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Messages - Jacjr731

Pages: 1
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Username/Password Export Option
« on: March 12, 2009, 01:51:36 AM »
I have tried to search the forums and the HFS program and I still can not find a way to import/export username/passwords. Is this supported the HFS? If so please provide me the steps. If not it would be a awesome feature to have due to hard drives failing/OS Reinstall. I have a rather large database of usernames and passwords and it would nice to keep them or be able to export them into a file.

Thank you!


So i'm new to the forums but i've been looking and your "style" is exactley what I am looking for. I have over 160+ movies on my HFS and I want to be able to stream movies on the site such as you have presented in your screenshots. Is this possable to do or a how-to forum? I am looking to do as you did.

Thank you!

Pages: 1