rejetto forum

The "Takeback" template - A different & modern taste

NaitLee · 68 · 81715


Do you want a tool for creating templates easily?

Yes, I know nothing about coding, but I can do Windows Paint
4 (26.7%)
Yes, I can do HTML/CSS, but not javascript nor macro
5 (33.3%)
Yes, I can do Web basics, but not HFS macro
5 (33.3%)
No, I'm a full-code developer
1 (6.7%)

Total Members Voted: 15

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Offline NaitLee

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Discover its Main Page!

Last update: for both HFS 2.3 and HFS 2.4 RC

With the layout of Throwback, but looks cool!

Also, supports skins to hfs-2.4- and throwback-style.

What's different is, it's feature rich, stable and can be considered as a "core".

Anyway, just try it!

Poll: Do you want a tool for creating templates easily?
« Last Edit: May 18, 2021, 12:42:03 PM by NaitLee »
"Computation is not forbidden magic."
Takeback Template | PHFS

Offline LeoNeeson

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Hi, and welcome to the forum. :) A good first post! We always need template designers (as well anyone who keep this forum alive). I quickly tested it and looks good (with nice features from other templates). If you participate on other forums, keep spreading the word about HFS (so more people get part of the forum community, especially if you know some Delphi or Pascal programmer). Since you are from China, you can contribute here with the translation to chinese, reviewing if some translation is missing or checking everything is well translated (of course, only if you have some spare time, no pressure at all, we all do this as a hobby).
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 01:32:55 AM by LeoNeeson »
HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline dj

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+ readable script (better readable than mine ;)), starry_night, additional fileicons
-  I would try to replace jquery with native (it's not so much), to make it faster

Offline danny

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I'm happy about this.  It has a nice big clear view!

Also have 6 development notes:

1). For the photo thumbnails feature, try to load only 5 at a time (load 5 fully, and then 5 more......).  A concurrency control is needed to prevent a crash on folders with very many photos.  Also, you'd want to see them sooner--For example a folder of photos sized 2300 million bits and 3 megabit per second connection takes 767 seconds (12-3/4 minutes).  Or, it is faster to load in small groups.

2). The timestamp could be shorter--it is too verbose for mobile screens.   For users, small date is less reading, which looks easier.
Edit:  I see that you've made it adjustable.  Perhaps just flip the default to shorter.

3). "Cyberfile http-access service established via HFS::Accomplished" needs to be shorter/simpler so users don't think it was an error message.  It is more helpful to let users know the site is a file server so they can think clearly of how to use it.  Even more simplified and probably better:  Files Available for Download

4). The "X" could be replaced with a Modal-Menu for delete, move, rename. I always wanted to do that, but I didn't manage to achieve it.

5). You could consider updating to the new login form for the [unauthorized] section so it can be used in cases where basic auth is unavailable (some phones and tablets).
You might want to update the error pages--Throwback 14 doesn't use [error-page] section because [error-page] leaks.  That one portion can be deleted, yet the conditional pages still work. 

6). The connections regulator from Throwback13 can be deleted.  It is okay to make settings only once (at template load).  After that, it is best to allow the server-owner to make their own choices.  There's why #12, #13 got deleted.  Have a look at #14 to see the updated method, which is much easier for the server-owner to control. 
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 08:39:25 AM by danny »

Offline danny

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I tested this morning, with a rate of 0.8kbits and a very large folder to see if it would stall or stream.  It streams!  Good job!!
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 03:44:22 PM by Mars »

Offline NaitLee

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Thanks everyone here! I'll post an update later!

Also have 6 development notes:

Thanks for advice! I'll try them later!
Solutions to the new features may cost time to get fully discovered, please wait
And... which area does the code contain a "connections regulator"? It's hard for me to find & judge...

-  I would try to replace jquery with native (it's not so much), to make it faster

I'll try it, but may need some time to find a proper way to deal with animations. Making a CSS3+Javascript animation system may also cost time.

you can contribute here with the translation to chinese, reviewing if some translation is missing or checking everything is well translated

It will be great to get HFS well translated. I had a look on that, but met some problem:
  • I want to know is there anyone else doing this :D. Nothing but just want to know. It seems everything in zh.po is translated by machine...
  • I heard there is also another way to do translations. Which one is more recommended? (or just do both?)
  • MS Edge, Smart Screen, and Windows Defender reported a virus (Trojan:Win32/Wacatac.C!ml) about that version of HFS, and saying no developer signature. This would block others from trying to do works. May it be solved?
  • PS. The beta version 2.4rc4 also gets a virus detection (Trojan:Win32/Fuery.C!cl)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 02:37:07 PM by NaitLee »
"Computation is not forbidden magic."
Takeback Template | PHFS

Offline SilentPliz

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Welcome NaitLee!

I only have my smartphone available at the moment, so I haven't used your template yet.
But reading the users reviews, I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

About false positives reported by some antivirus softwares: either they report that HFS is a server, or they are caused by compressing the executable with UPX.
Good antiviruses don't fall into the trap ... because they really scan the file, not just the headers.

