@ TSG,
Got u'r point

and I guess u'r right.
The amount of work needed to keep up with HFS capabilities as Mars says (
he likes 2 keep them on a really fast turnover rythm) and Rejetto thinking "
why should users need less capabilities when more is offered ?" : all this makes a difficult choice for U and Richard in terms of time consomption (Live/RAWR/Terayon/ToG)
Yeah, U should point at the lastest HFS version needed for your templates and basta !
(personnally stopped at 160 right before Ajax)
... and move on .... 2 the beach for instance - well damn it isn't summer time "down under" yet

p.s : I can resist : i.e "
tsg makes its big return"

Second time I mention that's a "sixth grade" mistake. A person is neither an animal or an object. Keep it up Mars ( "
Assistant Translator" !?!?!)