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Google Ad Sense w/ RAWR Design Templates???

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Offline ImmortalGizmo

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Hello all,

I've been using HFS with various different templates for the past 8 months or so and really enjoy it. Recently I purchased a  ".com" domain so that I could register with Google Ad Sense. I submitted the application to Google, and they gave me some sample "blank" ad HTML code to place inside my HTML code for the template. I pasted the code where it shows me to paste it but my ads don't display. I am also wondering if it's possible to add a 'paypal' donation button to these templates as well?

Has anyone ever used Google Ad Sense with these templates? Is there a special trick to making them display? Here is my new domain- - I'm just trying to get a banner ad placed at the bottom. I've read as much info as I can find on this before posting here, thanks for any help you can provide! Also, the version/template I'm using is RAWR_diehard Template 0.1.3 

« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 02:55:49 AM by ImmortalGizmo »

Offline bmartino1

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adding a papal donation link is all html using the different template tab that can be done.

as for google add base...

First i would ask if you are using an "ad blocker" if not then we can continue, if so, then disable the ad blocker and try again...

There was an issue of this posted on the forum where google adds wouldn't display "immediately", and it turned out to be the person code / av and how he had things networked...

so i would have you double check your setting and re look over the help doc on google...

in hfs advance mode, edit the template find "footer" make a special html tag "div" and use css or html code it where you would want the box....
the paste the add code...
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 04:08:31 AM by bmartino1 »
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline ImmortalGizmo

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Thank you so much for the reply man I really appreciate the links! I was afraid I was going to have to host my file server on something else (wordpress, square space, etc) and that Google Ad-Sense didn't work with HFS, but it looks like with a little tweaking this might work. I will try these things tonight and see what happens. Take care!  8)

Offline rejetto

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sure you can put adsense and donation buttons in your HFS.
if it's not woking then you put it in the wrong place.

Offline ImmortalGizmo

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Thanks for the confirmation! I just couldn't find any definitive 'yes or no' answers or other people discussing it here on the interwebs.. Good to know it's possible! As my previous post mentioned I purchased a new domain recently for the very reason that the previous free domain had significant traffic. All I'm trying to do is get a few banner ads on my new domain. As far as pasting the "test" code in that Google gives you upon submitting the application, I just don't know if I'm doing it correctly. It instructs me to place the code under <head> , and when I do that I can definitely see the elements on the page move as Google says to look for in order to make sure it's in the right place etc..

Also upon reading the links provided by 'bmartino1', it looks like I already have my networking/DNS stuff all done correctly..Fortunately I'm already experienced in that area, but my issue is that I just don't know for sure if I've put this code in the right place. I say this because Google claims that it takes 24-48 hours for your domain to be approved or not. It shows a green check mark beside "you've successfully created an ad unit", but directly under that where it says "place the ad code on" - there is no green check-mark which leads me to assume something hasn't been done correctly. I submitted this application a week ago and I've heard nothing from Google and have no idea who to contact regarding a status.

Fortunately the links that were provided above showed me how ridiculously simple it was to create a Paypal donation button. I was able to set that up no problem, but it's just a couple of little simple things I want to do to this site template that seem to be taking longer to accomplish than I hoped for  :-\

The background image for example- I have a standard wallpaper that I'd like to use as a 'fixed' background. Any instructions I follow online don't seem to work properly and I think it's just because I'm not a web-design/coding person at all, so even the smallest of HTML or CSS tasks make my brain hurt. That mixed with trying to alter the templates is likely making things more difficult as well. Any suggestions are appreciated, really love this software and would prefer to continue using it.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 05:28:22 AM by ImmortalGizmo »

Offline LeoNeeson

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I think Google expects the AdSense code to be placed on, and not on a direct IP address (like 68.103.84.XX). So, when Google bots check the website, they see the code it's inside 68.103.84.XX and not on To say it clear: it will not work the way you have it configured.

