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[upload name] and {.from table.}

Mars · 3 · 6827

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one bug with [upload name] event
follow the link to the topic

one other with {.from table.}

function fromTable(tbl, k:string):string;
  if tbl = 'ini' then deprecatedMacro('from table|ini','from table|#ini');
if (tbl = 'ini') and (result = 'no') then result:=''; // we are reading a value from the ini, so we convert the 'no' to a valid false value (the empty string)
  end; // fromTable
The code is wrong if we want to use the new shape with #ini, this line is never executed, it must be replaced by:

  if stringExists(tbl, ['ini','#ini']) and (result = 'no') then result:='';

« Last Edit: January 25, 2010, 10:49:49 PM by Mars »

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I take advantage of this opportunity to propose an extension for the macro {.from table.}

Just a small reminder about the wiki:

from table | A | B
A is the table and B is the key. The table is a variable or a section with this form
Let's say such text is the content of variable foo, then to get value2 you should do {.from table|foo|key2.}. (yes, poetry)
If it was the content of table [bar] instead, then you should do
{.from table|$bar|key2.}.

The quite last line in blue allows to get back the value of a specific line in a table contained in a section of the main template like by eg:


The only marigold is that it is imperative that the section is in the main template. I brought a modification which is in board 'programmers corner' and which allows for this syntax to specify the file source.

the macro is {.from table|$bar|key2|file=xxxxxxx.}

file=word.txt                  word.txt into the hfs.exe path
file=languages/word.txt    word.txt into a subdir of the hfs.exe path
file=/template/word.txt     word.txt into the VFS   ( this line is to the RAWR ;) )
file=c:\........\word.txt      word.txt into a drive
if one of characters / or \  are into the line file=xxxx , then you have to dequote the result if key2 contain some macros (it's a security used into the macro {.section.} and taken back here)


  function fromTable(tbl, k:string):string;     //mars
    t: Ttpl;
    i: integer;
    space, h: THashedStringList;
    s: string;
  if tbl = 'ini' then deprecatedMacro('from table|ini','from table|#ini');
  if not satisfied(space) then exit;
  if pars.indexOfName('file') < 0 then i:=space.indexOfName(tbl) else i:=-1;
  if (i < 0) and ansiStartsStr('$', tbl) then
   if pars.indexOfName('file') < 0 then
     else begin
        finally end;

    if s = '' then exit;
  if i < 0 then exit;
  // the text of the table is converted to a hashed structure, and cached through the objects[] property
  h:=space.objects[i] as THashedStringList;
  if h = NIL then
  // templates outside hfs folder get quoted for security reasons
  if anyCharIn('/\', par('file')) then

  if stringExists(tbl, ['ini','#ini']) and (result = 'no') then result:=''; // we are reading a value from the ini, so we convert the 'no' to a valid false value (the empty string)  end; // fromTable

« Last Edit: August 17, 2009, 09:53:15 PM by Mars »

Offline rejetto

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thanks for reporting the bug mars,
i applied your solution.

about the "new feature", i don't think it's useful, because you can already do

{.from table|bar|key.}

or a much faster way

{.if not|{.^#bar.}|{:
{.from table|#bar|key.}