rejetto forum

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sorry, i missed your post for long.
there's no automatic conversion, best way is to re-do the vfs by hand.
thanks for your contribution, i'll see to add it to next version.
Pусский / Re: Ищу адекватный шаблон
« Last post by rejetto on November 15, 2023, 10:36:03 PM »
sorry I don't speak russian, but you may want to have a look at next version

video files are playable only for formats supported by the browser
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: reCAPTCHA for hfs?
« Last post by rejetto on November 15, 2023, 09:53:57 PM »
cool, Leo!
this is how it is done with HFS 3 instead: you put this line in "server code"

exports.middleware = ctx => === '' || ctx.socket.destroy()

i'm considering to offer this as an option
Bug reports / Re: HFS needs restart
« Last post by rejetto on November 15, 2023, 09:44:12 PM »
see if this can workaround your problem with HFS 2

for HFS 3, "browser at startup" is an option you can disable.
The "powershell window" can be avoided by turning hfs into a Service, or using a utility like this
The Service is the right choice for an always-running server.
Hopefully in the future I will make this easier.
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: blocking ip-addresses by country
« Last post by rejetto on November 13, 2023, 10:01:41 AM »
yes, plugins, but if you don't intend to distribut your scripts/changes, you can just use "custom html" and "server code".
It depends on what you want to do....
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: blocking ip-addresses by country
« Last post by ALEX on November 13, 2023, 09:46:35 AM »
consider helping with testing. You can enable Admin > Options > Update to beta

This release will be very powerful.

How can I add a script in this version?
using plugins...
rejetto-crafted software / Re: refresh network list
« Last post by rejetto on November 13, 2023, 09:36:57 AM »
much love guys ❤️
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Ban IP using cloudflare
« Last post by D on November 12, 2023, 05:25:24 AM »
Your best option is to allow not * but just the IPs of cloudflare.
If anyone wonders how to do it... here's a ready-made solution (comes with no warranty)

Just add one ban rule for this IP mask and tick "disconnect with no reply"
Code: [Select]

Works for me I believe
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: blocking ip-addresses by country
« Last post by rejetto on November 11, 2023, 05:36:06 PM »
consider helping with testing. You can enable Admin > Options > Update to beta
HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: blocking ip-addresses by country
« Last post by ALEX on November 10, 2023, 11:39:48 AM »
we are waiting for this release

guys, initial I had planned to work on this after official release of HFS 3, but i opted to have something special to celebrate next release 0.50, nearing the 2 years anniversary (december 8 ).
hopefully... work in progress