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Messages - mail2sc

Pages: 1
F.A.Q.s / Re: tip: get an email by your hfs
« on: January 29, 2012, 06:06:24 PM »
is it safe to use HFS to process emails? because nowadays email is the first victim of cyber attack and hfs is an open window to internet.

please help!

F.A.Q.s / Re: How to ban a user account? [beta 2.3 >= #253]
« on: January 29, 2012, 06:02:36 PM »
i think the best way is to ban using comodo firewall (or whatever firewall you use).. comodo's gui is very good and understandable to everyone..

you can set an i.p range in it.. and block all addresses of that lane.

Pages: 1