About the translation of HFS.
The link that Leo gave you to 'my' release to translate ... the Chinese translation is indeed done with a machine (Google translator). I was thinking of helping translators a bit by doing this. I can provide a blank file for who would be interested.

Otherwise, the HFS release of rejetto, the one and only one :) can be translated with an hfs.lng file (it's like an .ini file).

Rename default.txt -> default.po
« Last Edit: May 02, 2020, 07:06:16 PM by SilentPliz »

Offline LeoNeeson

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:-[ Yes, sorry to not make it clear: the link I've gave you is for the SilentPliz version of HFS (which includes SSL). SilentPliz explained much better than me :) (I was writting this offline on my notepad, before posting it, so, I'll post this message anyway).

  • I heard there is also another way to do translations. Which one is more recommended? (or just do both?)
Basically there are two different translations you could do: one for the modified/enhanced version of HFS done by SilentPliz (that you will find here) and the other, for the original/unmodified release of Rejetto, which you can simply translate it (it's the file hfs.lng) using a Unicode text editor, like Notepad++, or IniTranslator (or any other you use).

  • I want to know is there anyone else doing this :D.
I can confirm nobody is doing a translation to the chinese of the original HFS. You choose which one you want to translate (or you could translate both, if you have some free time). Both translations are equally useful.

» Small detail: You could include the 'Monda.ttf' file inside the template (if you wish), encoding the file on Base64, with something like this:

Code: [Select]
[fonts.css|no log]
@font-face { font-family: 'Monda';
src: url('data:application/x-font-ttf;base64,xxxxxINSERT-BASE64-HERExxxxx') format('truetype');

Then you load it using:
Code: [Select]
<style type="text/css">

HFS in Spanish (HFS en Español) / How to compile HFS (Tutorial)
» Currently taking a break, until HFS v2.4 get his stable version.

Offline NaitLee

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Yeah, nice! I completed the translation of hfs.lng.  ;) And surprisingly, it can be used at both of the versions!  ;D

  • This costed me 5 and a half hours. But I'm in holiday today. :D
  • To test/use the file: Just put the hfs.lng in the zip file in attachments into the folder where your hfs.exe is, then launch/restart HFS.
  • Some inappropriate translations in SilentPliz's version can be overwritten by this version.
  • Some strings are not in the hfs.lng, or overwritten by HFS' build-in contents, and left English there...
  • Some less used functions or strings may be mistakes there...
  • So what is the next step? :P
"Computation is not forbidden magic."
Takeback Template | PHFS

Offline SilentPliz

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Hi! 😉

Good game !  8)
It's nice to have a Chinese translation.

It's normal that many strings are not yet translatable in the release of rejetto ... it's still 'works in progress', but it will evolve.

My release can't be (and will not be) translated entirely with the hfs.lng files ... It works, but I chose an another localization system: DxGettext.
With the .po and .mo files, my releases can be fully translated (I've been working on it for localization more longer).

The next step? :)
You can post, if you want, on the Chinese board, your file ... you will make users happy there ... and will eventually be able to find collaboration for the translation.

Thank you for your work for HFS and its users.

The Chinese board:
« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 08:14:50 AM by SilentPliz »

Offline NaitLee

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The next step? :)
You can post, if you want, on the Chinese board, your file ... you will make users happy there ... and will eventually be able to find collaboration for the translation.

OK, I'll do it. :D
But I see the last reply in Chinese Board is in August, 2019... It seems not much popular...
Though it's hard in China to have an account here due to the recaptcha...

But I see there are guests viewing that board, maybe they need it now.  :D

Edit: I have done that just now ;)
« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 08:30:30 AM by NaitLee »
"Computation is not forbidden magic."
Takeback Template | PHFS

Offline SilentPliz

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They (people) were waiting for you.  :D

Though it's hard in China to have an account here due to the recaptcha...

Maybe rejetto can check and correct this (?)
« Last Edit: May 03, 2020, 09:01:57 AM by SilentPliz »

Offline NaitLee

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Maybe rejetto can check and correct this (?)

But if recaptcha is removed/replaced, this forum(as well as others if they do so) will face a security problem...
So we should leave that here...

4). The "X" could be replaced with a Modal-Menu for delete, move, rename. I always wanted to do that, but I didn't manage to achieve it.

(Maybe) I found how to do that! I'm still trying!

» Small detail: You could include the 'Monda.ttf' file inside the template (if you wish), encoding the file on Base64, with something like this:

Code: [Select]
[fonts.css|no log]
@font-face { font-family: 'Monda';
src: url('data:application/x-font-ttf;base64,xxxxxINSERT-BASE64-HERExxxxx') format('truetype');

Then you load it using:
Code: [Select]
<style type="text/css">

Comparing to this template, the file (and that base64 one) is still too big to be inserted... as well as my editor, is lagging...
A late-late edit: Still accepted this idea!
« Last Edit: September 13, 2020, 03:00:25 AM by NaitLee »
"Computation is not forbidden magic."
Takeback Template | PHFS

Offline SilentPliz

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But if recaptcha is removed/replaced, this forum(as well as others if they do so) will face a security problem...So we should leave that here...

Removed no, but maybe make them more understandable (accessible) to Chinese users.