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Topics - CR1T1C4L

Pages: 1
HTML & templates / image preview
« on: July 12, 2009, 06:45:50 PM »
Someone posted a little script that did what I needed it to do, but I somehow deleted it it was a java image preview script that loaded the pictures I had in a folder and shown a preview image of the file itself, anyone know what I am talking about

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / I don't want to sound rude....
« on: January 13, 2009, 04:00:27 AM »
Let me introduce myself Hi my name is CR1T1C4L I am an avid user of HFS and I love it, I once used Apache and it was nice but for overall usage and simple GUI this app kicks major for the harsh part....

There is no nice way to say this but your guides suck donkey b*lls in the worst kinda way, I don't say that to be mean I am just informing you that some people aren't as well diverse in HTML/ let me give you an example....

In this "HFS Documentation (English)" you show state that
    List files from the page mm with nn items

Now I am not informed enough on HFS to know what that means....and it doesn't help that there is no example on how to correctly use it like in this fashion EXAMPLE 1. One can make an argument that this is a much better guide or example of how to correctly implement the don't get me wrong I am not trying to bash you guys I mean I don't know how many people you have working on this program/site among other things there are too many variables to consider but in closing I would like to say that I think setting up some sort of example in codes that you have would greatly reduce the amount of needless/repeated threads that I see here. Alot of times there are Q & A threads where someone just refers to another thread that still leaves the end users trying to figure out how to get the original question answered.

Also a nice IRC chat room would be a step in the right direction.....maybe 7-10 KNOWLEDGEABLE users in HFS run it (From different time zones of course).....

PS I am willing to help out I don't just give my opinion without trying to lend a helping hand so if you need me feel free to ask

HTML & templates / Ok I need some help with this....
« on: January 11, 2009, 05:34:20 AM »
Ok I don't really know where to ask this but if someone can assist me with this situation it would be a major step in my project becoming complete.

Here is the link to my site so you can get an idea of what I am trying to do PSP Junkies now here is what I need help with.

1. the code for folder downloading + icons, I want to have the little icons for folder archiving/downloading like in Terayon template for folders.

2. Gallery view for images but here is the major things with that....

I need to have pages like page-1, page-2 page-3 for users to browse the images without having to load all X amount of images + somehow have 10 thumbnails per page *2 columns, vert scroll if possible* and also if possible I need it in just HTML

3. a guide on how to make thumbnails show on your site...I did a search and I see a few threads for thumbnails/previews but none with guides on how to set them up so I have no idea how to use it. I am more than willing to help make more templates which I can do but I am still learning....

Bug reports / HFS (HTTP File Server) Multiple Vulnerabilities
« on: January 08, 2009, 06:27:40 PM »
Username Spoofing and Log Forging/Injection Vulnerability
HFS versions 1.5g to 2.3 Beta (and possibly version 1.5f) are vulnerable to log forging and username spoofing vulnerabilities. Remote attackers can appear to be logged in with any desired username or perform log injection in the log file and GUI panel. Technical details are included below.

[rest of the post deleted]

HTML & templates / Question: HTML Setup/Template Issue
« on: January 05, 2009, 10:04:07 PM »
whats the code to show just links to my file list/folders???

I have searched and looked and now I have a headache, my sons mother is bugging the hell out of me and I just want to finish this project so if anyone knows it would be a great help.

I just need the code that shows my file list no pictures colors nothing but the links

thanks in advance

Pages: 1