Hi Rejetto,
it is not only cpu depended, it is also gpu related.
So if you are a lucky guy with a separate grafic card the drawback is the extra heat.
The room temperature is also important.
If your cpu is an amd one you should install amd power now utility.
I don't believe that there exist any software that can fix the fan noise problem, but i'm not sure.
Some notebooks, like mine, has an hardware key to slow down the cpu speed.
But in my case without a significant effect.
One way you can try is to open system control, enery options, tab ==> energy schema.
I just noticed that in the dropdown box there is an option called 'minimum energy consumption'.
I never tried this option, maybe that helps.
In any case, some notebooks are realy noisy ...
The notebook manufactors seems not to be able to handle that correctly.
Play some cool sound with your stereo equipment and you will never here the cooling fan anymore.
good luck