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HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Recently Uploaded Files List?
« on: November 05, 2010, 05:42:45 PM »

Long time fan of HFS here, and I try my best to learn everything I can from the wiki and the forum before posting, but I'm having trouble figuring this out.

Is there anyway to display a list of the top ten latest files that were uploaded? (I'm using Beta 271)

Any advice would be well received.


HTML & templates / Template For New Users? Adding Folders a Myth?
« on: January 28, 2010, 12:40:15 AM »
Hey, I'm just exploring the beta and templates and learning about all this fun stuff. (Hopefully in the future I'll start being helpful instead of being the dumb one asking all of the questions.)

1. Is there a template/easy way for new users to "register?" (I can't seem to find anything that actually allows this.)
2. I keep seeing people saying, "Add folders!" but I've yet to actually find anyway to add a folder from the HFS interface (with or without templates).

Really, I just want people to be able to "take credit" for their uploads, and the best way seems to be for everyone to be a user and have the comments appended with "uploaded by:" as it the beta does now for those with existing user accounts.   And like the rest of the HFS population, I'd like to see those users be able to make folders (I don't care about permissions, anyone can see everyone else's stuff for all I care, but the option would be really handy).

Thanks for any links you can provide. I'm sorry if this questions is asked a hundred times; I really did search.


HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Ban Unless User
« on: November 30, 2009, 11:13:14 PM »
Hello, I was wondering how I might go about this if it's even possible.

I have setup a "ban" with reverse logic:


So anyone who does not have a 132.x.x.x IP address is banned/blocked from accessing the server.  Is there anyway to override this block if I have a user account?

Basically, I want anyone who has a 132 IP or a user account to be able to access the server, but not the general public.  While there isn't a "Login" feature on the "You are currently banned" page in the default template, even after logging in, without having a 132 IP, I'm still not able to access it.

Thanks for any advice/input?  Thanks.

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