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latest 2.3 beta sources

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Offline SilentPliz

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Hi rejetto !  :)

I reinstalled Delphi, and I try to install only the necessary libraries to compile HFS.

The dev notes.txt file refers to as necessary the use of ICS V7
I realize that if I install only ICS V7, it's impossible to compile HFS, in effect, the compiler will look for files wsocket.dcu, httpProt.dcu ... etc.

All files of ICS V7 starts by the prefix "OverbyteIcs" (OverbyteIcsWSocket.dcu, OverbyteIcsHttpProt.dcu ...)

Only ICS V5 and earlier don't contain this prefix, and permit to compile without errors HFS (WSocket.dcu, HttpProt.dcu ...)

So, I ask myself some questions:

Do I install versions 5 and 7 of ICS ?
ICS V7 perhaps is only used for one or two specific things that escape me?
Or I don't understand the movie, and in this case if you could enlighten me, it would be nice. :)
« Last Edit: May 18, 2010, 05:24:43 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline rejetto

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i don't understand.
i guess i made a mess last time i installed ICS,
indeed, i have some of the files of v7, but i have none of those overbyteics* files.
anyway, i can't tell at the moment what's better, i guess using v5.
I recently bought a new laptop, that i'm still setting up, and i'm planning on using Delphi 2010 in the near future.

Offline SilentPliz

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i don't understand.
i guess i made a mess last time i installed ICS,
indeed, i have some of the files of v7, but i have none of those overbyteics* files.
anyway, i can't tell at the moment what's better, i guess using v5.
I recently bought a new laptop, that i'm still setting up, and i'm planning on using Delphi 2010 in the near future.

You've probably have the files of version 5 in the common folder or other, which is probably why it is these files that are used.

... and i'm planning on using Delphi 2010 in the near future.

I hope we can still compile HFS "freely". ;)

Offline rejetto

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well, as far as i know, turbo delphi is no more distributed, right?
i mean, other users cannot get their free license anymore.
this truly sucks.

Offline SilentPliz

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well, as far as i know, turbo delphi is no more distributed, right?
i mean, other users cannot get their free license anymore.

We still find download links ... I lend my license to who wants. :P

this truly sucks.

Indeed... c'est chiant. :-\
« Last Edit: May 30, 2010, 02:39:17 AM by SilentPliz »

Offline tukaee

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Do you have latest source "277" available for download?
from next build #138 i will upload updated source for the latest beta
they will be available at address

Offline Mars

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Do you have latest source "277" available for download? is always the last beta source

dowload it and rename as  ;)

it's nos possible to download previous sources except the last one.

Offline SilentPliz

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Hi Massimo ! ;)

The compilation of the sources of "build 285" is impossible:


    if name = 'get ini' then
      result:=getKeyFromString(getCFG(), p);
corrected with:

    if name = 'get ini' then
      result:=getKeyFromString(mainfrm.getCFG(), p);

Offline rejetto

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yes, i don't know why it was different in the published archive.
Updated the archive.

Offline SilentPliz

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Hi all!

I'm looking for sources of beta build #286.

Where can I find it?

See next post  : 8)
« Last Edit: June 03, 2014, 09:25:30 PM by Mars »

Offline Mars

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Salut SiSi
j'en connais un qui va encore passer des heures sur delphi :)

à plus l'ami
« Last Edit: June 04, 2014, 05:50:44 PM by Mars »

Offline SilentPliz

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Salut SiSi
j'en connais un qui va encore passer des heures sur delphi :)

à plus l'ami

Salut Mars ! ;)

J'aurai bien aimé, mais le fichier ne se download pas.  :-X

...pas de chance.


Offline SilentPliz

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C'est ok en fait... c'était le navigateur qui bloquait.

Merci beaucoup!

 :) ++

Offline Mars

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Is there not an inconsistency in this part of code? it looks like there was a reversal that creates a dysfunction in the sort file display with arrows.
  procedure getUri();
          if s > '' then
            vars.delete(ex) //  exists, but we are trying to empty it
            vars.valueFromIndex[ex]:=s; // exists, change the value

    if vars.count = 0 then exit;
changed bold text to

          if s > '' then
            vars.valueFromIndex[ex]:=s; // exists, change the value
            vars.delete(ex) //  exists, but we are trying to empty it

udapted hfs.tpl as


or to correct the direction of the sort of Timestamp and Hits remove the char "-"

case sortby of
    SB_SIZE: result:=compare_(f1.size, f2.size);
    SB_TIME: result:=compare_(f1.mtime, f2.mtime);
    SB_DL: result:=compare_(f1.DLcount, f2.DLcount);

then arrows behind tittle are correct
« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 03:06:22 PM by Mars »

Offline rejetto

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thank you mars, will be included in next release