Hey man. I really enjoy your amazing template! And THX for your translating here, that's nice!~
As a Chinese user, I can see there a tiny mistake in your translation. It's in the "Properties" > "flags" menu, the check button "No downloads" is translated as "不记录下载". In English “不记录下载” means "Don't log downloads". I was confused by it for a time, until I tried to have the flag "不记录下载" of one of my folders checked, and the files under that folder is could not be downloaded anymore. So, honestly I believe its a wrong translation for "No downloads". A correct translation for this flag is “不允许下载”. So i hope you can correct that.
I also have a suggestion that you can make a tiny change to your template to improve your template. Yesterday, when I was trying to select a background image in your template-generator, I noticed the background-size of background-image is set to some fixed sizes rather than "cover". Fixed sizes are good for repeated pictures which users want to show as background, but mostly, users want their pictures extend and cover to the entire page. So I think it's a good idea to set up a selection for it in your template-generator.
I'm not a web development or scripting professional, even my college major is not much related to computer science. So above could be rash advices, go with your gut young man!
Appreciate your passion for computer science, thanks for your contribution here again!