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Messages - rejetto

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HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: blocking ip-addresses by country
« on: October 30, 2023, 10:49:08 AM »
and I wanted to find out if I am blocking the ip address ranges correctly, for example

yes, this syntax for ranges is supported since version 0.48
i'm going to update the documentation about this

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: reCAPTCHA for hfs?
« on: October 21, 2023, 08:52:13 PM »
surely there is a way to do that, but i have no recipe.
i'm not sure if also cloudflare can help you with that.
one thing that can stop a lot of unwanted traffic (and i use it) is to have a domain (even a free dynamic dns service), and then stop requests that are done with just the ip.

i don't know how to help, i cannot work on 2.x anymore.
Maybe someone else on the forum can advice.
I'm working only on version 3

i'm not sure, you can try 2.4, you can see the download link on the right of the page

or you can consider version 3, which is very very different

what version are you using?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: blocking ip-addresses by country
« on: October 03, 2023, 06:21:53 PM »
i took note, but i won't make it soon.
if you know programming you can make it yourself

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: blocking ip-addresses by country
« on: October 03, 2023, 07:28:29 AM »
there's no such feature in HFS 2, but i don't exclude that one could script it.
for HFS 3, i don't plan to add it, but one day we may have a plugin for it.

router & port problems / Re: nginx 413 Request Entity Too Large
« on: September 09, 2023, 09:36:26 AM »
this is a problem with nginx configuration (nothing really to do with hfs).
i'm no nginx expert but in the past i've already met and fixed this problem, but I can't remember, so:

this one works perfectly, thank you.
nice. btw, are you using 2.3 or 2.4?

Telegram - @rejetto ?
yes, if you'd like to use version 3 in the future, consider contacting me anyway, as I'm interested in understanding what are real customization needs, I'm still "shaping" version 3.

Did you try removing the decodeuri? like this
{.exists|%item-folder%%item-url%.jpg .}

but command "exists" works both with url and with path on disk, so you can also try
{.exists|%item-resource%.jpg .}
or something like this, i'm not sure if item-resource has a final \

what is the URL of the folder?
you can omit the server/IP part, to keep it private

You can contact me on telegram or gmail chat, and we can have a closer look at what you need

Only worked for already good folders (attached a pic)

ok but what do you see on "bad" folders ?

What scares me is that I'll need to rebuild everything from scratch.
if you want I can try to help you with that

try to have on screen the result, so maybe the problem will be clearer.
The easier way is to have {.decodeuri|%item-url%.} duplicated, after your code. That should make it visible.

Did you consider using HFS 3?

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Embedding video from HFS to website
« on: August 24, 2023, 12:19:27 PM »
this is the link, thanks in advance

so, it's the codec as I thought.
You may find this discussion interesting

HFS ~ HTTP File Server / Re: Embedding video from HFS to website
« on: August 23, 2023, 10:15:12 AM »
if the website is trying to get the video as https, while your server is only serving http, that's not going to work.
But even if you fix this and load with http, you'll probably get the error that Leo said. That's a limit of the browser.

By the way, a little offtopic with Mozilla experience: in 2.3m and HFS 3 all unprotected .mp4 videos are opened as blank page with audio only and player controls (Opera and Chrome are fine). Do you have idea what to do?

mp4 is not always the same, you can have files requiring different "codecs".
Your browser will support only some, and another browser may support different ones.
So a file that's played in Chrome may not be played in Firefox, but also some files won't play in no browser.
If you get the audio only, it's because video and audio codecs are different, so Firefox is apparently supporting that specific audio codec but not the video codec.
There's no solution that I know. In time a browser can support more formats.

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