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Can't connect from a Mobile device to the laptop with running HFS

Mosa · 14 · 16589

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Offline Mosa

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when I try to connect from my mobile to the hfs I get a message on the browser that says site is un reachable but when running hfs on another laptop I can connect just fine from my mobile without any problem
any idea what i should do ??

Offline LeoNeeson

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Hi! :) Welcome to the forum...

Let me see if I understood your problem... ???
You have ONE mobile and TWO laptops, right? On one laptop running HFS, you can access HFS from your mobile just fine. On the other laptop running HFS, you can't access HFS (using the same mobile). Is this correct?...

We need more information to help you, please answer:
A) Those two laptops are using the same WiFi router?
B) What operating system are you running on both laptops?
C) When you can't access HFS from your mobile: are you connected via WiFi or using 3G/4G?
D) Have you tried accessing HFS from another external connection (for example, from the house of someone from your family, or some friend)

Without that information, we can't guess what's the problem you have (to suggest a possible solution).

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Offline Mosa

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Hi! :) Welcome to the forum...

Let me see if I understood your problem... ???
You have ONE mobile and TWO laptops, right? On one laptop running HFS, you can access HFS from your mobile just fine. On the other laptop running HFS, you can't access HFS (using the same mobile). Is this correct?...

We need more information to help you, please answer:
A) Those two laptops are using the same WiFi router?
B) What operating system are you running on both laptops?
C) When you can't access HFS from your mobile: are you connected via WiFi or using 3G/4G?
D) Have you tried accessing HFS from another external connection (for example, from the house of someone from your family, or some friend)

Without that information, we can't guess what's the problem you have (to suggest a possible solution).


hey Leo Thx for your response
I'm connecting to A lan throw my router wi-fi and this lan consists of my TWO laptops and my mobile  and I am using windows 10 operating system
I tried both 3g and 4g and I tried to connect locally and the message is the same 
I tried accessing the lap top from my other laptop but locally it just worked fine
I don't know if that help but I tried the python programming language built in http.server and the behavior was the same with HFS.exe
and I'm ready to give any further information

Offline LeoNeeson

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OK, you might need to check the following:

1) Configure HFS in Windows 10 firewall, to enable access from your LAN. Check HERE how to do it.

2) If you need to have access from outside your LAN, you must enable port forwarding in your Router, so, please follow a step-by-step guide, choosing first your modem router model, visiting this website HERE (you can skip installing the 'Port-forward Network Utilities', unless you want to spend money or get things get done easily). Some routers also have WiFi isolation, that could give you a trouble like you described (in case you have it enabled, you must disable it, but on most routers it comes disabled by default).

3) If you use Skype (included on Windows 10), please read and follow what is described on THIS message.

I tried accessing the lap top from my other laptop but locally it just worked fine
It always must work locally (on the same computer/laptop you have HFS installed). If it doesn't work locally first, then it will not work on other device. Please follow the steps I give you, and then report back if that solved your problem (or if it continues). If these steps don't solve your problem, please say the exact model brand and number of your WiFi router. I will await your answer to know if this has solved your problem (since this will help another users having the same problem).

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Offline Mosa

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hey Thx for your response again :)
I've tried Your solutions and made sure that is HFS.exe is Allowed on public and privet networks by the windows firewall
and I don't have Skype on my windows but to make sure I changed the port that HFS use from prot 80 to port 9000, unfortunately it did't work I Attached the message that I'm getting using my phone
the situation is so weird
even when Trying to use the python programming HTTP server I get the same message on my phone
I tried to connect my friend laptop to The LAN and I run HFS on his Laptop I also tried to connect to HFS from my mobile phone it worked fine so the problem is with my Laptop!
I really want to solve that problem because it is so annoying I have a lot of work delayed because of this problem
NOTE: I only want to use HFS on my LAN I don't want to use HFS throw the internet
I'll be waiting for your response   

and Thank you Leo for your help
hope you have a great time

Offline LeoNeeson

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OK, then your laptop could have a wrong DNS configuration that makes your LAN address inaccessible. To solve this, please follow THIS guide, until step 8. At that point, stop reading the guide, and before making any change, make an screenshot to save the values you have here, just in case you want to revert the changes. Then, select (or be sure you have selected): "Obtain an IP address automatically" and "Obtain DNS server address automatically". Click on OK, close all the windows and restart your PC. If you have more than one network adapter, follow those steps on every adapter you have. Check if that solved your problem, and report back... :)
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Offline Mosa

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Hey Leo,
my DNS and IP Address are set to be obtained automatically from the beginning
I have tried to connect from another laptop to HFS server on my laptop throw the LAN and it worked fine but the problem is with any mobile trying to connect to my laptop
do you have any Idea what is going on, I'm losing my mind that to hard :(

Offline LeoNeeson

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The last thing I would suggest is disabling (in case you have it enabled), a router feature called 'WiFi Isolation' (on some routers there is an option named 'Access intranet'). But I think this is not the case, since you have stated that using the same router (but with another laptop), you can access just fine. If you leave here your router brand (and model), I could search on internet if someone is having a similar problem.