When Google bots visits your website, they see this (and the don't see any AdSense code):
Code: [Select]
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">

    <meta name="description" content="">
    <meta name="keywords" content="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <frameset rows="*">
    <frame frameborder=0 src="" name="dot_tk_frame_content" scrolling="auto" noresize>

...but you can't place your Google AdSense there, since Google doesn't accept pages with empty content (iFrames doesn't count). So, your only option is to get a DynDNS sub-domain for your domain, and then tell Google the correct URL (not

It's hard to explain, but I will try my best (ask me later, if you didn't understand). I've talked about this in the past, here and here. To make this work you will need a DDNS (Dynamic DNS) service for your domain. I will give step by step instructions:

1) Create an account in and setup a free hostname there (for example: Then configure HFS to automatically update your hostname.

2) Since you are using for your domain, you will need to change a CNAME record in your domain. Instructions here. Make a CNAME for pointing to

3) Go to and check if your website shows up. If it works, replace in the iframe "" for this ""

4) Now go tell Google AdSense that your website (and your Google AdSense code) is located on and NOT on

It should work. Please report if something fails or if you have any doubts.
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Offline ImmortalGizmo

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Thanks @LeoNeeson!

This information has been very helpful! I appreciate your time very much!

I have just a few questions about your post- (screenshot of my server desktop is attached via my RDP mobile phone app)

1. How do you know that the Google bots currently only see my external IP and not the domain address Is this because you assumed I didn't already have the "no-ip" account setup? I hope that doesn't sound rude, I was just curious if this was a common mistake, or something I may have mentioned in a previous post that led you to believe that.

2. The good thing is that in your checklist from the last post I already had the things you mentioned setup on my server (no-ip account, host name etc.), but where you completely lost me was changing/making the "CNAME" record?  I read your discussions in the other threads you linked so I think the concept of it seems easy enough. Later this evening I will have time to try the things you've suggested, but lastly once I'm able to make this CNAME record you mentioned, WHERE exactly does the Google AdSense code need to be pasted?

Like I previously said, it just confused me because when the code is pasted in where I had it- the top banner moved down after saving/refreshing the website. Once I remove the code, the banner goes right back to the top where it was originally. This sorta led me to believe I had put it in the correct place but nothing was actually happening. Is there a limit to how many of these ads that Google will allow you to put on the site, and in your opinion with HFS, do you think it's more profitable

Side note- I want to better understand how to manipulate and change some of these templates. Several months ago I read here that in order to change or customize the top banner picture was to place your own picture that was re-sized/renamed (e.g."header-logo") in the 'images' folder.. I did just exactly that and successfully changed the top picture, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to change the empty black square picture to the right of the header logo. If you go to my site in it's current state ( you will see the logo and then to the right the empty space I'm talking about. I've tried finding that particular graphic in the 'images' folder for the template and replacing it with all kinds of different things but nothing seems to work. The other alternative would be to stretch the header logo across the top so that it centers above the content of the site on the front page there. Are these just slight changes that need to be made in CSS file to accomplish these type things or am I limited to some degree?

Another thought I had was to open/edit these HTML or CSS files with a program like Adobe Dreamweaver that might provide a more "drag 'n drop" type interface that would translate into the code I need.  :o

Let me know if the screenshot is too small, I had to use my Android to remote in and snap this pic.

« Last Edit: September 19, 2016, 08:10:23 PM by ImmortalGizmo »

Offline ImmortalGizmo

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« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 05:02:47 AM by ImmortalGizmo »

Offline bmartino1

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the translation for the bots is whats holding you up[but @leo, thats not the problem with bots and code read...], but lets fix you network mess: as now its the transition of domain name...


instead of an ip address to the domain name
(which is set to an ip)

using a ddns service such as noip to create a domain name
on the site thats hosting you domain name type the ddns no-ip address

so now the domain name will transfer traffic to no ip ddns

then at googles add code to let google know (as its a problem with both the html and leting google now....)

so if you get the domain name to a another domain name (with uses dns records a / cname records,,, where the ip would be) then telling google ad sense the host site would be the no ip ddns domain name)....


Reviewing your pc posted picture, it would seem that domain name is already a ddns name.... (atleats the program you were using made it seem that way) to domain name or somethng like it...

so i would have you refered you back to google help on the add sensce as it is clear to me that you missed a step...
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline ImmortalGizmo

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I was able to get the CNAME created and setup properly via the instructions above so thanks very much again for that..As of now you can go to "" and view my site. What I'm trying to figure out now is what @Leo meant about changing the "iframe" to "" - I'm assuming this is somewhere in the CSS file? 

