This template is in legacy support at the moment.
[new] Basic icon set, and a folder for people to put other icons named by extension, if they wish to extend the icon support.
[new] Automatic language changing, the template should display one of the 16 languages, if the browser viewing the template is in that language.
[upd] RAWR-Player v1.0.2.
[upd] Updated macro support to meet new standards.
[upd] Added MKV support to DIVX Web Player.
[fix] Search input clearing would cause a javascript error with illegal characters.
--- Available languages:
English = en Dutch = nl
Spanish = es French = fr
Italian = it Polish = pl
Turkish = tr Russian = ru
German = de Czech = cz
Swedish = se Bulgarian = bg
Chinese = cn Ukrainian = ua
Chinese Simplified = cs
Chinese Traditional = ct
Automatic = auto
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