefox link, all very minor (main page html.tpl)
Improve: Build 285 now includes the native {.get ini.} so the custom FHFS function for it was removed - probably faster now (admin.main.tpl, functions.tpl)
Improve: Made some security improvements with SSL, like forcing TLS, using AES and Camellia and disabling RC4, and disabling compression and fips (configure_stunnel.tpl)
Improve: admin console: Gave a little more work to PHP and ended up with an account export function that is WAY more stable and probably 4x faster, and should work with large account sets.  Also improved restoring those backups. (admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl)
Improve: admin console: fixed up the prompts that appear when the server restarts, etc. (admin.javascript.js.tpl)
Improve: Minor text revisions to the security page (security.tpl)
Improve: The admin user table is now about 4x faster - measured 2 seconds loading a page from a 1000 account database, was 8 seconds before - and the pages now show 40 accounts each over the old 10, so really 16x speed (functions.tpl, admin.usertable.tpl)
Change:    Changed the name of the newaccount.js file to be more conformative (newaccount.tpl, mastertemplate.tpl)
Change: will now break the rest of its script after it sends the redirect to ~overload (
Change:    There's no need to have the version stored in installvars, all references to it have been moved to ^version (ajax.installer.tpl, main page html.tpl, serverstart.tpl)
Change:    Replaced the incomplete installcheck function with a simple key 'installed' that is set to true - just makes more sense though admittedly it won't effectively check for data corruption. (ajax.installer.tpl, functions.tpl,, serverstart.tpl)
Change:    Maxsize, usedspace, and storagelimit in notes are now stored in bytes (admin.javascript.js.tpl, uploader.js,, user template.js, saveaccountsize.tpl, admin.usertable.tpl, ajax.installer.tpl, admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl, newaccount.tpl, admin.main.tpl, user template.tpl)
Change:  Rather than saving XML files, ftp passwords per user are now stored in notes, and the ftpconfig file is generated from scratch every time, to support a portable FHFS (ftpdata-user.xml.tpl, ftpdata-anonymous.xml.tpl, admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl, admin.usertable.tpl, ajax.installer.tpl, ajax.signin.tpl, ftp.tpl, rebuildftp.tpl, functions.tpl, signout.tpl, ajax.ftp.tpl, others)
Change:    Got rid of the text saying 'standard account' for non administrator users.  Doesn't really mean much to them. (user template.tpl, choose public private.tpl)
Change:  Made a few minor style adjustments in the user template and changed the global font (user-folder.tpl, user template.css, global.css, newaccounts.css, main.css)
Change:  The shared tools buttons now return links that are URL-encoded to fix bugs with apostrophes (user-file.tpl)
Change:    Other than updating if it can, there is no need to access the internet on server start anymore.  The external IP is now not needed, and code related to it was removed.  Links will use either the webdomain variable or %host%.  The location feature was also removed. (, user template.tpl, admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl, admin.javascript.js.tpl, admin.main.tpl, ajax.installer.tpl, serverstart.tpl, main page html.tpl)
Change:    Removed the shared file ID text from the user interface - it's just messy and unnecessary (user-file.tpl)
Change:    Sent emails are now saved to the folder logs\emails (ajax.installer.tpl, ajax.lostpassword.tpl, ajax.share.sendmail.tpl, ajax.submission.tpl, functions.tpl, installer.tpl, admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl,
Fix:    Small typo fix - changed hashes(s) to hash(es) (user template.tpl)
Fix:    Files with an ampersand "&" in their filename did not encode it and thus would not work when trying to stream them. (user-file.tpl)
Fix:    Shared files with random IDs were sending out incorrect links (missing the ID) in the email file feature (user template.js, user-file.tpl, sharefile email.tpl)
Fix:    The admin console user table would ocassionaly show an extra, blank page (admin.usertable.tpl)
Update:    Changed the wiki/forum/startup link locations since my TK domain was cancelled... (admin.ajaxfunctions.tpl, ajax.submission.tpl, buttonheaders.tpl, main page html.tpl, serverstart.tpl, user template.tpl)
Update:    Updated HFS from a build 283 preview to build 285 - faster VFS loading and drives other than c:\ can be set as the content root (server.dll)
Update:    Updated OpenSSL from 1.0.1c to 1.0.1e (openssl-bin/openssl.exe, openssl-bin/*.dll)
Update:    Updated STunnel from 4.53 to 4.56 (stunnel-bin/stunnel.exe, stunnel-bin/*.dll, FHFS_Launcher.exe)

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New Release: FHFS 2.1.1 (This is a minor release that fixes a couple small bugs but more importantly updates HFS, STunnel and OpenSSL)

Update:   Updated HFS from 2.3 beta build 285 to 2.3d - numerous fixes and improvements (server.dll)
Update: Updated STunnel from 4.56 to 5.10 - numerous fixes and improvements (stunnel-bin/*.dll, stunnel-bin/stunnel.exe)
Update:   Updated OpenSSL from 1.0.1e to 1.0.1l - fixes numerous issues including heartbleed bug (openssl-bin/*)
Fix:   Typing a capital X in a prompt would exit the prompt - just use escape to exit it now (global.js)
Fix:   Took out the online check for the installer - just not necessary (ajax.installer.tpl)
Improve: The Launcher will now check that you're an administrator before running (FHFS_Launcher.exe)

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New Release: FHFS 2.1.2 (This is a minor release that fixes one large bug with FTP)

Fix:  Fixed a major bug since 2.1.0 that caused FTP-SSL to not work if FHFS was not located in the default path. (configure-filezilla.tpl, ftpdata-settings.xml.tpl, functions.tpl)

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New Release: FHFS 2.1.3 (This is a small update that brings critical security and non-critical email fixes)

Fix:   Fixed a major remote code execution vulnerability.
Fix:   Fixed an issue with STunnel not connecting to SMTP servers using STARTTLS.
Fix:   Fixed another stupid issue with Filezilla not loading the SSL certificate correctly.
Update:   Updated many of the links around the server from old links to new links.
Update: Fixed the location that the updater checks for the most recent version.  (Previous versions will not see updates.)
« Last Edit: August 29, 2015, 06:00:28 AM by raybob »