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HFS Documentation (English)

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Editing HFS: Template symbols

== Symbols list - by section ==

=== Symbols available in all sections ===
; %style% : inserts the HTML from section [style]
; %login-link% : inserts HTML from section [login-link] if no user is logged in, void otherwise
; %loggedin% : inserts HTML from section [loggedin] if a user is logged in, void otherwise
; %user% : returns the name of the authenticated user, void if no user is logged in
; %ip%  : inserts the client IP address on the page
; %version% : returns the HFS version number
; %timestamp% : returns the value for the date and time of the server (format is defined by OS settings)
; %uptime%  : returns the value for how long HFS has been running without quitting
; %connections% : returns the value for the current number of connections to HFS
; %speed-out% : returns the value for the current outbound speed
; %speed-in% : returns the value for the current inbound speed
; %total-out% : returns the value for the total amount of bytes sent
; %total-in%   : returns the value for total amount the of bytes received
; %total-downloads%   : returns the value for the number of downloads
; %total-uploads%     : returns the value for the number of uploads
; %number-addresses%  : returns the value for the current number of connected clients (IP addresses)
; %number-addresses-downloading% : returns the  value for the current number of downloading clients (IP addresses)
; %build% : returns the HFS build number
; %sequential% : returns an increasing number. if it appears 3 times in a page, it will be 1, 2 and 3...
; %number-addresses-ever% : returns the number of unique IP addresses  ever connected.

=== Symbols available in the main section ===
; %up%  : inserts HTML from section [up] if the current folder is not the root, void otherwise
; %upload-link% : inserts HTML from section [upload-link] if upload is available in the current folder, void otherwise
; %host% : returns the Host http header field, as sent by the browser eg. Server-URL(:port) or Server-IP(:port)
; %number% : returns the value for the number of items in the current folder
; %number-folders% : returns the value for the number of folders in the current folder
; %number-files% : returns the value for the number of files in the current folder
; %total-size% : returns the smart value for the amount of space occupied by items in the current folder
; %total-kbytes% : same  as '''%total-size%''', but expressed in kilobytes
; %total-bytes%  : same as '''%total-size%''', but expressed in bytes
; %build-time% : returns the value for how long it took to generate the page
; %files%  : inserts HTML from section [files] if at least one item is present in the current folder, inserts HTML from section [nofiles] otherwise

=== Symbols available in section [files] ===
; %list% : the full list of items in the current folder, got by pasting each item after the pertinent section where [folder], [file] or [link] was inserted.
; %item-archive% : Expands to the [item-archive] section if the folder is archivable.
; %item-ext% : returns the extension of the current item.

=== Symbols available in sections [file], [folder] and [link] ===
; %item-type% : returns ''file'' if current item is a file, ''folder'' if it's a folder, ''link'' if it's a link
; %new% : inserts HTML from section [new] if the file is marked as new, void otherwise
; %comment% : inserts HTML from section [comment] if a comment is available for the item, void otherwise
; %item-url% : returns the value for the path to get the item
; %item-name% : returns the value for the label of the item
; %item-folder% : returns the path to the item, not in URL format. Most times it is the same as %folder%, but it is different for recursive listings.
; %item-added% : returns the value for date and time when the item was added to the VFS (date and time format is defined by OS settings)

=== Symbols available in sections [file] and [folder] ===
; %item-dl-count% : returns the value for the download counter (virtual folders totalize inner counters)
; %item-modified% : returns the value for the modification time as reported by file or folder (date and time format is defined by OS settings)

=== Symbols available in section [file] ===
; %item-size% : returns the value for the amount of space occupied by the item
; %item-size-b% : same as '''%item-size%''', but expressed in bytes
; %item-size-kb% : same as '''%item-size%''', but expressed in kilobytes

=== Symbols available in sections [upload], [upload+progress], [upload-results] and main section ===
; %diskfree% : returns the value for the total amount of available space minus the reserved space in the drive containing the current folder (makes sense only for real folders)
; %folder% : returns the value for the path to the current folder
; %encoded-folder% : returns the value for the encoded path to the current folder
; %parent-folder% : returns the value for the encoded path to the parent folder
; %folder-comment% : inserts the HTML from section [folder-comment] if a comment is available for the current folder, void otherwise

=== Symbols available in section [error-page] ===
; %content% : inserts the HTML from sections [ban], [deny], [not found], [unauthorized] or [overload], depending on the error code

=== Symbols available in section [ban] ===
; %reason% : returns value for the ban description from the hfs.ini

=== Symbols available in section [progress] ===
; %progress-files% : inserts the HTML from section [progress-nofiles] if no file is transferred with the current client, otherwise the list of transferring files got by pasting each file after the pertinent section [progress-download-file] and/or [progress-upload-file] is inserted

=== Symbols available in sections [progress-download-file] and [progress-upload-file] ===
These sections are related to file transferring.
; %perc% : returns the value for the percentage done
; %filename% : returns the value for the name of the file
; %done-bytes% : returns the value for the transferred bytes
; %done% : same  as '''%done-bytes%''', but using dynamic measure units
; %total-bytes% : returns the value for the number of bytes of the completed transfer
; %total% : same as '''%total-bytes%''', but using dynamic measure units
; %speed-kb% : returns the value for the throughput speed
; %time-left% : esteemed time of arrival

=== Symbols available in section [upload] ===
; %uploaded-files% : input boxes for files to be uploaded got by pasting [upload-file] for each file
; %host% : returns the Host http header field, as sent by the browser eg. Server-URL(:port) or Server-IP(:port) (since v2.1beta)
; %up%  : inserts HTML from section [up] if the current folder is not the root, void otherwise (since v2.1beta)

=== Symbols available in section [upload-file] ===
; %idx% : ordinal index of the input box

=== Symbols available in section [upload-results] ===
; %uploaded-files% : list of uploaded files got by pasting section[upload-success] and/or section [upload-failed] for each file
; %host% : returns the Host http header field, as sent by the browser eg. Server-URL(:port) or Server-IP(:port) (since v2.1beta)
; %up%  : inserts HTML from section [up] if the current folder is not the root, void otherwise (since v2.1beta)

=== Symbols available in sections [upload-success] and [upload-failed] ===
; %item-name% : name of the file
; %item-url% : address of the file

=== Symbols available in section [upload-success] ===
; %item-size% : returns the value for the size of the uploaded file
; %speed% : returns the value for the average upload speed

=== Symbols available in section [upload-failed] ===
; %reason% : returns the value for the error occurred while uploading

Offline LeoNeeson

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also found a old revision
That's right. Most of the deleted Wikis are still available clicking on 'View history', then on the date of some revision (I've made another mirror of that Wiki page here, just in case). I hope Rejetto can make some time to at least fix the login error, so we can start fixing those errors, reverting those wikis to the last good revision. I've read somewhere that login error could be fixed updating the MediaWiki engine to the latest version, but I'm not sure (I've reported this bug several months ago, here).
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline rejetto

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sorry for letting you wait guys.
I fixed it.
thanks for the help!