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Solutions possibles avec BOx Fibre SFR

TCube · 6 · 6906

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Offline TCube

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Hello you all  :D
Un membre du Forum  a t-il essayé l'installation de HFS  derrière une box fibre SFR ?
Après changement de mon abo. cela devient intéressant : 1 GO DL / 60Mo up
Le disque dur interne de la BOX semble inutilisable en partage sur le Web  ... reste 3 post réseaux + 2 USB 2 et 1port USB 3
Je cherche un peu l'architecture possible  ...
Merci bcp d'avance
« Last Edit: October 22, 2018, 02:33:43 PM by Mars »
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Offline bmartino1

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if the sfr fiber box is anything like the adtron fiber box i used to install and tested hfs on at Volo ISP internet work, then HFS on a win pc should work fine.

1gb up 1gb down Champaign il.

you may have to edit some hfs setting adn uncheck some defautl setting like the expermiental speed
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline TCube

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Hell Bartimo1 ,!
The thing is I don't want to leave a Notebook/PC powered on all day.
I 'm thinking more about a 1TO Hard Disk connected to either USB/Ethernent (NAS) port directly 24 /24 on the Opttical Box
That needs more research than I thought due to the software to the llimoitation intalled directly on the Box Rom (everything is fine with a Residential Natework under Windows)
Make it idiot-proof and I will make a better idiot

Offline bmartino1

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I see, then you will need a viyual box running a VM off something that has wine x86 support. Wotjch will run hfs
Files I have snagged and share can be found on my google drive:

Offline TCube

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I see, then you will need a viyual box running a VM off something that has wine x86 support. Wotjch will run hfs

Merci beaucoup !
Your answer sacres the shit out of me , I'm just en Electronic Document Specialist :)
I'll look at VM during the WE own my own in order not to bother U too much  ....

Cheers Henri
Make it idiot-proof and I will make a better idiot

Offline LeoNeeson

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Hi! If you don't want to leave your Notebook/PC powered on all day (because power consumption), you can buy a "Mini PC", with an Intel Celeron J1900, like this; or a cheap Windows "Tablet PC", with an Intel Atom Z3735G, like this or this (if you choose another model or brand, just be sure it comes with Windows installed and not with Android).

The "Mini PC" has a better CPU, uses a normal SSD 2.5" Hard Disk (of 500GB or 1TB), but it comes without a display so you will need a monitor to configure it, and then you can control it through a VNC connection. It also comes with a LAN port (which is more convenient for you configuration).

If you choose a "Tablet PC", it's cheaper and it has very low power consumption. It's ready to use and the only drawback is that usually comes with only 32 GB of disk space (about 20 GB of free space, if you take in count the operating system). It also doesn't have a LAN port (so you will also need a WiFi router, in case you don't have one).

I hope you find this information useful... :)
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