Small note regarding the representation of IPv6 in address lines and logs. As you know, IPv6 uses colons as separators, unless IPv4, which uses dots. In order to solve the ambiguity that arises with appended ports (which, stupidly, also use a colon as separator), literal IPv6 addresses are written inside of square brackets "[" and "]".
HFS shows the IPv6 correctly in its address line, but incorrectly in the log. The square brackets need to be added to logged IPv6 addresses, too. Otherwise, serious confusion might arise while analyzing the HFS log, especially with shorted IPv6 addresses.
2001:db8::7:2:8080 is bad to read, as you won't know if the port is part of the IPv6 address or not. Showing
[2001:db8::7:2]:8080 is much better, and, by the way, the only correct syntax.
That's my 2 cents for today.
Edit: Btw, does the Boru_V1 theme have a few image errors or is it my browser? image above will only display an error message.