After that, yes you're right it seems I missed a step during the Google help links so I'll keep reading.

UPDATE: I tried to re-submit the URL to Google as mentioned above in the instructions and I keep getting an error that says "URL must not have a path" on Google's site.. Additionally I just figured out that making this CNAME record that I thought was setup properly is causing my .com domain to stop working and you can only access it now via "" . Not sure what to do at this point.  :-\
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 05:29:46 AM by ImmortalGizmo »

Offline LeoNeeson

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What I'm trying to figure out now is what @Leo meant about changing the "iframe" to "" - I'm assuming this is somewhere in the CSS file?
No, I was referring to this (marked in red):

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN" "">

    <meta name="description" content="">
    <meta name="keywords" content="">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
  <frameset rows="*">
    <frame frameborder=0 src="" name="dot_tk_frame_content" scrolling="auto" noresize>

...that's the code someone sees when somebody visits your website from but I don't have a freenom account to know where you can edit that code (may be this is done automatically by freenom if you were using their redirection service). By the way, what happened to the CNAME "www"? Because if you go to it doesn't load anything... :-\ Did you deleted all the CNAME records?. If you where using the redirection offered by freenom, point it to "", so when someone visits your website it will be redirected to

Another "non-recommended" option is (as last resort), is try changing the "A" Record of, and pointing it to your IP: but WARNING if your IP changes your website will go offline! (it will be unreachable!), but at least you can try this to see if it works fine or not with Google. If your IP almost never changes (for example it change once a month) then you can leave this configuration permanently, and change the IP manually on freenom, but if your IP changes frequently, then you should look for another alternative configuration. But try again to re-submit the URL to Google before you do this.

UPDATE: I tried to re-submit the URL to Google as mentioned above in the instructions and I keep getting an error that says "URL must not have a path" on Google's site. Additionally I just figured out that making this CNAME record that I thought was setup properly is causing my .com domain to stop working and you can only access it now via "" . Not sure what to do at this point.  :-\
Do not copy and paste, just write (type) "" or "" if you changed the A records. Do not add the "/" at the end of the end of the URL. But first, try to see if "" gets accepted (it should work), if not, then try changing the A record in freenom.

Another completely different approach (more complex) is changing your Name Servers at your existing Registrar (Freenom), and make use of the Name Servers (NS) of another company which offers NameServers with free DDNS service. There is but I don't know how they work. Another option is upgrading to "No-IP Plus Managed DNS", but they can be expensive for only one domain. If you choose this, read this.

Good luck... ;)
« Last Edit: September 20, 2016, 06:35:51 AM by LeoNeeson »
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Offline ImmortalGizmo

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Thanks again @Leo for all the info! Here's what I've got so far- I'm trying to move forward in doing what you said with the CNAME rather than making the A record (even though my IP doesn't change very much I would still prefer to lock it down anyway), and it seemed like I had it all setup correctly on Freenom up until this evening. After I turned on URL forwarding to '' on the Freenom console as you suggested, neither of the domains will go to my site now  :-\

What I've done is taken 4 screenshots for you to see what my settings look like in Freenom, as well as my HFS interface/No IP account AND the placement of my current Google ad code that is supposedly set to "auto" arrange itself (i think?). So I was hoping you would look at the 3rd screencap as well to see if I have it pasted in the wrong area.. Also, if I want to add more of these, do they need to be pasted in particular places? or if I use the "auto" ad when I'm creating them will they adjust in the empty space around the site? Hopefully these screencaps will give you a better idea of what I'm doing wrong. As of just a little while ago when I enabled the URL forwarding I was able to access my site by going to, but not the original domain like I'm right there at wrapping my head around this! Thanks for helping me figure it out and for your patience with my lack of HTML/CSS skills.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 04:24:26 AM by ImmortalGizmo »

Offline ImmortalGizmo

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« Last Edit: September 21, 2016, 04:24:42 AM by ImmortalGizmo »