There could be some software installed on that laptop that conflicts with your LAN access. For example, if you have some VPN software or some security software suite (like an antivirus), that could filter o forbid your Intranet/LAN access.

If you don't mind sharing your installed software list (which you can generate it, following this or this guide, or using this utility), perhaps me or some other user here, could bring new ideas of what could be the problem. But I'm afraid that I don't have idea of what else could be done, sorry... :-[
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Offline danny

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...I tried to connect my friend laptop to The LAN and I run HFS on his Laptop I also tried to connect to HFS from my mobile phone it worked fine so the problem is with my Laptop!...
Currently, most anti-virus (including the built in) works to make sure that software applications don't do server functions.   Especially, if you have a security-suite added to your laptop, then you need to find its whitelist/allow function. 

Use an ethernet cable, because good WiFi power management can go unresponsive to incoming requests (depending on brand and settings of the laptop's wifi).

In HFS, make sure that the ip address at the top of the HFS screen is the same as PC's LAN address.  Although localhost may (or may not) work, the router's external address can't (because forward to itself isn't useful). Use the PC's LAN address (either fixed/stationary or "static dhcp" at the router). 

One of my PC's doesn't work via localhost, so it is necessary to use the PC's LAN address in that case. 
Find the right address: 
Windows start menu > cmd (type cmd with keyboard) > ipconfig (type ipconfig then use enter key)
And, put that address in HFS.

Just in case previous efforts have confused it, try HFS Menu > Save options > Clear options and quit.  That should clean out previous efforts. 

After best effort, if HFS won't stay fastened to the PC's LAN address, write back and let us know--there are some workarounds which shouldn't be the first things to try.  Alternatively, set it on the correct address, save settings to file, and then start the WatchCat script.  If it was working when the script was started, then it should stay working while the script is running.  Also, if the server gets stuck, the WatchCat will bring it back up in a minute (adjustable). 
I have a lot of work delayed because of this problem
If you needed a practice web server at a college, university, business, hotel, coffee-shop, then client-isolation prevents it. 
The classic fix is the "travel router" made to get your wireless printer working with your wireless laptop, at the hotel.  Travel router and dd-wrt can use hotel wifi as the WAN input and then make your own new wifi LAN.  Some travel routers can even VPN tunnel to secure the connection.
Another way is to add an additional USB WiFi to a Windows 10 laptop, and just use the "Mobile Hotspot" feature, to share the inbuilt wifi with the usb wifi (so you can connect your other devices to your own new wifi LAN) identically to a travel router. 
However, client isolation probably doesn't explain why your laptop didn't connect but your friend's laptop did. . . unless your laptop is on college wifi versus your friend's laptop on home wifi (or travel router).   So, a different location/WiFi, which doesn't have client-isolation, could make the difference
« Last Edit: March 13, 2020, 05:03:33 PM by danny »

Offline bmartino1

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id have you double check your networking, still sounds like either a port is open or a path not allowed in router:
« Last Edit: March 16, 2020, 10:42:36 PM by bmartino1 »
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline rejetto

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clearly the problem is on the phone or what you do with the phone.
be sure the LAN you are connecting to is really the same of your laptop.
be sure you are not connecting to a "guest" wifi, because those keep you out of the LAN on purpose.
try a different browser.
try a different phone if you have it.

Offline bmartino1

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I see your using samsnngs app brtowser. make sure you have javascript enabled and cookies enabled. have you tried using the google chrom app or firefox app to test from phone?

firefox andriod:


hey Thx for your response again :)
I've tried Your solutions and made sure that is HFS.exe is Allowed on public and privet networks by the windows firewall
and I don't have Skype on my windows but to make sure I changed the port that HFS use from prot 80 to port 9000, unfortunately it did't work I Attached the message that I'm getting using my phone
the situation is so weird
even when Trying to use the python programming HTTP server I get the same message on my phone
I tried to connect my friend laptop to The LAN and I run HFS on his Laptop I also tried to connect to HFS from my mobile phone it worked fine so the problem is with my Laptop!
I really want to solve that problem because it is so annoying I have a lot of work delayed because of this problem
NOTE: I only want to use HFS on my LAN I don't want to use HFS throw the internet
I'll be waiting for your response   

and Thank you Leo for your help
hope you have a great time
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline dorazop

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I have tried to connect from another laptop to HFS server on my laptop throw the LAN and it worked fine but the problem is with any mobile trying to connect to my laptop

Offline Mars

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it may depend on several factors:
1) make sure that the mobile phone is well connected in wifi on the local network and not on the 3G-4G-5G network, otherwise it is necessary to set up an external routing
2) with HFS in standard mode, the phone browser must be able to display the home page, if necessary try another browser
3) in all circumstances, in the event of problems, use the IP address of the computer on the local network as the connection url and not the DNS name used for external connections